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  • Honorbuddy is going downhill

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by pythonmsh, Nov 4, 2013.

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    1. pythonmsh

      pythonmsh New Member

      Oct 14, 2012
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      Very quickly.

      There's been more and more bans and it's mainly because they're using kick's profile. You'd be an idiot to leave this bot alone without checking it every 3 minutes

      -Any quest that requires you to use an item on a dead mob, usually sits there spamming the body.
      -Tries attacking through walls
      -Runs into walls
      -Runs a very linear path back and fourth until it finds the right mob. It needs to be random within a certain circle..
      -Has to be restarted every 15 minutes using cata profiles.
      -Running aimlessly past quest mobs.

      Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Kick's is bad at making profiles but it's way too unstable right now and it's beyond obvious as to how people are getting banned lately.

      For BGBuddy

      -All the bots run the same path and usually stacked. Banned
      -Doing nothing on deepwind gorge. Banned
      -In Isle of conquest (IOCbots - YouTube) Self explanatory. Banned

      In general
      -Running back and fourth
      -Notchy movement

      As much as it sucks I do think Honorbuddy should be shut down until problems are resolved. Keeping it up isn't worth players losing their accounts. But hey, no one cares. I never remember honorbuddy being this broken, not even Pirox was like this.

      GIVEMEANAME Active Member

      Dec 17, 2010
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      Then dont use it, alot of people use the tyrael and so on;

      You know the risks of botting, whether it's 100% afkable or not - posts like this dont help; add a log etc and help instead of moaning
    3. pythonmsh

      pythonmsh New Member

      Oct 14, 2012
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      Oh so that makes it okay? Last time I posted a log it was "Sorry, not our priority."
    4. Lameasfck

      Lameasfck New Member

      Sep 27, 2012
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      I'm wondering where the user submitted PVP profiles are. Am i remembering wrong that there used to be here?
    5. Sighthound

      Sighthound New Member

      Sep 23, 2013
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      If you came here expecting a flawless piece of software, I am sorry, you won't find. You won't find anywhere neither, specially for those software that promises WoW automation, which is one of the most complex games in terms of interactions ever made, can you even wonder how big this game is?

      Kickzz profiles are not perfect, but they help us big time on the leveling process, but have to be watched from time to time and be used with other plugins as well.

      What scares me the most for HB is that combat routines are being reason for bans and suspensions, that was the best feature ever for the bot IMO, I just hate to do the routines myself and now I can't use Tyrael for my quests and raids or I will risk my account, for that reason I say that Honorbuddy is losing the battle against Blizz.
    6. pythonmsh

      pythonmsh New Member

      Oct 14, 2012
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      Correct. But back when I first got honorbuddy I remember BGs being almost perfect, yet something happened.

      I feel like a big part of it isn't kick's profile itself. I think it mainly has to do with how the bot is made and set up currently.
    7. Lameasfck

      Lameasfck New Member

      Sep 27, 2012
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      I ask again, why aren't there any user submitted PVP profiles? EVERY honorbuddy botter running the same profile, what the fuck was the reasoning behind this?
    8. pythonmsh

      pythonmsh New Member

      Oct 14, 2012
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      They have our money? Honorbuddy has gotten too popular, things NEED to change.

      Can't help but notice that their customer account security isn't their top priority, let alone a priority in any way.
    9. Sighthound

      Sighthound New Member

      Sep 23, 2013
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      Remember always that when MoP came out a huge Code Refactoring of the Game was made to make bot's developers life harder, and HB had to go through the same process to adapt to the game again in a level of complexity that's very high to understand or explain in few words. That is one of the causes of how the bot behaviors today, and if I am not mistaken, that last beta-release came out to fix several response problems, mostly like the interactions with NPCs, combat responsiveness, movement patterns, etc.

      By the time the things are being adjusted, Blizzard took another swing against the botter community as we can see on the ban forum, the reports rate exploded and mostly were blaming combat routines for that. I am not a fanboy, I am really sad that I don't see a light in the end of the tunnel for Honorbuddy users anymore, but I have to defend the coders class here, they have been fighting against Blizzard for years now, and it's hard to fight those who have full control of the code and when We know very few details of their detection tools, all here is mostly speculation for what we believe, and if the HB team finds out, they won't give us the information, that would be giving Blizzard itself another way to block them... It's the old cat vs. mice game.

      It can be more of the same from what I just typed here, but follow closely Blizzard's action like this official statement on this link: Bots galore! =( - Forums - World of Warcraft
    10. pythonmsh

      pythonmsh New Member

      Oct 14, 2012
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      Maybe it's time to close down Honorbuddy until things start to look up? and or limit the amount of keys given out. There's too many botters for one profile.
    11. Sighthound

      Sighthound New Member

      Sep 23, 2013
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      That is up to you, Pal. I never got banned or suspended, guess I was never reported, but even thought I have stopped using HB for Combat Routines on the daily basis that I used to do, and to be honest, it's killing the game for me. I don't Raid much, even in LFR, I just move around combating pets and grinding on Timeless Isle, and I can't stand the button mash activity anymore, plain boring to define a routine which my life is already full of!

