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  • HB ARCHIVES: TheBrodieman's Profile Compendium--DO NOT DELETE

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by chinajade, Dec 23, 2012.

    1. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      From memory, ElvUI changes some of the events and handles for the action bar items and vehicle control options when driving a vehicle.(from seeing problems with darkmoon faire dailies I believe)

      IIRC, The event handler is still there, but the ui changes some of the popups & names of actions. There is an addon called ElvUI enhanced which adds the plow/farm items to an extra bar, I'd probably see how it interacts via that addon.
    2. Chaoz

      Chaoz New Member

      Apr 10, 2012
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      Lost and Found problem, it works perfect until i get to the cordinates 42,65. There it just keeps doing this:

      [06:37:31.329 N] We are stuck!!
      [06:37:31.329 D] [Stuck] Trying strafing right.
      [06:37:32.310 N] We are stuck!!
      [06:37:32.310 D] [Stuck] Trying to backup.
      [06:37:33.560 N] We are stuck!!
      [06:37:33.560 D] [Stuck] Trying to ascend.
      [06:37:34.498 N] We are stuck!!
      [06:37:34.498 D] [Stuck] Trying strafing left.
      [06:37:35.549 N] We are stuck!!
      [06:37:35.549 D] [Stuck] Trying strafing right.
      [06:37:37.154 N] We are stuck!!
      [06:37:37.154 D] [Stuck] Trying to ascend.
      [06:37:38.100 N] We are stuck!!
      [06:37:38.100 D] [Stuck] Trying strafing left.
      [06:37:39.102 N] We are stuck!!
      [06:37:39.102 D] [Stuck] Trying strafing right.
      [06:37:40.093 N] We are stuck!!
      [06:37:40.093 D] [Stuck] Trying to backup.
      [06:37:41.357 N] We are stuck!!
      [06:37:41.357 D] [Stuck] Trying to ascend.
      [06:37:42.303 N] We are stuck!!
      [06:37:42.303 D] [Stuck] Trying strafing left.
      [06:37:43.356 N] We are stuck!!
      [06:37:43.356 D] [Stuck] Trying strafing right.
      [06:37:44.984 N] We are stuck!!
      [06:37:44.984 D] [Stuck] Trying to ascend.
      [06:37:46.064 N] We are stuck!!
      [06:37:46.064 D] [Stuck] Trying strafing left.
      [06:37:47.110 N] We are stuck!!
      [06:37:47.110 D] [Stuck] Trying strafing right.
      [06:37:48.153 N] We are stuck!!
      [06:37:48.153 D] [Stuck] Trying to backup.
      [06:37:49.455 N] We are stuck!!
      [06:37:49.455 D] [Stuck] Trying to ascend.
      [06:37:50.911 N] We are stuck!!
      [06:37:50.911 D] [Stuck] Trying strafing left.
      [06:37:51.917 N] We are stuck!!
      [06:37:51.917 D] [Stuck] Trying strafing right.
      [06:37:52.917 N] We are stuck!!
      [06:37:52.917 D] [Stuck] Trying to backup.
      [06:37:54.201 N] We are stuck!!
      [06:37:54.201 D] [Stuck] Trying to ascend.
      [06:37:55.111 N] We are stuck!!
      [06:37:55.111 D] [Stuck] Trying strafing left.

      In the middle of the air... Help please :)

      Attached Files:

    3. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      You should submit this, a screenshot, and an xyz location to the mesh guys. They might be able to fix this.
    4. ahoekstra

      ahoekstra Member

      Jun 28, 2010
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      Awesome plugin you've made. Good job.

      Anyhow, i've got a question.
      I got 2 chars, which need to do the dailys every morning.
      I want to automate that. So, at a set time HBRelog is gonna run my profile and starts HB & wow.

      How can i tell HB to start with your plugin and do the daily's i've set?

      Should i make an HBRelog rule with all your profiles?


    5. PureLife

      PureLife New Member

      Feb 11, 2012
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      Sorry for a noob question, but I find it compelling to ask if I'm doing it wrongly.

