About two days back my HB started to get reaaaaally slow. It shows up as pauses, between _every_ spell casted. Its 3-8 second pause every time. I dont know the reason. I have fresh installed Full Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit running on laptop. It has nothing else installed on, but Graphic drivers, Firefox, uTorrent, WinRAR, WoW and HB. For improved performance, WoW and win7 is set to minimum graphic details. Fps is 50-70 all the time. Ive deleted HB and installed it again and downloaded profiles again and tried different shadow priest custom class-profiles. Nothing seems to work. Help.
I have tried other cc once. What is the "right" one if there is one? WoW has also disconnected from server for some reason after about 10-20min farming. Cant find any good explanation for that either. This hasnt happened in every farm, but like... every second night. Dunno if it is the profile im using atm. It seems okay. Ill try again from this moment to 17:00 pm, when i get off from work.
Here is Log from the last night to this moment. http://paste.arkku.net/15178777864b79637c27f2c In the log there is clearly two runs. First was when i set the bot up for the night, from 01:15 to 02:15. Then it has stopped or something i dont know. Second run was at morning, when i woke up and went to work. Starts 07:03 and stops 07:57. Second run apparently was stuck somewhere, dont know, because WoW was crashed when i got home. Anyway thats not related. I want to fix the pauses between all actions. I hope that helps a bit. This is getting very annoying and still dont know the reason. Before weekend, the bot has worked like chinese, the best bot ever. But for no reason, this ... duh -_-
If the bot gets stuck it can cause crashes, Also if your graphics card freezes it can cause both to crash, Lag is another thing that might cause it. I've found that if my graphics card hangs and does a refresh it can sometimes crash both.
Hmmh ive noticed that. But thats not really the issue here. As stated above, the problem is the pauses between actions.
a few things: .net up to date? correct CC? correct HB? also i noticed this Code: [7:55:59:208] CastSpellById: 48168 [7:56:00:745] Took 3058 ms to cast:Inner Fire inner fire is an instant cast. should take no more than 200ms to cast (double latency), not 3 seconds you're lagging. HB requires good net + 20-30 fps to run properly. fix your connection or computer problems and then let us know whats up. uTorrent ... shut this down and then play wow.
ofc i dont have utorrent on when playing, its only installed on to system, not always on, least when im botting. I have downloaded HB again from Main Site. I dont know where to find a "proper" cc for Shadow Priest, other than what came with the bot. .Net is up to date. And the FPS, as stated on first post is 50-70 all the time. My Internet Connection is 8/1 and I live pretty near ISP. There is only normal WoW lag when i play, its not like the spell itself takes long to cast, but the bot to give the cast order. Systemi is almost completely clean from not-microsoft's-own-stuff, so its basically has better performance than my desktop PC, which has like 5 times better specs. Windows7 is also on Classic theme, so it takes lowest possible resources for system processes. Any other
Can you at least give me the right CC for priest? That is, if it not the CC which comes with the bot.
Yes it is pretty hard to check at CC thread. Couldnt you just give me the link? I still cant find it. And please, i havent paid for this that i can be told "fuck you noob, seek for yourfself" I have asked in a nice way, and wouldnt ask if i would have found it by myself.
http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread.php?121-ePriest-v1-19-Priest-CC-(now-supporting-pvp) http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread.php?149-Khryses-1-14-New-better-and-improved-(Priest-PvE-PvP) Don't swear here - we prefer not to mute people.
Thank you. I shall try those and post here, if i encounter anymore similiar problems. Sorry for swearing.
i had a conversation with Developer Nesox about this issue low fps is an also a parameter that can cause low casting
It hasnt been problem before. And it has been the same, from the first bot minute to last one, and ive botted 70-80 without problems. Now im just farming with 80lv. Fps, as told, is 50-70 all the time. Im sure its more than enough. Right? This night I try that Khryses CC. Ill tell more at morning.
Ooookay I had it running with Khryses. It bots so well as if there never have been any trouble. Its like, 5x better than when I start using HB. It casts spells right after last one has ended, its easy to conf to use spells to kill, not delay. In word. Amazing. Two words? Unbelieveable amazing. Thank you so much Hawker and Tony! There is no more any problems I also did recommend HB to my friends now.