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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by lizardey, Dec 11, 2013.

    1. lizardey

      lizardey New Member

      Dec 10, 2013
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      Hey guys :)

      I have played WoW since vanilla and have now got myself a bot.
      A friend of mine help me to set it up and I have a few questions that I've seen a lot of talk about but not really 100% sure about, so please try to put up with me, or direct me to the right info locations, while I get as up to speed as I can.

      1. I run my main account on 64 bit.
      2. I run my botting account on 32 bit.
      Why? I know that it seems to cause less chugging than running 2x64? (which I've done before when trying to fly my chars to different areas using my mates account - epic failure there). Is it just the lack-o-chug or does it help to prevent blizz from identifying botting in some way?

      3. I have heard that Blizz rarely ban by MAC address, but has anyone here run their main account (not-botted ever) and their botted account (bot-active) at the same time, from the same pc? (and been banned)
      I mean, realistically I have run 2 wows at once, many times but not for particularly long.

      4. What are the best ways of transferring gold? I have looked around and it seems face-to-face trading is the best way to go. Mail is obviously a no-go for obvious reasons, but what about Guild Banks? Does it work well if you put all of the money into the one bank from the bot and then withdraw it from said gbank using different alts on the main (never-bot) account? I'm not making much money yet but there are many others in the guild who could clearly see what I was doing, if they were interested.

      So yeah, new, don't want to get banned (obviously) and looking for info.
      Thanks to Chinajade for the links everywhere too, they DO help newbies navigate the honorbuddy do's and don'ts :)

      Edited for sentence structure and length etc. It's late here >.<
    2. W0efk3

      W0efk3 New Member

      Jan 7, 2011
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      3. Unless you run multiple bots at the same MAC, you are rather safe.

      4. Guild bank transfers are the safest I guess. Just don't take it all out at once every time. Only take what you really need.
    3. lizardey

      lizardey New Member

      Dec 10, 2013
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      I have run both main account and botting account from the same MAC, at the same time. I am wondering if I should avoid doing this?
    4. tdicup12

      tdicup12 New Member

      Oct 13, 2010
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      Yea, Try to avoid mulitclienting on the same computer, if its a MAC.

      And btw WELCOME TO HONORBUDDY! best bot for wow! Need help dont be afraid to ask.
      chinajade likes this.
    5. lizardey

      lizardey New Member

      Dec 10, 2013
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      Thanks, I meant same MAC Address. I don't use Mac computers (ew) *waits for the raging*
      And thanks! :D
      It' hard getting used to new software, but I figure the sooner I get used to it, the better off I'll be.
    6. Slite62

      Slite62 Member

      Oct 16, 2013
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      I have been botting for over a year, with ShadowBot until they was whacked with the Cease and decist hammer, then I went over to HB.

      I have been botting my main accounts, my alt accounts at the same time, up to 5 bots concurrent in isBoxer... No bans... I think it is a bigger question on HOW you bot than the method of it. If you bot like a "human" player, you are less likely to get reported/picked up.

      I rarely bot 100% afk for instance, while at work I keep tabs on my bots via Teamviewer, at home, I usually sit at my pc and do other stuff on my main screen while isBoxer is running on my secondary monitor. And I don't do the same thing in a silly amount of time. i.e. I don't farm for 8 hours. It doesnt take someone smarter than the average bear to figure out that a real person farming ghost iron in Jade Forest flying the exact same route for 8 hours is either a bot, or have a severe case of OCD.

      So best advice is really, bot like it's a human playing your bot, change profiles often, farm for a couple of hours, quest a bit, grind timeless coins... you get the picture.

      Best way to avoid bans is to bot "smart"
    7. mellome

      mellome New Member

      Mar 28, 2012
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      First off, greeting and welcome to our little community.
      Responses to your questions are noted with he number that proceeded them.

      2. HB only affixes to the 32b process of World of Warcraft. As many players, of Blizzard games, only have a 32b platform machine - Blizzard will never be able to stray away from the system itself and as such there is no real reason to change from/update to a higher process client.

      3. How Blizzard discovers, chronicles, characterizes, and denotes which account to ban or not is all very speculative. Yes, issues have arose, and players banned, while being on the same MAC address or multiple; ultimately it boils down to not being stupid with the gift you're given and "playing" responsibly.

