I'm trying to level several toons past makeb using joe's randomgrind, I know a lot of people here say do your own grind profile it's so easy bla bla. I'm sure it's not a problem and joe's random grind is already taking care of the grinding but my problem is that I can't find any good grinding spots, either the terrain is so uneven that the bot gets stuck a lot, there are cliffs where the bot either gets kicked off or kicks the mob off and then blindly follows him into certain death, or there are people of the other faction who are keen on messing up your leveling experience... I'd really appreciate it if someone could give me a heads up which areas are best for which level between 50 and 55... cheers, alpha
mainly imp but I wouldn't bother knowing some good spots for reps aswell since I'm looking into rep toons aswell
I think its best to run the quest profile for imp side from dotbydot. I have made the rep side version, but its not released, since its not tested.
ok so I used it for a couple of hours and I'd give it an ok rating... Questing might be faster than pure grinding but I was hoping I could get something that is 99% afkable but questing profiles are far from that... that's why I'd like to stick to grinding with less chance of major f#@king up... so back to the question at hand: anybody know any sweet spots to grind with joe's random grind? and while we're at it joe's random grind for some reason doesn't repair gear nor resurrect companion... 2 major issues I've encountered