Hello everyone! I have been botting for a while now, but now I wants to ask a couple of questions. - Why aint there any timer, which indicates how long your bot have been running? (no plugin) - Why don't the bot use flying mount all the time? Is it easier for the bot to run for the next hotspot instead of flying? It does fly, but its not 100%. More like 70%. - Why is it so hard to skip a quest? I mean, why do we have to install a program, just to skip one quest? - Why aint there any stuck detector built in honorbuddy? I know there is a plugin, but come on. I have been wondering about some of these questions for some time, hope someone can give some insight. P.S I love honorbuddy, and I think you are doing a great job. Thanks.
i think in game you can do /session or /time and it will tell you how long you've been logged into wow. but not the bot unless your running gatherbuddy. because its not mean to fly around all over the place, the only time its going to fly is if the profile says "fly here to here" unless your running gatherbuddy. because most quests are part of chains if you click skip chances are you would screw up the rest of the quests since they would be unavailable. there is a stuck detector built in.