No or its a part. The problem was that some people doesnt have a Android key. And when the logging Funktion trys to replace that so its not in the logs it throws an exception.
While testing the app it seems the bot info stops updating if i disable the "Send Status Messages to Android" in plugin settings. But if i enable it, it spamms the app with "Bot Started" messages and after ~1h its so much the app crashes if i try to open the statusmessages in the app. *Edit: fixed it somehow ... will keep testing why it happened ... sry
"Send Status Messages to Android" sends the bot updates more frequently. If that "Bot started" spam happens again please send me a log
Has there been any movement on self-hosted for buddycon2? I'm a leary of using something like this that I don't host for obvious reasons. Not saying you are out to get us, just that I am paranoid If you need assistance in developing a self-hosted, I can certainly help.
today i get this error : Error please contact thalord! (/home/buddycon/public_html/protected/components/Controller.php:35)
man kommt nicht mehr auf die Homepage. CHttpException Error please contact thalord! (/home/buddycon/public_html/protected/components/Controller.php:35) bitte mal den fehler beheben. =D Mfg Champa
There is a self hosted package fpr BuddyCon 1? Fixed. Server fucked up (Yeah not my fault this time ). Thanks for your messages and sorry for the delay I was not @home unitl now. Server war schuld (und ausnahmsweise nicht ich ). L?uft wieder und sorry f?r die Verz?gerung war unterwegs bis eben. (Computer warten auf sowas)
It should. If not please tell me Maybe possible. What exactly do you want? Pushing messages and status to a certain url?
How-To: Create a REST API | Wiki | Yii PHP Framework Here's a good resource for a RESTful api in yii. It gives an example for authentication.
Sorry, got the mail that you wrote only now -.- Yeah will think about that (or i have been actual). Thats not the problem. But how would i handle the events like chat messages either you can add an webhook or something else or you get the new messages between two calls?
Good morning! I am getting this error when checking up on your website. Error please contact thalord! (/home/buddycon/public_html/protected/components/Controller.php:35) #0 /home/buddycon/public_html/yii/framework/web/CWebApplication.php(282): Controller->init() #1 /home/buddycon/public_html/yii/framework/base/CErrorHandler.php(332): CWebApplication->runController('site/error') #2 /home/buddycon/public_html/yii/framework/base/CErrorHandler.php(205): CErrorHandler->render('error', Array) #3 /home/buddycon/public_html/yii/framework/base/CErrorHandler.php(130): CErrorHandler->handleException(Object(CHttpException)) #4 /home/buddycon/public_html/yii/framework/base/CApplication.php(713): CErrorHandler->handle(Object(CExceptionEvent)) #5 [internal function]: CApplication->handleException(Object(CHttpException)) #6 {main} EDIT: It seems to be fine now, but I thought I would mention this regardless.
I cant seem to get Honorbuddy to connect up, it keeps saying "Lost connection to BuddyMonitor, reconnecting." is there a port in router i have to open or something?