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  • AV vs other BGs

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by KarPerturbed, Feb 16, 2010.

    1. KarPerturbed

      KarPerturbed New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      So AV weekend just ended, and it was pretty fantastic. Queue times on the three servers I was leveling with were anywhere from half a second to 3 minutes, tops. Of course, now that it's over, the queue times for 71-80 are insanely long and HB is pretty much straight grinding.

      Is it worth doing other bgs?
      Should it be a mix of all bgs to get tokens for Concerted Efforts?
      Should it be the BG of the day?

      I'm not concerned with honor, only the fastest possible leveling to get to 80. I am not doing RAF simply because each toon is on a different server.

      Thanks in advance!

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