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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Error again, I had the bot running between hotspots without targeting quest mobs. Just back and forth. Either the new HB update screwed something or the BC profile has some code lines that are odd.

I added the piece of the log that contains where the hotspot loop is.


Quest title : Shizz Work
Problem : stuck, just standing and doing nothing

cannot attach log, file too big.

If you can compress it into a .zip file to reduce the size, or cut out the piece where it has the error.

Some more speculation:
I am using the Horde Flying 58-70 profile for questing on a Troll Druid.
1. Some quests that require a hunting ground for farming mobs to complete a quest are not as efficient as others. For instance while I was questing in Blade's Edge Mountains HB and Kick's Profile would roam the quest area waiting for the toon to aggro mobs, then it would attack. Now in Netherstorm HB and Kick's Profile roam the quest area targeting the mobs that need to be farmed and also attacking mobs that it aggros. Is this due to the way some quests are written in the profile? If so I will record the ones that suffer from this "only do the quest when aggroing mobs" to "continually do the quest by targeting specific mobs and killing aggroed mobs."

2. For me
a. I can usually fix many of these issues with a simple reload of Kick's Profile of the area that I am in​
b. If the problem persists I shut down HB and restart HB and load Kick's Profile again then start.​
c. IF IT STILL does not fix itself I close WoW and restart WoW and repeat step b.​

I have yet to clear my chaches to fix any errors.
EDIT: Wow, I figured it out like 5 seconds after posting this, haha. I'll leave it here in case anyone has the same problem. Basically the TortoiseProc exe located in the root folder of TortoiseSVN was for some reason checked as "Run as Admin". It's not supposed to be checked for that since it won't run. Removed that and ran it and it works fine again!

I've been using these profiles for ages and I love them. TortoiseSVN has always been working great but after installing some new hdd's and removing older ones I've had some problems with admin privileges and had to muck around with paths and set things straight. Everything works again now as long as I run it as admin. It's a bit messed up but I have no idea how to fix it simply.

Anyways, since then my TortoiseSVN has been funky too and I have tried re-installing it but I'm getting the same problem.

The problem is this: When I try to right click a folder and do the SVN Checkout I get the following error message "TortoiseProc Launch failed: The requested operation requires elevation." and I can't figure out how to fix it. The funny thing is that when running CavaPlugin's installer which sends a command to run TortoiseSVN for you it actually works.

Anyone got a clue how to fix this?
Hey thanks a lot for these great profiles
So far got a druid to 37
and working on my warlock @ 24
I see one problem so far, the quest in duskwood called [In A Dark Corner] (where the character has to retrieve a torn journal in a barn)
The character just stands there and bugs out
Please take a look at it when you can :D Thanks!

Hi, Polackpl,

If you need assistance, please see the guide for [post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post]. Specifically, we are unable to act on feedback where the full log has not been provided.

Profile: [H - Quest] 58-70 [Kick].xml
Quest: Shizz Work - Quest - World of Warcraft
Description: Character moves to the quest area and just stands there, it doesn't kill any boars, i did this quest by hand and then restarted HB and everything was fine again. "Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'hunting ground center'" or something like that, log attached.

Hi, Shiningstar, and many thanks for the log.

This was bug HB-282 in Honorbuddy '.718. The bug has been repaired in the latest drop ('.719). You should upgrade immediately, because you will continue to experience this problem if you do not.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1372324]Shiningstar's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Profile: [N - Quest] 86-87 Valley of the Four Winds [Kick]
Quest: Learn and Grow II: Tilling and Planting - Quest - World of Warcraft
Description: The Toon goes to the Plot of Soil but doesn't interact with them. He is just Standing there doing nothing.

Hi, Avalarion23, and thanks for the log

This was bug HB-282 in Honorbuddy '.718. The bug has been repaired in the latest drop ('.719). You should upgrade immediately, because you will continue to experience this problem if you do not.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1372341]Avalarion23's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Profile runs smooth from 1-72. At lvl 72 it's trying to pick up "Pride of the Horde" from "Blood Guard Roh'kill" at Westwind Refugee Camp in the Dragonblight. The problem is that this NPC doesn't have a quest for me so it just stands there.

Hi, MDLefevere,

This article should sort your problem:
[post=1356864]HelpDesk: Quest giver is not offering expected quest[/post]

If you need assistance in the future, we require the full log to be attached, please.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

why do ur profiles using kun-lai for 88-89, while townlong steppes is for 88-89 ?

Hi, Ffabr,

Bliz has bumped the MoP experience gains twice since the profiles were originally written. You may find this article enlightening:
[post=1105561]HelpDesk: Quests are 'green' or 'gray'[/post]

Is anyone having problems with this now? I am trying the Jade forest quests and keep getting errors about the quest behavior.

Hi, WrathofGod,

No, no problems with the profiles. If you need assistance, please attach a full log that captures the issue.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

Where is the document that I can edit what the bot sells when the bags are full? It leaves in items that I would normally sell and don't mail off to any other toons. Also where do I enable mailing when bags are full? Can I sell and mail off things?

I'm sorry if I'm confusing. Basically, where can I edit the selling script? And can I use the auto sell and auto mail script at the same time, if so, how?

