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  • [PAID] Serenity - Richie's Holy Priest PvP Combat Routine [Pro Edition]

    Discussion in 'Priest' started by RichieCR, Nov 3, 2013.

    1. RichieCR

      RichieCR Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Apr 10, 2013
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      Please take note, that my routines are mainly focusing on PvP thus I can't guarantee that it'll be 100% optimal for PvE fights.


      • Uses as less hard-casted spells as possible
      • Clever usage of CDs to save your teammates and you. No CD stacking!
      • Peels enemies from you
      • Supports every talent
      • Kills totems
      • Spot-on Mass Dispels
      • Stops spell casts on incoming interrupts to prevent spell school lockouts(Juke/Fake casting)
      • Configurable spell lists for offensive dispels and purifies
      • Tries to interrupt the spell casts of your focus target
      • Allows manual spellcasts
      • Supports Framelock
      • Supports Enyo and other non-afk botbases (I, personally, prefer Enyo)
      • Supports BGBuddy and BGFarmer for full AFK honor farming
      • Can be used to level your alts in BGs, low level PvP is fully supported
      • No stupid bottish behavior. I don't want to get you (or myself) reported

      What should I do if I have a question, suggestion, found a bug, rotation error or anything weird?

      Post it here. If possible, please attach a log to help me in helping you. :) A great guide about how to attach logs.

      Also, if you're having issues with Honorbuddy in the arena, please read this: Honorbuddy:HelpDesk:Honorbuddy and Arenas

      Useful links

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      Last edited: Jan 30, 2016
    2. RichieCR

      RichieCR Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Apr 10, 2013
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      A few screenshots:

      Top healing:

      Top healing even in a lost BG:

      User testimonials:

    3. Jafar85

      Jafar85 New Member

      Feb 29, 2012
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      your disc CR works fine :D

      When i start this with HB i get:

      Compiler Error: c:\Users\cpg\Documents\Honorbuddy\Routines\RichieHolyPriestPvP\Spells.cs(21,23) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'IReadOnlyList' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
      ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded.
    4. Benedicht

      Benedicht New Member

      Nov 3, 2013
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      Hi Jafar85,

      Just fixed it, you should update the routine through svn.
    5. Wopak

      Wopak New Member

      Jan 24, 2011
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      How does one get a hand on the Pro edition?

    6. r00t

      r00t New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      Ok so I have been testing this routine a bit. I am testing the PRO edition btw. A couple of things I have noticed that could use some tweaking are as follows:

      1. Blanket logic seems to be off. I had to disable it because it would target a single person and cast renew non-stop. I am assuming the intention was to have it cast renew on everyone in your party in the immediate area. It does not seem to be doing this.
      2. Chakras not properly used. It seems that the bot stays in Chakra Serenity the whole time. In general you do want to be in Chakra Serenity, but in BGs where there are group fights, you will want to incorporate Chakra Sanctuary. It would be nice if the bot could do something similar to the following:

      /cast Chakra: Sanctuary
      /cast Divine Hymn

      /cast Chakra: Sanctuary
      /cast Circle of Healing

      /cast Chakra: Sanctuary
      /cast Holy Word: Sanctuary

      The latter obviously attempting to find an area with the bigger concentration of your team.

      Also, I'm not sure how feasible it is for the routine to attempt to identify a melee target on you to cast chastise on. It's certainly very useful to be able to chastise into a fear if they trinket.

      I might also change binding heal to not be used when my own health is only less than or equal to 95 percent. Might go less than or equal to 80.

      That's all I really got right now from testing it. Other than that the healing is great. Top of the charts in just about every BG I run. Great job on this routine. I know it's one of the tougher ones to do. Please keep up the good work!
    7. RichieCR

      RichieCR Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Apr 10, 2013
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      1, Are you using the latest version? Also, please attach a log. :)

      2, I'm taking the blame for this one. Stating that the CR is not using Chakras properly is a bit of an overstatement though. :p

      The CR itself is not using Divine Hymn because it's a channeled cooldown and IMO it's better if the player decides when to use it. If the CR use it, but the player is not expecting the CR to cast it then it's most likely that the player will move, thus end the channeling and waste a cooldown.

      I also told my brother to not waste much time on CoH, because it's not THAT much of a healing, maybe I'm mistaken. There's already logic in the CR that tracks the number of injured ppls. I think that he could add this to the list of heals that's cast conditions are depending on this number.

      HW:S has to find an area where the biggest of the concentration of INJURED teammates. Dunno if it worth the processor time though. We'll see if my brother finds some easy way to place that.

      HW:C can be added as a defensive cooldown, but as I said in the opener, don't count on the CC doing CC Chains. :)

      BH's criteria could be lowered, that's true.

