When i died in Ungoro Cratters my character and others HB users are stop in east of the map, when they are going to the body. Questing Profile : Classic\H 12-58 K-EK Here is the print screen of the local. I dont have the log now...
Seems you have stuck because you don't have the reqired item Preserved Threshadon Meat - Item - World of Warcraft to finish the quest. This item, however, should be in your inventory in a bag called Torwa's Pouch - Item - World of Warcraft , you have received from the quest giver. Just open that bag and you should receive 2 items reqired for the quest to finish. Either you don't have that bag, or the profile can't open it. That's why HB stucks at that location. You died, because you're waiting at the location, where the quest ravasaur spawns. He clobberd you down several times, because your profile still wants that piece of quest meat and you have no food in your bags to refresh your own health.