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  • Can't play this game without the bot now. Another HC guy dead.

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Laetus11, Nov 30, 2013.

    1. Laetus11

      Laetus11 New Member

      Dec 5, 2011
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      Using the non beta version, and the stupid bug where the game freezes when you chicken happened again. Except this time i restart and hes dead. Its just so awesome to have to deal with that.

      I'm gonna take a break from POE and exile buddy for a while, maybe the bot will be stable in another month. Good luck buddy team!
    2. firerebel

      firerebel New Member

      Aug 24, 2012
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      Since when has any bot been recommended for use in hardcore modes in video games?

      There's way too much that can go wrong.. idk why you would even try.
    3. Laetus11

      Laetus11 New Member

      Dec 5, 2011
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      Theres no point in playing any arpg softcore, try HC once firerebel and you'll never play SC again.

      Just a lot more fun.
    4. Eter

      Eter New Member

      Jul 15, 2012
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      HC is more fun, but what is the point of "HARDCORE" if you are botting? Takes all the risk out of your hand, and placed it in an unfinished bot. Then you go blame the bot...right then...
    5. Laetus11

      Laetus11 New Member

      Dec 5, 2011
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      If the bot works as intended, a character should never die. With a chicken that works, before GGG started making devs mess around with the bot, i got a HC character to 60 without dying, and Im sure others have gotten farther. Its not an unreasonable expectation to have.
    6. Bossqwerty

      Bossqwerty New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I've tried hardcore and I don't like it. The only thing hard about it is planning your build out to be super tanky and survivable aka no fun.
    7. Laetus11

      Laetus11 New Member

      Dec 5, 2011
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      I figured out what happened. Chicken got disabled after the rev 14 update..... Make sure to always check chicken after updates!!
    8. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      We know EB has a lot of issues right now that we are currently trying to get fixed, but honestly, this is probably an unreasonable exception to have in a game like Path of Exile. That doesn't mean we're not going to try our best to make the bot able to do things to avoid death; we want to have the best bot possible.

      Between desync and the way the game works with damage, a perfect bot would still die in this game due to things beyond its control. If it didn't, it would hardly even progress because it'd be avoiding the majority of combat scenarios that can arise in the game.

      Please keep in mind, the game itself is changing every few weeks. What was possible before, might not be possible now. Just look at the Carrion Queen bug that they had to fix. Then, the recent DoT changes they delayed the patch for. GGG is changing the dynamics of the game in an attempt to make it both more fun and harder at the same time. Some of the changes are things a player can react to a lot better than a bot could, unless it was a really "smart" bot.

      A "smart" bot, or well a smart CR in our case, would have combat awareness, and calculate a danger score based on what's on the screen. If the bot sees something with crit aura and knows the mob is fast moving and attacking, it should avoid that pack altogether and either chicken out or not even go in that direction. When it comes to chickening, you can't work with current hp/es but rather calculate how much damage you're taking over very short periods of time. If all of a sudden, you lose 35% of your HP to an attack, and that's above your threshold, the next attack could crit or you could also receive some extra damage that would kill you before you could even chicken.

      See this video for example. From my understanding, adding in advanced logic to avoid things like that is on the user and their CR, and not something we can do in the core bot code.

      Desync is a real problem because the client is showing you in one state, but you're really in another state. It's actually one of the best anti-bot "features" GGG has right now. When the bot reads your HP from the client, it will show it as full. As soon as you re-sync, and are in a new different state, it might be too late for the bot to react, since you're now below chickening threshold and more attacks are happening that the server has already calculated. By the time the bot reacts, it might be too late.

      Now, this doesn't excuse our current bot problems, and as we've explained, we're working really hard right now to make sure we have the best bot out there, but expectations wise, hardcore will always be a challenge in a game like this.

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