Hey guys. I usually go off and on with playing wow and botting as well. Decided to get back into it and running into some problems. I don't have access to the buddy auth because it was attached to my old email. I still am using the email the information was last sent to. Also when attempting to open HB its a instant error. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling, clearing settings folder and restarting computer. c++ and net frame 4 was installed before the download.
I don't have an answer, but I do have the same issue you do. The exact same thing. I stopped playing WoW for about 2 months, and started playing again. Started up the HB, and have the same issues you have stated. Any answers? Also when I try to send the error report, the first 2 checks are good, then the last one says the program has submitted many times already and makes me cancel the error report.
the auth issue your going to have to send an e-mail to fix. support@thebuddyforum.com make sure you include your key if you have it and let them know whats going on. as far as the issue, i need a full log as an attachment. How To Attach A Log [Kick]
I fixed this issue, after a bit of searching through the support forum. I ended up trying this and it helped, not HB is working. It is a .zip that helps determine if your pc can run DBuddy, but works for HB. Go here and run it to see if it will fix your issue as well. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/demonbuddy-forum/demonbuddy-support/54873-installation-errors-try-demonbuddywizard.html
i need to see a log, the issue could be a corrupt settings file, you dont know. so if you would please stop recommending fixes.
download and install this. http://download.microsoft.com/downl...-4FF2-B699-5E9B7962F9AE/VSU3/vcredist_x86.exe after your done restart your pc. if your still having issues after, upload a new log as an attachment. How To Attach A Log [Kick]
Not expecting the email to be resolved within a hour but a curiosity email that there at least looking into it would be appreciated. Just my 2 cents.