Good Morninig, I have a couple of questions. Would be great if someone has some ideas how to do this: 1. Before logging out of WOW, I would like to use my HS to get to my hometown. How can that be done with HBRelog 2. Is there a way to configure active and passive plugins when I start botting via HBRelog? At the moment I have different HB folders for every task I run via HBRelog. So one folder for gathering and another for dungeonbuddy for example. But maybe there is a smarter way to do that? 3. AFK Profile. Would be great if HBRelog had a task to pause HB. So that my char justs stands somewhere looking like AFK. And if it could mount up and fly to a secure hight, that would be even better. Thanks for your help Haggy
Hi all. I have a problem with login If accounts are linked Raf, but are on different servers. After logging in to the game, I going to have in the realm of my friend invited me. And HBRelog pauses. It can not go out in the select realms.
same thing happening to me, raf toons go to veteran server and HBRelog doesnt change to the right realm.
Yes the RAF thing is a pain in the ass, haven't found a way around it so far, so if you relog you have to manually
Possible to get a Feature like ... if DIE X Times skip this Task? With LogMeOut it will just log you out and HBRelog relog you instant, but i want to skip to move to another char or a Pause Task.
When HBrelog logs me into WOW, it automatically pops up a language settings and realm type selection screen and after that a character creation screen, so it cant log me in. Any help please? This is really anoying since now i cant bot afk for more then 1 hour.
How can i make the Bot 45 minutes ProfesionBuddy and then 30 minutes BGBuddy ? I tried Tasks: Wait Change Profile [ Profile Path (empty) Bot BGBuddy ] Wait Change Profile [ Profile Path (empty) ProfesionBuddy ] But after wait at Change Profile i get allways a error "Unable to find profile "
When HBrelog starts my tasks, it will kill all running hb sessions i started by hand. Is there something secial i have to configurate?
I'm trying to setup something similar to: HBRelog starts up farmer account, which has LogMeOut running with a timer set for 3hrs. Once 3hr window is hit, LogMeOut is set to hearth, which it then exists the game client. But HBRelog still has the "Wait" task running, since it is impossible to line them up perfectly, and brings the client back thinking it's crashed, and starts HB all over again with the 3hr timer on LogMeOut, but with time still on the HBRelog task. That task ends, and starts my "Idle" task, which has the game client logout wherever it is. I'm trying to avoid having my toons just exiting without hearthing when running a combo of a relogger and LogMeOut. It doesn't look very normal when a client just exits in the middle of a fight or flying.
I say so many Month that HBRelog needs a LogMeOut implemented so it works great in sifferent situation. Like on PVP Servers, you set LogMeOut on 5 Kills and disconnect, HB Relog will instantly reconnect you. If HBRelog count a PVP KIll it would be nice to get a wait timer will the next relog starts. And a lot of other Situation.