Hello. I recently bought a 3 days trail key to try out your bot and love it! I am interested in buying a lifetime 1 session key but my friend already have one and he's not using it and he wants to sell it. is it against your ToS to buy a used key and will you be able to change the key for me so my friend can't use it? Thanks
I don't think they'll change it for anyone but the original purchaser for what should be obvious reasons. If he's really your friend, someone you know and trust, it shouldn't be an issue. If it's an e-friend you've never met, just cough up the money for a new key of your own and don't worry about getting scammed.
Hi, Suicidaly, You're welcome to buy 'used keys', but there can be downsides to doing that. If you are considering it, please give this article a read first: Buddy products: Product Licensing and Fair Use - Buddy Wiki cheers, chinajade