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  • Questing+RAF?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by andrey1020, Nov 19, 2013.

    1. andrey1020

      andrey1020 New Member

      Oct 14, 2012
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      Is there a way to level up 2 RAF accounts with quests? For example with Kick's profiles? I just turn on bots at the same time and place, in party, with 3x, they run well for 1-4 hours, but after that one of the 2 bots dies or smth goes wrong and they desynchronize and leave the range where 3x works.

      So, I think there could be a plugin or a botbase, I've searched for this on the forum, and got nothing. I've tryed to setup it with Fpsware LazyBoxer, but it did'nt work. Main bot finishes quests and doesn't wait for the slave > leave of x3 range + random bugs with out of range, bot loses the leader and stops.

      Is it really hard to code, and does HB provide APIs for such a task? I think I can try to code this, but I don't know if it is real at all.
      What is needed -
      acc1 - pickup quest1,2,3,...,n
      acc2 - pickup the same quests
      >> both going to do quest1, and they should always stay in range (50 yards for example)
      (acc1 finished quest1
      acc2 DIDNT finish quest1)
      (acc1 run to acc2 and help with it (just follow and assist-on-target))
      (acc1 finished quest1
      acc2 finished quest1)
      >>both going for next quest, repeat

      And other question - maybe there is any other FASTER way to level-up RAF FRESH! accounts (Soltice from Botanist is so sloooow, Pangaea is good but slower than questing, solo-questing is good but x3 surely faster, Symbiotic - requires high-level toon)
    2. maybe

      maybe Community Developer

      May 15, 2010
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      What you're describing is not possible (yet). There is no communication between bots. It might be able to check through the wow api if your party member has the same quests completed, but this is not something HB takes advantage of yet.

      What im currently doing is play 1 acc manually, tank, and 1 acc by bot, healer, and simply do dungeons. Yes the first 15 levels are a terrible drag, but after that its insane fast.
      lvl 78 with less than 15 hours played.
    3. andrey1020

      andrey1020 New Member

      Oct 14, 2012
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      eh, that's bad. But is it possible to write an addon for wow, that can provide the needed info and use it via HB?... idk.

      Ye, it looks like the best way actually... But I really don't want to play this game any more, I do this just for some money. And I want to setup 10+ bots, so if 2 bots - ~20h to 85, then 10 - 80h to 85. It's a lot of time...
      How do u setup your healer bot? Lazyboxer/Partybot/Dungeonbuddy?

      I'm thinking about 5ppl RAF party and run dungeons, and then here are 2 ways to do this.
      So, I have 5 15 lvl druids (for example, a druid can be tank/healer/dd, so it's ok).
      1. Run it with DungeonBuddy, manage roles, 1 guardian tank 1 resto healers, 3dd ferals/moonkins. And run fully-afk.
      2. Run it the same way but with manual control of tank.
      Which is better? Is the 1st option possible? Will it run smooth? Are there any problems?

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