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  • ISBoxer + BW Attachment issues

    Discussion in 'Buddy Wing Forum' started by omega12008, Nov 2, 2013.

    1. omega12008

      omega12008 New Member

      Jun 14, 2012
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      ISBoxer + BW Attachment issues :SOLVED:


      To put it bluntly I'm having issues with my buddywing attaching to any of my ISBoxer SWTORs running. I don't know what I'm doing wrong and would like to request some assistance.

      Right now I got ISBoxer running up just fine and have 3 SWTORs running up just fine. The only problem I have is that BW does not attach to any of them.

      I have a 3 session/1 Year key.

      Do I need to buy individual keys or is this fine?

      Is there a setting I need to change (everything is default) to make this work?

      Any assistance is much appreciated.


      Edit 1:
      Looked a little harder and found a guide that explains how to set up ISBoxer but does not answer any of my questions. There is a similar guide deeper in the forum that it linked to.

      Guide is here

      From the information from this guide it has basically explained that there are no needed changes and another post has explained that Buddywing Does support multiboxing. My only question now is why is mine not attaching. Logs call out:

      Unhandled exception during init: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
      at Buddy.Swtor.ObjectManager.Update()
      at Buddywing.MainWindow.DoInitialization()

      The problem from what I understand (I do not know much about logs or what they mean but I can understand a few bits) is that Buddywing does not recognize the ISBoxer SWTORs as valid attach points.

      Anyone have an answer to this?

      Again any help is greatly appreciated.


      Edit 2:
      Good News,

      Figured out how to get it to attach to ISBoxed SWTOR.

      Started up 2 buddywings and launched them at the same time. 1st failed to lock 2nd successfully locked on. Simple fix. Unsure if it will allow me to do it multiple times but I am going to test to make sure.


      Edit 3:

      2nd Buddywing attached using same method, but the 3rd is having issues. The 3rd BW attaches to the first game instead of the 3rd. Will experiment some more to get to the source.


      Final Edit:

      Good news,

      I have discovered why the BW units would not lock. Went into my processes and found several SWTOR processes running. Went thru and shut them all off along with any BW units still active. Proceeded to let the system reallocate any information that was left over then restarted my triple box. After initial startup, BW units attached successfully single try and now are running on 4 hours. Will continue to post my finds as they arise.

      Also, realized just now that this thread was started in the wrong location. Will look into getting it moved.


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