The SVN video part is broken, so kinda stuck there on installing it. New to Honorbuddy so any help is appreciated to get this up and running.
Are you using the non english version of wow? If so, somethings wont work as it was designed around the English version.
Hello Phelon, a couple of months ago we talked about movement support for casters / healers. Have you looked into that? Would be awesome to get that into the Plugin. Haggy
The free version of this plugin was doing some super obvious bot-like things. On my mage/hunter it would move up to my target and attack them from point-blank range, stutter stepping around like crazy. It would also just stutter step in general when chasing anything that moves. After disabling the plugin this issue stopped. I like the premise of this plugin as PVP is what I originally purchased HB for, and it's what I need the most right now, but this bugginess prevented me from enjoying it.
The free plugin is more for melee and not caster or hunter. However in the paid version of the plugin you have a Strafing tab where you can untick both "Strafe around Target?" and "Use Jump Around Targets?", doing this makes the bot stay away from the target
The Plugin doesn't has support for ranged classes as far as I know. If you disable the options in the plugin, it will not move at all and your CR has to do it. You still can use the plugin for targeting and all the other great stuff. But with ranged support, it would walk during combat. Keep distance, move away when attacked by melee and so on. It would also use instant casts if the target is moving away and not stop at a fixed distance trying to cast and then detection ohh... it's to far away again Haggy
I think when I used UPVP (Unticked strafing settings) along with TuanHA Shaman movement for casting was OK, better than moving up to the target and strafing around it anyway. But like you say it is not really a ranged plugin. Hopefully Phelon will give you a reply to your question soon. He was ill last night.
I have an issue I always seem to face, where when enter BG, at the start of it, it will spam the scoreboard, and I can never remember how to solve it, anyone know? Also, how do I set the targeting up properly? I've messed with it, and tried setting it up, but it never really works, like.. If I want it to go for low HP, it sometimes will, but then shifts to another target, who may be full HP.. I just don't understand it. As for movement, it states to turn off CC movement, if I do so, it sort of works, but when I die, it'll just stand there and do nothing (TuanHA Hunter CC) - So I need it on, does having it on cause any specific issues?
The scoreboard is needed to get information on the opposite side. No movement with Ranged characters. The plugin is built for Melee.
Scoreboard is mandatory and can not be turned off. It needs to be there at the start. Targeting will switch targets if your target goes out of your range that is set or if something comes that has a higher priority. Do not use UPvP Movement with any caster class.
Been using this plugin for a few bg's. Noticed that it taked my balanced druid and treats him like a melee instead of using spells. Something I do wrong or bug in the plugin?
Ok, makes sense regarding scoreboard, but with targets, like just now, it's targeting 100% HP Shaman, when I've set its priority to low HP targets, yet, there was a 50% HP DK right next to him.. and he was going for the 100% target..