My Main was shut down, i wanna quickly get a level 80 so i can have be there at the beginning of cataclysm.
do i seem like im joking? I cant even download the new mode now. So no im not joking, if u want to help me, write some serious stuff please.
I think if you go read the forums (try pressing the "What's New" button), you'll soon realise why you're getting the responses you're getting. I hope this reply was serious enough for you.
Do not take the auth server off line! Don't take the auth servers down! Some of us play on private servers with Honorbuddy / Gather buddy and they have NOT updated yet to 4.0.1 and are still running 3.3.5 so we can still use the bot. If you need to test and code things it should be done on a TEST server! Keep the Auth servers UP! For the people playing on private servers and using your product!
The funny thing is, that I think it says on ShamWoW CC that it is not made for Blizzard live realms. So that means that ShamWoW has a whole other view on GB/HB. That's just my 2 cents. Anyways .. any ETA on HB?
W00t! Only 7 days? You guys ROCK! That's alot of work in a short amount of time. Good luck and great job!
I would love to seem some reimbursement especially since for the most part the past releases have been extremely buggy which at times will make it unusable and now its offline for a week which is 1/4 of the time i pay for.
Like someone else posted, Blizzard doesn't reimburse for the Tuesday downtime. Also, Microsoft doesn't reimburse for machines wonky while they work on Windows patches/updates and [insert car maker here] doesn't reimburse you when you need to take your car to the mechanic for repairs. Like everything else in life, HB needs updating too. It'll be released within the next couple days if all goes well for the devs.
I don;t think 1 week is allot to wait just run Gatherbuddy and wait when you hit 80 on your new toon you will have G waiting
Well, I tried running it on a 40 mage with herbalism, but I kept getting errors and couldn't make it work .. so no.
Any word on release yet? No hurry just wondering if there is any updates that I miss! Take your time, this bot gave my life back! hahaha...
This post = plant, lol! I do agree though. There is a lot of QQ for something that isn't that big of a deal.
There is some progress with HB, we expect an release at friday. Questing and PVP has to be adjusted and bugfixed. Right now i am behind 2 of the guys and watching what they do - Nesox / Main
Since new progress it's possible to get HB version without any CC/plugins just to get it earlyer than firday? I'm using my own CC and plugins anyway.
Yo guys, Let them do they thing. If you honeslty cant go 7 days without a bot then you need to find a new game. The more you bother them the slower its going to take. Just let them do there job right so when we get it we dont have to wait another week for them to fix something. Thank you Bossland and all the support.
Yeah! Get them enough of whatever they need - coffee,cookies, ... I bought Lifetime the day GB/HB went off - looking forward to see them work after level 20 Take your time