      Which BotBase do I use? I've been using the "Questing" botbase. Is that right?

      If it's right, then I'm also facing some new problems. Especially in Landfall dailies and Klaxxi dailies where it will only keep running between hotspots, while ignoring to collect plants or boxes or even pull mobs. It usually only keeps running between hotspots till it face pulls something then kill it, mount and repeat the same process.

      Between collecting quests and getting to location are flawless, no complains about that.

      I just need to know if I'm using the wrong botbase that causes this kind of problem like running between hotspot and face pulling everything and not collecting items for dailies. :) Sorry about it, if it is a noob question.

      Please don't tank me. :p
    6. Bossbot

      Bossbot New Member

      May 9, 2012
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      i get this when i try to start the PVE Kirin Tor Offensive Dailies and nothing happens, except spamming the message in my hb

      [Profile Message]: Compiling Isle of Thunder Quests...
      [Profile Message]: Beginning Isle of Thunder Quests.
      [LoadProfile-v533(info) @line 147]: Loading profile 'Scripts\[Rep] Ihgaluk A [Brodie].xml'
      [LoadProfile-v533(info) @line 147]: Loading profile 'Scripts\[Rep] Ihgaluk A [Brodie].xml'
      [LoadProfile-v533(info) @line 147]: Loading profile 'Scripts\[Rep] Ihgaluk A [Brodie].xml'
      [LoadProfile-v533(info) @line 147]: Loading profile 'Scripts\[Rep] Ihgaluk A [Brodie].xml'
      [LoadProfile-v533(info) @line 147]: Loading profile 'Scripts\[Rep] Ihgaluk A [Brodie].xml'
      [LoadProfile-v533(info) @line 147]: Loading profile 'Scripts\[Rep] Ihgaluk A [Brodie].xml'
      [LoadProfile-v533(info) @line 147]: Loading profile 'Scripts\[Rep] Ihgaluk A [Brodie].xml'
      [LoadProfile-v533(info) @line 147]: Loading profile 'Scripts\[Rep] Ihgaluk A [Brodie].xml'
      [LoadProfile-v533(info) @line 147]: Loading profile 'Scripts\[Rep] Ihgaluk A [Brodie].xml'
      [LoadProfile-v533(info) @line 147]: Loading profile 'Scripts\[Rep] Ihgaluk A [Brodie].xml'
      [LoadProfile-v533(info) @line 147]: Loading profile 'Scripts\[Rep] Ihgaluk A [Brodie].xml'
    7. 99dsimonp

      99dsimonp Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Yes, it's questing. I went through somewhat of the same thought process. I'm pretty sure this happens because the quest is coded to only loot certain items with unique ID's - meaning it will run past others even though they are right next to the character.
      Edit: Apparently this is not the case. I found the quest in the profile and it should indeed collect every object within 50 yards. Perhaps it's the singular pull distance? Also I'm wondering why you're using CustomBehaviours for some of the quests and not for others. I'm guessing the difference is how many quests you do before hand-in?

      As for thebrodieman: I'm having some trouble with the lost & found achievement. It gets stuck in the middle of Jade Jade forest at a river. Fresh install. Log attached. This is not the first time I tried running Lost & Found - last time my character went on untill this area, then got stuck. I'm running on a druid.

      Attached Files:

    8. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Sorry but I can not answer your question without a log file.
    9. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Singular pull distance does not have any direct effect on gathering/harvest distance for HB. If it's within general targeting distance (50 yards) as an NPC, or VISIBLE as a GameObject, it should go for it.
      My use of custom behaviors is to fine tune how I want the bot to interact. They are coding choices to make the bot behave in ways I want it to. If either of the posters had mentioned WHAT quests either were talking about, specifically, then I could answer the question better.

