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  • Bot being very inefficient and no profiles.

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Pushing, Oct 30, 2013.

    1. Pushing

      Pushing New Member

      Sep 24, 2012
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      So I've been watching the bot, and the current behavior appears to be to discover ever nook and cranny of every map. What I am seeing is a full clear, then making many many passes over and over of the same map back and forth before it finally decides to create a new one.

      Is there a way we can bring profiles or modify rules? I would like it to be possible to train it to just make one pass through a map.
    2. Pushing

      Pushing New Member

      Sep 24, 2012
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      Thinking about this- and after viewing the behavior, I could get pretty good results by having a "max time" counter. I noticed the first pass through most instances is pretty efficient, killing monsters the entire time, it's not until you pass through the entire thing that it starts its journeys back and forth for a indefinite amount of time.

      So that said, could I make a combat routine which can do something like this? I'm thinking if it has hooks to notify it has entered a new area.. and the API provides a way to force a town run and new instance, then I could just put together a combat routine to do this.
    3. iconz

      iconz Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      your new here huh? no profiles needed as its for grinding ..... what your talking about is speed run just killing not looting.. people want both.. and loot options from the other topic is all settings in a file you make once you save it called filter.txt usually and you might want the whites or purples but yellow and orange are the ones you want unless they are 5-6 links and cyan or blue-green gems are auto pick up. and scrolls and other items are tan are auto pick-up for me as well but can change that if you want in the settings of your filter .txt..
    4. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      Right, Grind Bot was designed to full clear and full explore an area.

      A lot of people want a more efficient bot, with profile support, questing, and all that cool stuff, so it's being worked on.

      However, if the bot is made perfectly, and it's really efficient, then the ban rate will be insanely high, because GGG is dedicated to server sided detection of botting. There's nothign we can do about that, other than making the bot less efficient and limiting how people use it so they don't get banned, which a lot of people wouldn't be happy with.

      That's why for now, Grind Bot is setup how it is, so we can gauge just what has to be done in a more complete bot. We are adding some time limitations people can configure so the bot wont just run forever and get detected because it's leveling too fast or doing the same area over and over.

      Path of Exile will not be a game where people can mindlessly bot risk free and profit like a lot of other games out there.
    5. Pushing

      Pushing New Member

      Sep 24, 2012
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      I have been here over a year, there is a difference between a speed run, and the bot spending 30 minutes per instance, mostly just walking from one end to the other over and over.
    6. iconz

      iconz Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      my experience as of last month till now its never taken 30 minutes per zone to clear even clearing clay pots. but for everyday runs i disable half the chests and use waypoints not portals takes me 10 minutes a area full clear must be doing something wrong tho.
    7. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      I've never seen the bot take more than ~15 minutes to fully clear an area (unless your character is really low on DPS). This is clearing the barracks (which is the biggest single-area map currently). What area were you botting that was causing 30minute clear times?
    8. Pushing

      Pushing New Member

      Sep 24, 2012
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      I was running crossroads at the time, a pretty big area, my damage is okay, the big problem was simply exploring the map, I would make it through and kill all big clusters of enemies, to a point a normal person would make a new instance. But the bot would run around the edge of it, opening chests, exploring and such. I did die on occasion, and I noticed after a death, the route back to the area I died would be a bit odd, doing some dora the explorer on the way :- )

      Let me make it clear I enjoy the bot and I think it works pretty dang well, I'm a developer 9-5 myself so I can appreciate the effort you have put into it. That said, the bot works pretty well overall, from what I've seen, just the aggressive exploring might need to be toned down just a tad. Since I got your attention heres a list of things I've noticed.

      1) "Max deaths before new instance" can cause items to be left in a old instance, I reported this else where I believe. Basically if you get a decent drop, the bot can be side tracked by chain pulls of mobs, then if he dies, he can chicken out, disregarding a unique item.

      2) Etheral knives I moved up in the Exile default routine tonight so it's not used melee range anymore, and now am doing much better. Might want to update that in the default routine for any Etheral knives builds out there.

      3) Mob black listing/rerouting might need to be added, I think my bot was trying to kill a desync'd skeleton ranger mob for about 30 minutes or so at least. When I came back from lunch I watched him attack for about 5 minutes to see if it would auto correct, started/stopped, didn't fix. I typed /oos and the skeleton ranger appeared in a different spot and the bot started attacking the new positiong and killed him. Maybe if a target loses no life in 10-20 seconds, go back to what you are doing till it catches your eye again. Maybe type the "/oos" command to.
    9. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      We'll add in a random /oos sync. However, the current issue is detecting when we've been desync'd. Simply checking mob health change after x amount of time is "good enough" for most cases. Until you get into high life regen mods, or simply a character's terrible accuracy.
    10. Pushing

      Pushing New Member

      Sep 24, 2012
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      Hello- just found another small bug while watching some docks runs. It appears that a bug can happen on Z-Index changes, where he endlessly attacks a mob he isn't hitting. In this specific case I watched him attack a docks archer for about 10 minutes without ever hitting it. Basically the bot was at the bottom of the steps, and casting on the archer who was at the top.

      Thinking about it this might be fixes with a check to see if a mob is losing life or not I suppose.
    11. Razerface

      Razerface New Member

      Oct 29, 2013
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      I have tested 3 different Exile products and this is the best one out there hands down. Nuff said
    12. Pushing

      Pushing New Member

      Sep 24, 2012
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      It's great- but that was a given. :- ) It's what I expect from Bossland.

      That said, doesn't mean that reports to improve it aren't useful, everything has room for improvement, no such thing as "too aswesome"

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