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  • So, what have we learned about botting in the last few months?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by ajc82388, Oct 31, 2013.

    1. nuclear898

      nuclear898 New Member

      Aug 15, 2010
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      Always had only one account, got banned a year back while being stupid and gathered for 18+ hours. Got a new account, leveled all my toons again using honorbuddy, farmed honor using honorbuddy, did raids using honorbuddy, and did reputation dailies using honorbuddy. Started casually gathering as well, about 4-5 hours a day, 2-3 days a week for the last 1-2 months. Even got reported three weeks back when my druid was running into the side of a house in Twilight Highlands and I was a bit late on the reply when someone saw it, kept botting 6-7 hours a day the days after it while closely monitoring, nothing happened and still going strong.

      If Blizzard detected the usage of honorbuddy automatically I would have been banned again months ago.

      tl;dr: Do not bot for more than 8 hours a day, and do more than just 1 aspect of the game. I play arenas, rated battlegrounds, do LFR, level toons with quest/grind bot, gather, you name it.. and have been doing so for a little over a year now after my first account was banned because of stupidity and greed.

      If all you ever do is herb/mine on your account and send it to a guildbank or mailbox, of course Blizzard's system will find you, no matter how many or few hours per day you bot, they are not stupid, and finding behavior like that isn't some kind of scifi technology.
    2. iamjayare

      iamjayare New Member

      Jan 23, 2013
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      I have learned that the time lost proto drake is really fkn LOST and that camping for 3 days straight will get u a 72 hour ban. >.>
    3. Keanu

      Keanu Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I suggest to use you brain then. Start reversing WoW's binary files including warden and see for yourself.
    4. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      Nice way to take something out of context trying to make a point. I suggest you learn to read and then try to comment again.
    5. macedawg

      macedawg Member

      Nov 19, 2012
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      I've had a couple of bans over the last 6 or so months but they have been from testing a bot base and pushing some pretty absurd hours with the intention of losing the accts. still have 13 accts with no problems at all. My empire is growing off it's own profits.

      Sent from my HTC_PN071 using TheBuddyForum mobile app
    6. maikel10909

      maikel10909 New Member

      Sep 17, 2013
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      I have one main account, I decided to bot with it, I know it's not safe, but I go untill I get a warning and stuff. I bot for like 3 months straight now, Bg farm, dungeonfarm/raids farm, farmed over 10k stacks of ghost iron ore in a single run. Farmed Jc, fishing, archeology, herbalism...everything on my main account. the pc hasn't been off for more then a couple of hours. But I played whole nights before botting aswell and I am 90% of the time behind my pc, doing homework. only when doing Bg farm I tend to go fully afk. I had 3 players saying I was a bot, and that was in mogu'shan palace and stormstout brewery, he bugs there. for the rest I play on sylvanas and that realm is like; full with players.
      What I do: I farm in jadeforest, no one is farming there except...2/3 other botters flying the same path.
      I put in my real Id, broadcast, that my halfdrunk brother is playing everyonce in a while, that he doesn't know english (since I am dutch) I don't know if it has affect but I could bot for over 3 months straight.
      Also, I don't make alot of gold, I made over 40k maybe in 3 months, but mostly prospecting the ores and keeping the gems for myself or my guild.
    7. QuaLiT1

      QuaLiT1 Member

      Aug 12, 2011
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      October report:

      6 toons 1-90 , all proffs 1-600
      about 150k gold
      All toons PvP Geared
      Guild full tabs, 20 players in (Bough it 3 days ago)
      20/24h per day running, 3h playing by me, and watched it for another 2h, the another 15/20h not babbysit
      Use all botbases, no special plugins :S (Only randombuddy for farm)

      0 bans, 0 warnings.

      Secondaccount (I bought it on 13 october)

      3 toons 1-85
      24/7 farming without cataclysm trash.
      Only monitor it for empty bags, sell trash, send ah money
      90k gold

      0 bans, 0 warnings.