      Lost and Found stuck: According to the log I don't see an actual physical stuck, but the bot encountered a problem with QBCore while trying to run one of the InteractWith commands. First recommendation is a fresh install, although I see you did that already. Second then would be to report to HB support IF the same problem persists. But just to be clear, when you say stuck, please elaborate: Is it stuck in the world? Is it stuck moving on in the profile? (which is what I see due to the problem listed above)
    10. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      If you setup the plugin exactly how you would before hitting start (cleck boxes clicked, dailies enabled), then you should be able to run HBRelog/Arelog to have it go (have it start running Daily Grind profile). If for any reason the client crashes and the bot reloads, this may produce undesirable results or a stick in earlier profiles, as relog programs are not tested to work specifically in this manner.
    11. 99dsimonp

      99dsimonp Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      The quest I was referring to is called Tear It Up (ID: 32126) in the dominance daily profile. It has three hotspots and the bot run inbetween them just fine - but it ignores the quest objects spread around the hotspots. Only when getting attacked it seems to fixate on a quest object and proceeds to pick it up. Then it returns to running back and forth between the three (tightly placed) hotspots.

      As for the stuck issue it is slightly difficult to describe - the profile seems to want to go to a coordinate outside (or rather, below) the world. It was trying to move down into the bottom of a river with flying form. It wasn't an actual stuck where the bot couldn't get out - it was free but tried to get somewhere it couldn't. It resulted in some very dodgy movements and I got a whisper from a bypasser after less than a minute of doing this. Was the error hinting towards a problem with HB?

      I tried doing the Golden Lotus dailies today. Had a couple of completed quests for golden lotus from yesterdays attempt at doing them with your profile. Started it up and had it run untill it had completed 2. It picks up all 5 quests - it completed and handed in 2 of them. Completed 1 and didn't hand it in and left two in the quest log. I'm sure you can see it in the log but for ease I'll post the id for the quests: The Battle Ring (30306) was completed and handed in. Mantid Under Fire (30243) was completed and handed in. Survival Ring: Blades (30242) was completed but not handed in. Bloodied Skies (30266) and The Crumbling Hall (30277) has no progress towards completion. I have attached the log. Please note I wasn't using the newest revision of HB - but this exact problem has occured the last few times I have attempted the Golden Lotus dailies.
      Let me know if you need more info.
      Edit: To add on to my previous bug submission I tried running the profile again today. This time the profile ended itself before finishing The Battle Ring (30306), a quest I've previously seen it do. I noticed HB threw out two errors upon loading the profile; The body of the if-statements on line 181 and 239 have an error. I suspect it is the SpecificQuests custom behaviour as that is being used on all the quests that aren't completed and handed in. I have attached the log from today's attempt. :)

      Attached Files:

    12. ImpaledFool

      ImpaledFool New Member

      Nov 13, 2013
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      Hi, I've been using your great plugin for a couple of weeks. I've been running the Questing 1 to 90 profile for the last few days without any real problems. Today however I am getting the following error in my logs:

      Starting the bot!
      Currently Using BotBase : Questing
      Changing current profile to The Complete WoW Leveling Experience ($Rev$)
      [AutoEquip]: You have not selected a weapon style yet. Please open the configuration and check your settings.
      [Talented2] Using talent build: Druid-Feral
      [Singular] attention: Pull Distance set to 30 yds by Questing, Plug-in, Profile, or User
      [LoadProfile-v533(info) @line 29]: Loading profile 'Vanilla\[Quest] Dustwallow Marsh H [Brodie].xml'
      Changing current profile to Dustwallow Marsh ($Rev$)
      [Singular] attention: Pull Distance set to 100 yds by Questing, Plug-in, Profile, or User
      [Profile Message]: Compiling Dustwallow Marsh Quests
      [Profile Message]: Compiling Brackenwall Village Quests
      [Profile Message]: Current limit of supported quests reached.
      [Halt-v501(info) @line 166]: Halting bot
      Bot Stopped! Reason: Bot stop requested by Halt quest behavior.

      Seems to be telling me something about reaching the current limit of supported quests?

      I have searched for similar issues but come across nothing so apologies if I have missed something really simple.