      Thank you for your time spent on typing your experience with the CR and the ideas. :)
    8. r00t

      r00t New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      Sorry, didn't mean to sound overly critical. I really do think you and your brother did great work with this CR. Those were just some minor things I noticed that I wanted to mention.

      Regarding CoH, the healing is typically not all that much but it probably should be part of a group rotation (using chakra sanctuary will obviously have an effect on it's healing power too). As I said, it would be really awesome if the CR could cast chakra sanctuary to CoH and then switch back to serenity. I agree with your thinking that divine hymn is probably wasted by allowing the CR to decide when to use it as the player WILL likely move or be moving and will interrupt it if it's not expected. HW: Sanctuary would be nice to have, but like you said it would probably require a little bit of work on the CRs part to determine where to place it. Maybe it could work similar to your disc priest with PW: Barrier. It seems that the logic there is to target a player who is taking heavy damage and then cast it on their location. Maybe the CR could cycle through the unit list and if it finds 2-3 or more friendly units within a few yards of each other, it could cast it on one of those targets' locations. I'm not entirely familiar with the HB api though so this may not be possible.

      HW: Chastise would be amazing if it could be worked in. Melee loves to cleave holy priests cause they are so squishy and another defensive cd can't hurt :p I think most holy priests run with void tendrils and spectral guise so with psychic scream that's 3 really good defensive cds to use. Making Chastise usable would be even better :D

      One of the problems right now with letting the user handle switching chakras and casting spells is that you have to compete with the CR to do so. I may cast chakra sanctuary for example while the CR is trying to spam renew, flash heal, or any other spell. Because I also have to then cast HW: Sanctuary (or whichever spell) it may get hijacked by the CR trying to cast another spell.

      Regarding BH usage, the only reason I brought that up is that I have seen it used when your target is at like 30% and you have taken minor damage. The team is obviously focusing your target hard and instead of using a slower, weaker heal like BH, you should be spamming flash heals. Because the CR will use it if you are <= 95% health that's why I thought it might need a slight adjustment. Or maybe add it as an option in the interface to be user-configured.

      Lastly, I'm sure you've already done extensive research on rotation, but here's a nice holy priest guide I saw a while back that had some great ideas in it: Holy Priest PvP- RBG & BG Guide 5.4 UPDATED! - Forums - World of Warcraft

      Thanks for the response and again, great work on this!! :D
    9. RichieCR

      RichieCR Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Apr 10, 2013
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      IIIRC the routine will only use aoe heals when the lowest heal target is above a given %. If the healtarget is below that % the CR will use singletarget heals on it.

      I'm pretty sure that my brother will come up with an awesome idea how to find the best place for HW:Sanctuary.

      Chastice will be added. :)

      You can pause the CR with alt+x if you're using Tyrael, but ideally you shouldn't need that.

      You're right about the binding heal. We'll figure something out with my brother.

      We used that guide to work out the rotation. Had to change a bit to make it fit for Arenas as well. :)

      Thank you,
    10. RichieCR

      RichieCR Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Apr 10, 2013
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      BTW, thank you for the time you spend on helping us make this CR rock even more. :)
    11. r00t

      r00t New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      Well as I said before, thanks to both you and your bro for actually taking the time to write a holy priest CR for pvp. It was one CR that was desperately needed and I will continue to donate for solid work like this. I'm happy to provide any feedback I can to help you. Keep up the good work! :D
    12. Benedicht

      Benedicht New Member

      Nov 3, 2013
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      Hi r00t.

      Thank you for your valuable input!
      Please check out the new update in the svn repos.

      Changelog for the update:
      -New Setting for Binding Heal - It will now heal only if your HP is under a certain user-defined %
      -Holy Word: Chastice now used as a Defensive CD and can be enabled/disabled in the Defensive CDs group

      We will check the possibility of your other suggestions too, but they might be too cumbersome for a lower-en machine under frame lock. We will see.
    13. r00t

      r00t New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      Thanks for the update! Can't wait to try them out later :)

      As for the other changes, they would be great to have but I understand the constraints you have to deal with, so no big deal if you can't do them. Thanks again!
    14. lazyone

      lazyone New Member

      Nov 7, 2013
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      Hi there, i'm kinda new and i'm having a problem.
      When starting the bot, the "select a custom class" screen show the priest routines that i got (including your shadow priest one) but it's not showing the Holy routine.

      Is it a common issue? i already checked for folder path and all.

    15. RichieCR

      RichieCR Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Apr 10, 2013
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      If you see the shadow routine then it means that you're shadow specced.

      My routines will only show up when you're in the right spec when you start the bot.

