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  • Performance question

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by webhond, Oct 28, 2013.

    1. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      Thanks for another informative post. Will try the solutions you provide.

      -Doing 1600x900 now, you are right, didnt know it was such a low difference between 1900 x1280. Might be that fps improves in fights, will try this out, so far i see same fps ( 80-90 when idle on ts isle / 35-40 in the vale while nuking dummies ). But as you stated , if i see this correct, you mean this would take some load of my pc when it doesnt have to render that much and fast, and this would be mostly noticeable in fights then. Ill keep this on 1600x900 and will try this out on the next event on the isle. 1680x1050 even gives me 90-100 fps.1900x1200 is 80-90 as well.

      I always put everything to lowest, i cant seem to do it any other way, just cause 1. i dont need the overkill on smoothness and 2. i become blind as a bat with all the spell details that are changing.

      - dxdiag added : View attachment DxDiag.txt

      - Without the bot, did a celestial, dropping to 20-30 fps and cpu between 40 and 65%. Idle is 30 %.

      - tried it with the bot now as well, same performance. 20-30 fps and around 50 % usage. Even when standing in the wave he makes, no difference in performance. Seems to me the hickup is gone.

      EDIT :

      Thing is now, i dont know what has made me improve / not hickup no more at the celestials. I changed so far:

      - Resolution to 1600x900
      - Reinstalled the bot and the whole botbases. Made sure everything is on latest version
      - still using said addons
      - turned off vsync
      - changed tyrael to 60 tics

      Think all else stayed the same. So hard to say if it was bot or pc issue now. If theres anything more i can do to improve, plz let me know, you have been a fantastic help so far.

      Will go and do a celest now at old settings with all changed to what it was lets see if its a diff in perf.

      On old settings, 1900x1200 - 30 tics - vsync on - bot on

      20 fps down to 15. 50 % cpu usage. So its better with recommended settings. But cpu usage stays the same.

      Btw, u mentioned i played windowd, whats better, since the bot needs windowed anyway, windowed like this or windowed full screen?
    2. Zamphire

      Zamphire Member

      May 16, 2013
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      Looks like everything is good from what I can see in your DxDiag file. There's one newer version of your graphics driver out, Download Here, you're pretty current so I doubt that will help much but it never hurts to have the latest.

      Glad to see 1600x900 is helping some. That's really all the advice I can give if you keep everything else on low. I can definitely see where the bottleneck is happening though. If you're hitting 65% CPU usage without the bot running, with the bot running you're probably easily hitting 100%. Not a whole lot you can do about that though, so hopefully lowering your resolution to 1600 will at least allow it to be playable for you until they get a newer version of the bot out with better coding. Hope it helps!
    3. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      thanks for the driver, will install.

      Read the edited update plz.

      Seems to me that the difference between recommended settings and settings used is a increase in fps by 10-20 while using bot which is good. Thanks for this.

      Cpu usage is more between 40 and 55 then going over it to 65.

      Think we tried all we could and its nice to see my hickup is gone and i get some more fps. I guess the hickup was deffo on the bots side and it seems to me that it has been resolved now.

      Thanks a million for your help, appreciated and liked !
    4. blablub

      blablub New Member

      Dec 1, 2012
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      you can set the affinity of the wow.exe higher then normal (taskmanager)

      you can make sure you haven?t some wrong wow settings or some addon is causing the problems by:

      renaming the interface and wtf folder -> interface2 & wtf2 -> try it.
      if it dosen?t change anything delete the new created folders and rename the old back -> you haven?t lost anything juse 5minutes :p

      hardware limitations check:

      get a tool where you can check the load on the gpu and its vram
      start the taskmanager change update frequency to low -> play and after 15minutes look at it (ram usage and cpu load)

      i hope it helps and you get what i tryed to said (sry my english isn?t the best ;) )
    5. kwaynetwo

      kwaynetwo New Member

      Sep 14, 2013
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      Great post...

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