Hi, Nixonyx,

This article should provide the information you need:

You may want to also give this plugin a look:
[post=753914][Plugin] Mr.ItemRemover2 - Deletes , Opens and Sells items in your Bags[/post]​

Profile: [Fly][A - Quest] Twilight Highlands 84-85 [Kick].xml
Quest: Aiming High - Quest - World of Warcraft
Description: Toon gets launched up to the Skyshredder and just stands there, kills any crewmembers that spawn, but otherwise just stands there with status "Loading tiles" and according to logs, it can't calculate how to get from point a to point b.

Hi, Slite62, and thanks for the log.

[06:18:04.858 D] Could not generate path from {-4841.787, -6500.826, 43.29618} to {-4851.802, -6580.89, 9.417754} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly

Indeed it does. Such issues do not belong here, and should be report to the [post=350949]Navigation thread[/post], instead. Please be mindful of their posting requirements (first post of that thread).


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1372754]Slite62's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Problem with City of Light quest. It follows the escort. Then when it lags behind the bot send me to Zangarmarsh. Why would it do that?
Log attached.

EDIT: HB restart fixed it. At least this is a bug and I reported it when it occured lol.

Hi, Nixonyx, and thanks for the log.

// You started the escort just fine...
[07:24:46.616 D] Goal: EscortGroup-v1085: ""City of Light" (http://wowhead.com/quest=10211)"
Looting and Harvesting are disabled while Escort in progress
[Ref: "[Fly][H - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick]($Rev: 3047 $)" @line 4036]
// Honorbuddy decides it wants to go back to a distance hotspot...
// Your location was {-1780.416, 5281.966, -32.22442} when this happened.

[07:24:47.358 D] Changed POI to: Type: Hotspot, Loc: <962.339, 8236.833, 21.74849>
// Honorbuddy loads a *bunch* of tiles to make the calculation...
[07:24:47.653 D] Loading Expansion01_22_36
[07:24:49.363 D] Loading Expansion01_19_31
[07:24:49.458 D] Loading Expansion01_19_34
// Honorbuddy abandons the escort to pursue the hotspot...
[07:24:51.760 D] Flight time: 00:06:56
[07:24:51.760 D] Run Time: 00:17:00
[07:24:51.760 D] Difference: 604
[07:24:51.761 D] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Use, Zabra'jin, Zangarmarsh

Our first reaction was "a plugin must be doing this", but you are not running any unusual plugins. This leaves an Honorbuddy bug as the option, and we don't know what triggered it. But, this is not a problem with the profile, and nothing the profile can do to repair this.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1372784]Nixonyx's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Cheers to chinajade! Thanks for the replies. I have another question. Sometimes I stop the bot to manually do a quest, in this case it was one where you had to damage a mob but not kill it, and the bot was killing the mob. After I finished the quest I restarted the bot and it decided that I outleveled the Burning Crusade zones and should move on to Wrath Zones. I am level 69 but wanted to get to 70 before leaving. I can't get the bot to get back on the quests it was on before I hit stop. Should I not do this anymore? Or is there a way to safely get the bot back on track after I click start again?
On the quest in Kun-Lai summit where you escort the grummles from the MidWay station to Kota Basecamp, once the bot gets close to the basecamp it spams to get the flight path moving ever so farther away from the group of escorted grummles. And as a result by the time the grummle casts the completion spell.. the bot is out of range and has to restart. I have observed this on a few toons now, seems if the bot could just stay next to the pack a little longer then we would be fine. :)

log: View attachment 116577

Hi, Jacobmohan10, and many thanks for the log.

I've run a bunch of toons through these profiles and have never encountered this problem. But, can easily see how it could happen. Go figure.

I've opened bug report HB-336 ("Learning flightpaths interfering with Escort") against this issue. The profile currently has no way to disable the learning of flightpaths.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1372799]Jacobmohan10's problem report w/log[/post][/size]
Profile: [A - Quest] EK 12-58 [Kick]

Remove this Quest override. The hotspots are terrible. Without the override it works 100% better.

Hi, MaxMuster!

Done... the changes are in v3052.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1372882]MaxMuster's problem report w/recommended repair[/post][/size]
Profile: [Fly][N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick]

Remove this Quest override.
Run between 2 Hotspots looks very botish ;-)

<waves at MaxMuster>,

Recommended repair is in v3053.

cheers & many thanks again!

[size=-2]Ref: [post=1372885]MaxMuster's problem report w/recommended repair[/post][/size]
Too many problems with DK starting area *thumbs down*
Dueling with Initiates fail (both), fighting in dark realm fail, killing mobs fail (pulled too much).

Hi, Dutamulia,

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the DK starter zone profile?it is smooth as glass.

The problem is with your Honorbuddy installation, or configuration. You're probably running a borked Combat Routine would be my guess. But, if you would like assistance, you will need to attach the full log that captures whatever issue you are having.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

Tried running Kick's after updating the svn, starting a fresh character (Blood Elf Mage) using the classic H 1-12 auto loader. And it comes out with a long list of errors. This is all the errors. Was run in questbot, HB and wow both fresh starts. HB had just updated and I had just updated the svn,


The profile of 12-58 horde dont send mail to the recipient! :S

Hi, Igoblin,

The profile does not participate in mailing. In fact, the profile is suspended during all vendor runs (including mail).

If you would like assistance, please see the guide for [post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post].