      Wow64.exe deleted from my folder, my CR?s / plugins always updated via SVN , same with hb always on last version. (Never sold gold)

      So, yes its possible bot now, since 5.4.1 release, its hard cause HB its a little broken :p , but not for the bans or blizzard :S
    8. eagles2010

      eagles2010 Member

      Nov 12, 2010
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      Two words:

      Common Sense
    9. mighty1u2!

      mighty1u2! New Member

      Aug 29, 2012
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      now that is the kind of report that I was looking for. Concise, specific, and covering the items and time frame that most of us are concerned with. Thank you.
    10. Sighthound

      Sighthound New Member

      Sep 23, 2013
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      Which Continent, buddy?!
    11. iamjayare

      iamjayare New Member

      Jan 23, 2013
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      If wow is open on my machine then so is HB. the only accounts that i have that got banned were farmers, and one QUESTING, I wasnt paying attention and it got stuck for god knows how long. now when i gather i use each bot for about 3 hours farming depending on what area and so on. .
    12. fragnot

      fragnot Member

      Feb 19, 2012
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      I have been using combat routines every day for +6 hours a day.. Atleast for +2 years now.

      Still going
    13. ez101

      ez101 New Member

      May 20, 2012
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      I did get a ban a couple of weeks ago, most likely due to using a grind profile. However, this was on the same toon that I had previously been using questbot / brodie's timeless coins profile. I believe this particular toon was flagged and then observed / detected that last time using the previously mentioned grind profile. Not bashing brodie, just saying that's what was being used. This toon was my 7th 90 and I rarely used him and it was the toon that was active when the ban occurred. I used two mains for raiding with tyrael and paid cc's. I also used another toon for gatherbuddy2 using random buddy. Also I was slowly levelling up an 8th toon using kick's. Who knows for sure, but I wouldn't be surprised that several if not all of them were detected at one point or another over the last 2 years. Who's to say they would immediately ban you upon detection? They would gain much more knowledge by monitoring us after detection. it does seem obvious there's at least some issues with questbot and grinding profiles. we all take a risk. I'm going to purchase the $15 combo and set up another account and start again. If it gets banned again (I will be using questbot for levelling) then it's pretty easy to say it's the profiles, quest behaviors. Certainly everyone doing exactly the same quests in exactly the same order using the exact same waypoints along the way is rather easy for them to figure out. I did get a 72 hour ban a few months back, probably due to a player report while using dungeon buddy. I appealed twice for the perma ban, but was denied.
    14. ez101

      ez101 New Member

      May 20, 2012
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      I also would like to mention that shortly after my ban (maybe a week) I did start up Honor Buddy.... My main account was banned, but I did turn back on subscription on my second account. Anyway, HB began to update itself and WOW immediately crashed. Not sure what happened there, I didn't turn on HB again after that. I have seen reports of people simply loading up HB and getting banned. So most likely they can detect, but perhaps due to what is involved they only "turn on" that capability after you have been banned previously or otherwise somehow identified as a botter or probable botter.
    15. macedawg

      macedawg Member

      Nov 19, 2012
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      nothing has changed for me at all. still use GB as much as i used to, running more accts on the same pc(s)/ip.
    16. riceburner

      riceburner New Member

      Nov 13, 2010
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      I have been using HB since it came out, I run the bot pretty much around the clock on my main account and have never been banned. I just never AFK (More then an hour) and I am fine. I be sure to be near my computer so I can participate in chat, talk in guild, and occasionally do a random dungeon with the guild or help some one who needs it ( puts a giant flag on your account that your not a bot). I also raid every weekend and have a lot of raid gear and have been playing since WoW first came out. I am not scared to bot around the clock because if any one at blizzard looked at my account, I just look like a person who likes to farm. I also will switch off after about 5 hours to a different profile/location or just go afk in SW/Shrine for like 30 minutes or so so it looks like I was playing and took a break.

      Bot smarter, not harder.

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