    13. spudmaster

      spudmaster New Member

      Nov 2, 2013
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      Despite knowing SFA about coding, having an educated guess I'd say it's because only 10 of the 48 quests for Dustwallow Marsh have currently been implemented for Horde (given by his update on 5/11 page 1 post #3)
    14. ImpaledFool

      ImpaledFool New Member

      Nov 13, 2013
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      Thanks. Yes thought I was being an idiot. Rushed to post before reading, had actually skipped over that post somehow.

      Sorry about that
    15. Xanathos

      Xanathos Active Member

      Jul 25, 2010
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      Don't know if there's much you can do about this, but it seems that when your plugin tries to scoot sideways when attacking a Ordon Oathguard, it doesn't strafe far enough to get around the edge of the shield anymore. So it stops short and spells still bounce off of said shield.
    16. Sylius

      Sylius New Member

      Apr 19, 2013
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      On Quest [The Thousand-Year Dumpling] in VOTF, it mounts a ground mount up on the cliffs and displays some odd behaviours, ends up falling off and running past most of the quest items. I had to manually complete it.

      edit: On another toon now, it does the same thing, it wants to go into the Springtail Crag cave on the mountain but it just flys up and down the face of the mountain instead of entering it.

      Log Att

      Attached Files:

    17. AtomX

      AtomX New Member

      Jan 31, 2010
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      Farming coins on the timeless isle on my DK and for some reason it's trying to swim him through the water, I can't even force him on top with path of frost, it want's to keep him just under the surface not to where he can die, but to where he has to swim, looks very bot like.
    18. aicgod99

      aicgod99 New Member

      Jan 15, 2013
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      Quit Fighting and Die! Quest Behavior is Broken

      Idk if it is Brodies or HB just sucking but every time I enter combat with my Hunter and his tank pet...I get a few shots on the mob then HBQuest behavior blacklists the mob and runs to the next Chest. In this state the Timeless Isle quests are not usable with a Hunter. Both Singular and TUanHa Special Edition used.

      [17:34:04.312 D] Activity: Spanking Crag Stalker that has targeted us.
      [17:34:04.362 N] [Singular] Casting Misdirection on Me:pet.8A73 @ 100.0% at 3.9 yds
      [17:34:04.571 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Crag Stalker.2A43 h=100.0%, maxh=611298, d=11.1 yds, box=3.0, trivial=False, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=72807, faction=16, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, TargetIndex=1
      [17:34:04.775 N] [Singular] Casting Dire Beast on Crag Stalker.2A43 @ 100.0% at 11.1 yds
      [17:34:04.842 N] (Singular) reset target timer to 00:00:20
      [17:34:04.842 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Crag Stalker.2A43 h=100.0%, maxh=611298, d=11.1 yds, box=3.0, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=16, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=Y, pagro=N, TargetIndex=1
      [17:34:04.910 N] (Singular) reset target timer to 00:00:20
      [17:34:05.790 N] [Singular] Casting Berserking on Me @ 100.0%
      [17:34:06.173 N] [Singular] Casting Glaive Toss on Crag Stalker.2A43 @ 96.6% at 3.6 yds
      [17:34:06.241 N] (Singular) reset target timer to 00:00:20
      [17:34:07.199 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=85.0, moving=False, peth=100.0%, Crag Stalker.2A43, 87.0%, 3.5 yds, loss=True
      [17:34:07.203 N] [Singular] [Pet] Casting Attack
      [17:34:07.208 N] [Singular] Casting Serpent Sting on Crag Stalker.2A43 @ 87.0% at 3.5 yds
      [17:34:07.277 N] (Singular) reset target timer to 00:00:20
      [17:34:07.382 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Crag Stalker.2A43 h=85.3%, maxh=611298, d=3.5 yds, box=3.0, trivial=False, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=72807, faction=16, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y
      [17:34:07.422 N] (Singular) reset target timer to 00:00:20
      [17:34:08.190 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=80.0, moving=False, peth=100.0%, Crag Stalker.2A43, 80.7%, 3.5 yds, loss=True
      [17:34:08.198 N] [Singular] Casting Explosive Shot on Crag Stalker.2A43 @ 80.7% at 3.5 yds
      [17:34:08.326 N] (Singular) reset target timer to 00:00:20
      [17:34:09.284 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=61.0, moving=False, peth=100.0%, Crag Stalker.2A43, 72.5%, 3.5 yds, loss=True
      [17:34:09.294 N] [Singular] Casting Arcane Shot on Crag Stalker.2A43 @ 72.5% at 3.5 yds
      [17:34:09.363 N] (Singular) reset target timer to 00:00:20
      [17:34:09.868 N] [InteractWith-v719(warning)] Unable to engage Crag Stalker in 4s--pull-blacklisted for 3m00s
      [17:34:09.869 V] Blacklisting F5311C67000A2A43 for 00:03:00 [Type: Pull] - Reason : No reason specified. Caller: at Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviorCore.Extensions_WoWObject.BlacklistForPulling(WoWObject wowObject, TimeSpan duration) in c:\HB\HBHunter\Quest Behaviors\QuestBehaviorCore\Extensions\Extensions_WoWObject.cs:line 57