      I am considering to have HB running again without using it on LFR or Dungeons, but what if I am being watched? Too paranoid to use, too lazy to play, haha! And for if they ban me, I try to convince myself that I just need to buy another account again with the same chars I leveled to 90 (or HB did most of them), but dude, there's so much more involved... At the end is just a game, or it's THE game.

      I just want to keep my RL routine and keep playing without having to practice extensively to be on the charts, but there's no such thing without Honorbuddy, maybe I will take the risk when the reports settle down once again.
    12. pythonmsh

      pythonmsh New Member

      Oct 14, 2012
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      I've been botting since season 5. So that's at the start of wrath give or take a few months. I haven't gotten banned yet either but I feel like my luck will run out soon due to the current bot behaviors. I use the bot to do leveling and honor grinding, I'll do arena and raiding myself. I use the regular setup that comes with HB then I just use kicks profile and regular routines for bgs.

      I did change the TPS from 15 to 100. Sure is awesome. Don't know if it fixes any issues that can cause a ban though.
    13. Sighthound

      Sighthound New Member

      Sep 23, 2013
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      What's the TPS change explanation? Another scenario that I am seeing frequently on the reports are that a lot of users who got caught by Tyral or LazyRaider would be second offenders and got caught first for GB2 or BGBuddy, rarely you will see someone who haven't been banned before and got a ban for that.

      My main is a healer, which could explain that I am not in evidence on the charts and that's why I haven't been reported, but for DPSers almost every player runs SKADA or a DPS Counter to see how good they are doing, and for the top charters they probably inspect the gear and watch the guy playing to try to learning something from it, until they notice the bot pattern of perfect interaction and interrupts.

      Once again, Blizzard can be logging and comparing, I am not saying that's a pure player report thing.

      And out of topic, I am struggling to play in some of my alts like my Warrior, rogue and DK, which I personally never did a routine myself, I have no f0king idea on how to play the classes and Noxxic routines seems not to help on my DPS for what I check on charts, lol. Any help would be welcome on guides to learn, specially for rogues and dks!
    14. ShortRound

      ShortRound New Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      Try Icy-Veins if you need to learn your class.
    15. pythonmsh

      pythonmsh New Member

      Oct 14, 2012
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      Basically improves the speed of the bot.
      It's extremely fast going from 15 to 100.
    16. bbc_joey

      bbc_joey New Member

      Jan 17, 2012
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      I got the bot just recently again, got 5 toons to 90 and working on 2 more I got to 80. I've little to no problem. Wonder why your having issues? My PvP also does just fine, Sometimes the stuff looks botty but you would be hard pressed to find a bot that doesn't from time to time.
    17. Ethernal1

      Ethernal1 New Member

      Jan 10, 2013
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      You want a bot that's not being mass used so it's no as detected, make your own profile. I've made a bunch of private profiles for this very reason and in the year I've been using Honorbuddy I have not yet been banned. I have 18 accounts running 6 bots on an 8 hour rotation with a 16 hour wait between. These bots Farm, craft, and sell making me roughly 190k+ a day.

      The reason people are getting banned is simply due to mass repeated processes that are constantly being tracked. Do you think that it wouldn't be easy to track thousands of people following the exact same path?

      The price for an HB key is 25 euro's for a life time single key, the cost to make profile's is time, and the time it takes to make an RNG profile would be astronomical, so for you to expect that they need to change everything because too many people are following the exact same path is simply ludicrous.

      The developers put a lot of time into creating the profiles you take for granted, and they spend as much time as possible to find as many bot catches as possible in order to halt as many ban's as possible. So in short, HB isn't going down hill, they're right where they should be and I hope they continue to put in the effort they do. If you're still not satisfied with them, you can type in wow bots in google and find a new service.
    18. Gentoo

      Gentoo Active Member

      Apr 29, 2011
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      It's in the best shape of it's life cycle thus far. I have no trouble leveling toons, or farming.

      You're doing it wrong.
    19. Sighthound

      Sighthound New Member

      Sep 23, 2013
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      That's not what the Ban Report Forum is telling us, guys. I haven't been banned either, but some bans for combat routines that were almost unseen before just started to happen. My only relief is that big part of them have been banned or suspended before, which means that they were being watched.
    20. v12dock

      v12dock New Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      I have level 15+ toons from 1-level cap with grinding but mostly kicks.I have farmed over 1m+ gold and use it for a dps bot. Yeah there are issues but none the less its a awesome piece of software.
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