      4. As mentioned by W0e, guild bank transfers are the "safest" between local/guilded characters; face to face from bank character to third-party character. In the end, hand off of gold (in large amounts) is still a risk.

      Use your head. Act like a NORMAL player. Try and be inconspicuous. Keep to a routine (as a player would).
    8. lizardey

      lizardey New Member

      Dec 10, 2013
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      My bot never goes for longer than 4 hours without a break, usually less time than that.
      It logs out for an indeterminate time and then logs back in.
      I randomise the profiles myself, quest for a little while, farm for a little while. Usually questing longer than farming because questing holds a player's interest longer, as a general rule. I let my character go AFK in cities, and run around on it myself when it hits any areas with more than 5 players (cities etc).
      My bot runs on 32 bit, main on 64 bit - simultaneously sometimes, from the same mac address.
      I do go afk from my bot but am only away about 30% of the time.
      My computer has an auto-shut off timer to prevent the bot logging back in and this time is changed on a daily basis.

      How am I doing so far?
    9. mellome

      mellome New Member

      Mar 28, 2012
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      There are a few relogers that are very beneficial, assuming your randomization and time-checks are done manually.
      I, personally, use HBRelog (link: here), though others swear by/and use ARelog (link: here)

      The relogers will automate many of the functions you've noted.
      When away, there are many monitors (in form of plugins) that can assist with "watching" yourself while not within immediate vicinity -- I've used a good deal of them though, of late, have been using BuddyCon2 (link: here)

      Keeping to a schedule and acting like a player are two necessities for the day-to-day botter; you're doing well.
      Use of a reloger will remove the need for your machine to turn off, entirely, though that is a valid precaution.
    10. s4ndr0

      s4ndr0 New Member

      Nov 19, 2013
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      Oh my god, this made my day, i haven't laughed so hard in a loooooong time.
    11. lizardey

      lizardey New Member

      Dec 10, 2013
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      Yeah I use HBRelog, I was seeing if it was running properly this morning though and it wont log into the game. It loads the game, but doesn't input the password. Any ideas? I did add another profile to HBRelog to test, could this have stuffed it up?

      Edit: Also, how do you get it to stop relogging at a certain time? As I said before I've been using an auto-shutdown rule on my overall PC, but if HBRelog can shut itself off on it's own then that would be ideal :D
    12. mellome

      mellome New Member

      Mar 28, 2012
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      After reading your reply I took to check HBRelog and it appears to be working correctly.
      Do you have an updated copy from the SVN?

      Both questions are answered IN the HBRelog primary thread, once again found here: link

      I use Windows Task Scheduler (bat files) to enable/disable HBRelog starting: Introduction Link

      Hope that helps some.
    13. lizardey

      lizardey New Member

      Dec 10, 2013
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      Thanks for the info, I have SVN and update once a day, that said I have NOT yet updated today so that is most likely my issue.
      I am currently searching for information on how to update honorbuddy :)

      When it says "Wait task" I have one that waits an indeterminate amount of time (ie anywhere from 10-30minutes). Can HBRelog shut itself down or can it only be through Task Scheduler?
    14. lizardey

      lizardey New Member

      Dec 10, 2013
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      Alright, I've been looking for some time and need some help with this one: How do I update HB? Do I just use the installer file just release or do I need to completely uninstall HB and then use the newly released installer?
    15. mellome

      mellome New Member

      Mar 28, 2012
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      The best thing to do is a "fresh install".

      Place a 2 at the end of the first folder, create a new folder and extract the ZIP (not the installer) into the new folder.

      Open up the previous folder (that now has a 2 at the end), and extract any additional files you've added to the install, such as:
      • Plugins
      • Bot bases
      • Routines
      • Additional questing profiles

      Start HB anew, re-enter your key.
      If you do not know what your key is, login to BuddyAuth with your forum login.

      Begin anew - note, you'll have to re-enter your settings.
      You CAN simply replace the files into the new folder from the zip; sometimes, however, there are settings that have changed in configuration and a fresh install is an easier means.

      HB does come with an AutoUpdate feature, however if the file directory is "too long" it will not be able to update and is more easily done so manually.

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