so anyone wana upload there allrdy made profile.Xml for us mine dont seem to be working not sure wtf lol done this many times before but still a issue i guess Edit: ok my Derp i guess i was doing it right lol 40sec an i got it allrdy lol
Ret pally. Ilvl 461. Actually toon puts up a fight but stands in the fire. Have kill between hotspots turned off. It looted three crystals and ran to entrance. It also tried to loot crystals too high in ceiling. Did blacklist them so i guess that was working as intended.
cause it would be soooo bad leaving something contested/hard to get. Fucking kids playing wow nowadays would shit their pants if they knew what it took to get an eyepatch of plunder or do an original epic quest in Everquest. /sigh
Not trying to downplay this.. sure it works great. Just curious why this is needed? I bought 3 90's via boost and took all of them into the cave and had the crystal in less than 5 min per toon. The drop rate is very high.... Not worth the risk of botting for this IMO
Took me up to 30-45 minutes on some toons... I dont see any problem with this profile, as it dosent behave much different than a real player. (it needs a blackspot for the 2 crystals at the entrance which are on the ceiling of the cave, although the bot blackspots them after 15-20 sec automatically) //If i can bot it, WTF should i bother doing it manually???//
thanks. flew there, tried it.. no luck, so I changed to singular as my cc and chose quest rather than grind.. voila!! ran and got it really quickly.