I have botted for a few years now but have had a break for around 1? year now. I never tryed any of the "buddy's" but was told thay are the best atm. How is the ban rate on "buddy's" Anything I should know befor I do a classic 48 hour gind (thats ironic btw) I am only gona use it for pvp, been watching some youtube's of Honorbuddy and i am quith impressed. /thanks
Use these BG profiles [All credits go to w00t] http://www.thebuddyforum.com/showth...-COMPLETE-All-New-BG-Profiles&highlight=w00ts
I will try it when HB gets back online / I can download it Thanks for a quick reply lol, 30 sec or somthing ^^
The only bans i read of here are because of bad (self made) profiles or just bad configuration that resulted in a player report. here are some useful things*: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/showthread.php?99-Guide-to-not-be-on-the-Target-(Bans)-by-Tony *but i guess if you already botted for years this is nothing new for you =) a well configured bot = win
DO: Follow the Forum Rules! Read Threads. Post with Intelligence. and Post to Contribute. Do Not: Break Said Forum Rules Make Fun of Others. Report or Complain about other Botters. Post a Bug without a log. Run a "Bad" profile Do Things to bring intentional Harm / Headache to other players or users. If everyone put at least a little thought into what their actions will do. then everything would be a whole lot better. oh and use a good CC or profile, if your using a profile, learn to make a profile yourself. everyone using the same profile on all the servers looks bad, and helps people get caught. Hope That Helps. CodenameGamma
when the payment is processed and the new version thats compatible with the new version of wow is released. so by this weekend. would be my guess
Well, when I try to download I get a message telling me I cant. I have bought HB (paypal) and payment and so on is completed. "CoyDK, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:"
As your maby not aware of that HB is offline and under development. Upgradings etc since the big major patch and will be up and running "soon"
Then I conclude that you are one of those who wants a stable ,no bugs and a high security bot. Me like!
" No I like the bots that work under the consept "hat-on-stick-ducktaped-sting-and-carrot-attatcked-toon-follow-carrod" "