Hello There's a quest in Grizzly Hills, called Seeking Solvent which is infinitely repeatable. First time a day, you get 10g and 6 Honor Points (at level 80), and every time after that, you get 6 honor, but no gold. Best part is, its PvP free if you're on a PvE server. You're auto-flagged for PvP combat when you begin the quest the first time, and 5 minutes after you complete it, you are unflagged. You can then keep on doing it over and over again, without being flagged for PvP (Unless you attack the horde/ally mobs in the area). Taking into effect travel time and actual quest progress, it seems you can complete it once every minute or so, when playing without a bot. This roughly translates into ~400 honor an hour. Is there a way to automate this? To have HB go back and forth doing this, with flying to avoid pvp and other mobs. I've never created a mesh profile or any type of profile before, so any help would be appreciated. If you could just quickly write up a profile for me too, that would be great Thanks!
Any chance you can provide a link? I searched for "Solvent" and "Grizzly", very generic terms so I could subsearch, but found nothing..
I searched for your brain and found nothing too! JK JK here ya go http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12433 Anyway, if you found nothing that means you must have found something. Double negative there You didn't find "anything". I hate being all grammar intensive... im nevar lik this truzt meh
Its still early where i am I meant, is there an HB Profile already made for this? If you click the actual text "Seeking Solvent" in my original post, you'll see it links to the same quest you provided, but for Alliance
WTB Profile - PST Thx for the help.. I suppose I'll keep doing it manually on my druid. I found out that the debuff you get from picking up Element 115, that causes you unable to move faster than non-mounted running speed, can be overcome with druid swim form and glyph. If a mage blinks, a hunter disengages, a warrior charges, anything that causes you to run faster than normal, they drop the item. Only thing that works, is druid glyphed swim speed, and nitro boots.
should be pretty easily done once hb comes back up. i'm not sure about the repeating part, it may need a plugin (ala, the wintersaber quests) but, still, definitely doable...
you can probably make a profile with the quest objectif copy pasted a few hundred of time worse case, the bot will keep picking it up and do the objectif and go turn in, pick it again and so on. I doupt there is a repeatable quest function in HB yet, but should be easy to copy paste it inside the profile. Zuruss
Flying is not possible for HB yet, unless you mean Flight master flying then that's when you need a plugin aswell as a quest profile to repeat. Edit.. Also HB is down so leaving a request at this point is abit useless.
This might have been suggested before. So if so then i'm sorry. For all you RAF-ers out there. Use the touring rocket (or indeed any passenger flying vehicle) with one character to fly the slower character (the one holding the element) and it vastly increases the turn in time. Respawn of the element is roughly 40s so waiting for a respawn is not an issue.
See my post here: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/showthread.php?11524-Venture-Bay-honor-quest For Alliance, just change out the NPC Name/ID and Quest ID's for the alliance versions.