      Switch to holy before you start HB. :)
    16. Farix

      Farix Member

      Jan 26, 2012
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      svn link?
    17. RichieCR

      RichieCR Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Apr 10, 2013
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      SVN informations are included in the zip files.
    18. Farix

      Farix Member

      Jan 26, 2012
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      Not that I could see. Is there a particular file name? Cause, the ones I downloaded (this page) didnt work with HB.
    19. r00t

      r00t New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      If you have a newer version of TortoiseSVN you may need to upgrade the folder. If you right-click on the folder and have an option to do SVN upgrade, do it. Then right click again and you should be able to svn update.

      EDIT: I just downloaded the public zip from the start of this thread and the svn folder is there, so it's probably an SVN upgrade issue on your end:

      RichieHolyPriestPvP r00t$ ls -la
      total 568
      drwxr-xr-x@ 24 r00t  staff   816B Nov  3 12:24 .
      drwx------+ 15 r00t  staff   510B Nov  8 12:27 ..
      drwxr-xr-x@  7 r00t  staff   238B Nov  8 12:27 .svn
      -rwxr-xr-x@  1 r00t  staff   2.9K Nov  3 12:24 ASAPSpellIDs.xml
      -rwxr-xr-x@  1 r00t  staff   3.3K Nov  3 12:24 CombatLog.cs
      -rwxr-xr-x@  1 r00t  staff   5.6K Nov  3 12:24 CoolDown.cs
      -rwxr-xr-x@  1 r00t  staff    21K Nov  3 12:24 Extensions.cs
      -rwxr-xr-x@  1 r00t  staff   2.3K Nov  3 12:24 Glyphs.cs
      -rwxr-xr-x@  1 r00t  staff   2.5K Nov  3 12:24 LoSer.cs
      -rwxr-xr-x@  1 r00t  staff    15K Nov  3 12:24 Main.cs
      -rwxr-xr-x@  1 r00t  staff   1.1K Nov  3 12:24 Manacosts.cs
      -rwxr-xr-x@  1 r00t  staff   5.1K Nov  3 12:24 PerfLogger.cs
      -rwxr-xr-x@  1 r00t  staff    16K Nov  3 12:24 RotationOverride.cs
      -rwxr-xr-x@  1 r00t  staff   8.9K Nov  3 12:24 Settings.cs
      -rwxr-xr-x@  1 r00t  staff   4.9K Nov  3 12:24 SpecializedCombatLog.cs
      -rwxr-xr-x@  1 r00t  staff   5.6K Nov  3 12:24 SpellIDs.cs
      -rwxr-xr-x@  1 r00t  staff   3.2K Nov  3 12:24 Spells.cs
      -rwxr-xr-x@  1 r00t  staff   3.6K Nov  3 12:24 Statistics.cs
      -rwxr-xr-x@  1 r00t  staff   2.6K Nov  3 12:24 Talents.cs
      -rwxr-xr-x@  1 r00t  staff   3.5K Nov  3 12:24 TracingHelpers.cs
      -rwxr-xr-x@  1 r00t  staff    92K Nov  3 12:24 UI.Designer.cs
      -rwxr-xr-x@  1 r00t  staff    11K Nov  3 12:24 UI.cs
      -rwxr-xr-x@  1 r00t  staff    24K Nov  3 12:24 UnitManager.cs
      -rwxr-xr-x@  1 r00t  staff    11K Nov  3 12:24 Utils.cs
      RichieHolyPriestPvP r00t$ cd .svn
      .svn r00t$ ls -la
      total 112
      drwxr-xr-x@  7 r00t  staff   238B Nov  8 12:27 .
      drwxr-xr-x@ 24 r00t  staff   816B Nov  3 12:24 ..
      -rwxr-xr-x@  1 r00t  staff     3B Nov  3 10:20 entries
      -rwxr-xr-x@  1 r00t  staff     3B Nov  3 10:20 format
      drwxr-xr-x@ 22 r00t  staff   748B Nov  3 12:24 pristine
      drwxr-xr-x@  2 r00t  staff    68B Nov  3 12:24 tmp
      -rwxr-xr-x@  1 r00t  staff    45K Nov  3 12:24 wc.db
    20. Benedicht

      Benedicht New Member

      Nov 3, 2013
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      New update available in the svn repo.

      Changelog of the update:
      -[Bug Fix] Fixed an issue where casting a spell under an effect that prevents spell casting (like silence) prevented casting the spell again until time equals its CD
      -[Bug Fix] Fixed an issue where the blanket Renew spammed over and over again on the heal target
      -[Bug Fix] Enemies in Arena and RBG are recognized properly now if they are from the same faction than the priest
      -[Improvement] Casting Angelic Feather automatically can be turned on/off now
      -[Improvement] Some little improvements around Mass Dispel
      -[Improvement] Slightly improved spell cast statistics display
      -[Improvement] Slightly improved diagnostic performance log display

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