Just wanted to start a little poll, and ask these questions. With how easy it is to get banned from gathering nowadays are you still making profit from GB? Have you been forced to change how you bot? What have you done to make yourself seem more human like?
I only use GB casually, and use the ores on my jewelcrafter to make gold I need for playing my toons. Gatherbuddy is only a very small part of the way I utilize honorbuddy. I also use it for levelling, raiding, farming honor. So yes, for me it is profitable. I think you should rephrase your question and be more specific about that you are targetting gold farmers with this question, and whether the profit of gatherbuddy gold vs banned accounts is worth it, since I'm guessing that's what you're aiming at, but I could be wrong of course. I only have 1 WoW account, and it got banned a couple of months ago when I got greedy and farmed ghost iron ore for 18+ hours. I got banned and lost all my toons and gear. Now I bot a lot more carefully, especially, let me repeat that, especially when using GB. I got plugins that play sounds when I get whispered/mentioned that I never used before I got banned (botted 2 years flawlessly before that), and I bot for a maximum of 8 hours a day now. I still only have one account and leveled up my toons again thanks to honorbuddy, but I am a lot more careful.
Lost like 40 Accounts last Month 30 of which died at after reaching level 78-80. The other 10 died after 5 Days of Gb2 farming on custom Profiles. So no, gb is not breaking even at all.
If you read here and there, you could realize, lots of people gather for months with their gatherbots, then ask yourself what you do the wrong way, so your accounts last less than few weeks perhaps?
Dont get me wrong imta, my accounts last for 1-2 months aswell if i keep em at a maximum of about 6. Going overboard is what destroyed me. That + the unstucker not working.
From person experience, over-stepping the mark, getting greedy, thinking you're an exception to the ban-hammer even if you push it "just that little bit more" destroy's people's account, then have the audacity to scream that HB or GB is detected, greedy botter's become banned botter's quicker than the eye can blink.
I didn't say bot for less than 2 hour's, i emphasize greed based on people insisting on "pushing" the limit by gathering 15+ hour's a day, that would be considered widely-suspicious. So in conclusion; if you push it, consider the ramification's.
Most of my friends and myself included are getting banned for gathering LESS THAN 8 HOURS / DAY. I lastly tried using FarmerJoe for about 4-6 hours a day, lasted 2 weeks. Either way, for me at least, gathering isn't profitable.
What are your plans to keep it going if you can not use gatherbuddy? I know some people are moving to instance farming.
I tried it, received 72 hour suspensions on 5 accounts (same as the people using questing bot). I'm only using my AH bot nowadays until something is done about the bans.
Posting stuff I had on stash mainly. I made a Transmog sniping profile so I flip those too. I have 5 accounts sitting around doing nothing out of fear.
im new to botting so please forgive my ignorance, I bot to this point completely for myself, i dont sell gold etc but simply use it to grind out the duller parts of wow and to make myself gold so i can afford some bling items like nice mounts etc... i want to protect my main account so i run a dummy account for botting which i only run when i play my main account. the idea of having 10+ seems crazy and the initial outlay of having to buy wow plus all the expansions seems like a big investment. for example running 20 accounts would cost around ?1000 to start up! now either there is a lot more money to be had than it seems from my personal experience or there is a way to get around buying wow + expansions for each account?
I'm guessing that its not a strictly legitimate 20 accounts then? lol If it is legit could you explain how plz? The only reason I ask is that if they were legit accounts (ie one game license and subscription per account) the cost would seem prohibitive and if they are not legit accounts then that might be the reason that they more noticeable and are banned more often.
Cost me 102$ for 5 wow accounts not including mop expansion. I get my accounts from off gamers because I feel like I can trust them.