Right Folks, Recently started on a server in the misery Battlegroup. However, alliance seem to get their arses kicked without any wins at all. I mean I have not had one win in multiple battlegrounds on multiple weekends and multiple characters. Is anyone else on misery? I've played on the 50-60, 60-70, and 70-80 groups and it's all the same. It has gotten so bad and so frustrating about how many noobs alliance has that I'm tempted to a roll a horde. Is anyone alliance on misery? How is your pvp going? If you are Horde what are the wait times like usually? Many thanks guys for all your feedback.
Alliance Queue Instant. Horde Queue Atleast 15 minutes. And if you know how to play, you can turn the bg around and win it, i win like 70% as alliance on misery. - Got both alliance and Horde there at same realm.
Warlocks shouldnt whine atm, casters are freaking op since 4.0.1, especially destro and demo. Hand of guldan felguard intercept bladestorm gg half ur health down before intercept stun is over.
When Cata hits expect an increase of kiddies going alliance again, since alliance get the worgen, and horde gets a failed midgets race too
We/I am not whining, since I'm ripping appart other classes. But duo lack of teamwork @ Alliance we always lose
Ally on Misery are not noob,just lack Motivation , we go there to leeeeech some honor,dont care win or lose.If AV CTA u can eat my dust !!
im on Grim batol (misery bg).. and it depends a lot if we win or not, i would say 50-50 actually alliance got a lot of winning days too, so your must have been doing bgs a bad moment.
On the Cataclysm beta the horde got all of the pvp gear early and whatnot and they would win nearly 100% of the time. NOW I am winning 3/4ths of the time! Go Alliance! I am normally on the Ruin battlegroup and we have the Warsong realm so there are lots of Horde but I must say we are pretty neck and neck so it really depends on the days and whatnot.
liquidator there not a failed midget race lol im only saying that cause my nose resembles that of a goblin XD