I have tired everything im to the point of returning the hb and getting my money back plz help. I have reinstalled windows 8 and fresh installed HB.I have two correct visual C++ redistributables and have .NET framework 4.5 which came with windows 8 and with all the updates and I've tired dx9 and dx11 and it is still crashing after logging in to wow I cleared the cashes
.... maybe you should not make more posts about the same stuff. I'm Sure the hb team is working on the issue.
It is so fucking obvious that the bot's code is causing the error. How about waiting for a bit? It's so annoying people spam making threads about the same issue. Coding isn't easy, especially coding a program to control something within another. How about you give them time while they fix the bot and you can play normally for a few days? lol.
hi , well its run fine for me . did you run HB as admin ? maybe this well help btw just wait we have now weekend and many devs sleep now here in EU
Build .709 WORKS for some people and DOES NOT for others! there is nothing that can be done till the developers look into it! NOW STOP MAKING THESE THREADS!!! geez /rant over
you have a thread. stop making new ones. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...pport/142477-im-about-give-up-honorbuddy.html