      [17:34:09.869 D] Cleared POI
      [17:34:09.898 D] Activity: Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'hunting ground center'

      View attachment 6188 2013-11-14 12.25.txt

      Stop and dismount... Reason: Stuck on mount? Dismounting for combat.
      [17:46:10.878 N] Burst Mode Activated On Cooldown
      [17:46:10.938 N] 10:938 HP: 96% Focus: 100/100 Myself 0y 96% hp Berserking ()
      [17:46:10.951 N] PetAttackUnitAggroMe
      [17:46:10.964 N] Pet Attack Crag Stalker
      [17:46:11.318 N] [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Misdirection#34477 failure: 'Not yet recovered'
      [17:46:11.590 N] 11:590 HP: 96% Focus: 100/100 Crag Stalker 4.5y 100% hp Serpent Sting (SerpentSting)
      [17:46:11.592 N] [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Rapid Fire#3045 failure: 'Not yet recovered'
      [17:46:12.549 N] 12:549 HP: 92% Focus: 85/85 Crag Stalker 4.5y 93% hp Explosive Shot (ExplosiveShot)
      [17:46:13.569 N] 13:569 HP: 92% Focus: 71/71 Crag Stalker 4.5y 80% hp Arcane Shot (ArcaneShotSV)
      [17:46:14.566 N] 14:566 HP: 92% Focus: 45/45 Crag Stalker 5.1y 42% hp Dire Beast (DireBeast)
      [17:46:16.261 N] 16:261 HP: 92% Focus: 64/64 Crag Stalker 15.2y 21% hp Glaive Toss (GlaiveToss)
      [17:46:16.290 N] [InteractWith-v719(warning)] Unable to engage Crag Stalker in 3s--pull-blacklisted for 3m00s
      [17:46:16.297 V] Blacklisting F5311C67000A4517 for 00:03:00 [Type: Pull] - Reason : No reason specified. Caller: at Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviorCore.Extensions_WoWObject.BlacklistForPulling(WoWObject wowObject, TimeSpan duration) in c:\HB\HBHunter\Quest Behaviors\QuestBehaviorCore\Extensions\Extensions_WoWObject.cs:line 57

      [17:46:16.300 D] Cleared POI
      [17:46:16.317 D] Activity: Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'hunting ground center'

      View attachment 8448 2013-11-14 12.42.txt
    19. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      A bot looks bot like.
      It's trying to swim to a chest but you are never reaching the intended surface point. Jump. Or dive. Or stop bot, swim down, and manually grab the chest.
    20. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      HB issue. Profiles don't control blacklisting thru QBs or QBcore.
      Please send logs alone instead of copy/pasting them.

      Edit: this issue has been previously reported by me to CJ. I will reiterate it.

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