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    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by Shadowbane57, Jan 9, 2014.

    1. Shadowbane57

      Shadowbane57 New Member

      May 8, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Hi guys!
      I was just wondering if there is a way to set up HB so i can run low level dungeons repeatedly over and over. Something like Stockades or Shadowfang Keep, so i can farm cloth and maybe some rare drops.

      If its possible, how would i go about making the profile?

      ~Thanks, Shadow
    2. subterran

      subterran New Member

      Dec 5, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Hello Shadow,

      Yes of course there is a way! I run Grim Batol on my war when I feel like farming cloth and gold ( 1 run is about 24 mins). Making a custom profile wouldn't be a problem if you do some research. I Have my own .xmls I learned from other peoples profiles and of course good info on here!

      for example my stockade script would be as such





      <!-- Protected Items list-->



      <Vendor Name="Marda Weller" Entry="1287" Type="Repair" X="-8787.688" Y="609.6306" Z="96.77328" /> <!-- Stormwind Repair Vendor -->

      <Mailbox X="-8811.284" Y="838.1646" Z="92.02881" /> <!-- Stormwind Mailbox -->

      <Mob Name="Summon Enabler Stalker" Entry="53488" />


      <If Condition="!(Me.MapId == 34)" >

      <!-- Transporter -->

      <!-- Transport script, pre made for all purposes. -->
      <!-- Use this if you want, but give credit. -->
      0 = Eastern Kingdoms
      1 = Kalimdor
      530 = Outland
      646 = Deepholm
      571 = Northrend
      870 = Pandaland
      Important, you might need to edit where the profile will take you.
      Search for "Ally Going to!!!" and read how to edit that part.
      Also search for "Horde Going to!!!" and edit that part.
      A monkey can do it.
      Add MapId for farming location, the id you enter here is where you want to go.-->
      <While Condition="!(Me.MapId == 0)" >
      <CustomBehavior File="UserDialog" AllowBotStop="False" SoundCue="Exclamation" SoundCueInterval="5" ExpiryTime="15" ExpiryAction="InputEnabled_Continue"
      Text="I WILL EAT COOKIES" Title="WARNING" />
      <If Condition="Me.IsAlliance" >
      <!-- Outland move to and use portal in shat -->
      <If Condition="Me.MapId == 530" >
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Going to Stormwind." LogColor="Lime" />
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-248.064" Y="930.2079" Z="84.37978" DestName="BC Portal" />
      <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="-247.1655" Y="897.484" Z="84.3497" />
      <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="5000"/>
      <While Condition="Me.MapId == 530" >
      <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="-245.7161" Y="896.1308" Z="84.3497" />
      <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="5000"/>
      <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="10000"/>
      <!-- Northrend, go home from borean -->
      <If Condition="Me.MapId == 571" >
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Going to Stormwind." LogColor="Lime" />
      <If Condition="(HasSpell(54197))">
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="fly my minions fly" X="2236.118" Y="5145.615" Z="5.346904" />
      <CustomBehavior File="UseTransport" TransportId="190536"
      WaitAtX="2234.375" WaitAtY="5132.568" WaitAtZ="5.343217"
      TransportStartX="2218.391" TransportStartY="5119.589" TransportStartZ="0.04"
      StandOnX="2223.174" StandOnY="5118.869" StandOnZ="9.43335"
      TransportEndX="-8288.816" TransportEndY="1424.703" TransportEndZ="0.04"
      GetOffX="-8300.08" GetOffY="1405.158" GetOffZ="4.422395" />
      <!-- Kalimdor boat from Ratchet. -->
      <If Condition="Me.MapId == 1" >
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Going to Stormwind." LogColor="Lime" />
      <If Condition="SpellManager.HasSpell(&quot;Flight Master's License&quot;)">
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-996.8669" Y="-3826.07" Z="5.536246" />
      <If Condition="!SpellManager.HasSpell(&quot;Flight Master's License&quot;)">
      <RunTo X="-996.8669" Y="-3826.07" Z="5.536246" />
      <CustomBehavior File="UseTransport" TransportId="20808"
      WaitAtX="-996.8669" WaitAtY="-3826.07" WaitAtZ="5.536246"
      TransportStartX="-1005.613" TransportStartY="-3841.648" TransportStartZ="0.01553879"
      StandOnX="-997.3311" StandOnY="-3836.707" StandOnZ="6.030852"
      TransportEndX="-14277.75" TransportEndY="582.8661" TransportEndZ="0.03330701"
      GetOffX="-14280.88" GetOffY="566.6268" GetOffZ="6.979454" />
      <!-- Deepholm, Taking portal. -->
      <If Condition="Me.MapId == 646" >
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Going to Stormwind." LogColor="Lime" />
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="846.4727" Y="483.7805" Z="-19.13363" />
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="918.0795" Y="503.5825" Z="-49.25048" />
      <RunTo X="973.6232" Y="570.9096" Z="-46.0024" />
      <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="205272" ObjectType="Gameobject" Range="4" X="973.6232" Y="570.9096" Z="-46.0024" />
      <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="8000" GoalText="Waiting for port {TimeRemaining}" />
      <!-- Pandaland, Taking portal. -->
      <If Condition="Me.MapId == 870" >
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Going to Stormwind." LogColor="Lime" />
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-311.6545" Y="-1776.63" Z="62.67051" />
      <RunTo X="-311.6545" Y="-1776.63" Z="62.67051" />
      <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="210805" ObjectType="Gameobject" Range="4" />
      <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="5000" GoalText="Waiting for zone {TimeRemaining}" />
      <!-- Homeland, Ally Eastern Kingdom -->
      <If Condition="Me.MapId == 0" >
      "Ally going to!!!"
      Set true will go there.
      Set true only on one, the rest should be false.
      Set all false if your farming map is Eastern Kingdom.
      *********End OBS********

      <If condition="false"><!-- If Set true will go to Northrend -->
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Going to Vikingland." LogColor="Lime" />

      <If Condition="SpellManager.HasSpell(&quot;Flight Master's License&quot;)">
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-8300.08" Y="1405.158" Z="4.422395" />
      <CustomBehavior File="UseTransport" TransportId="190536"
      WaitAtX="-8300.08" WaitAtY="1405.158" WaitAtZ="4.422395"
      GetOffX="2234.375" GetOffY="5132.568" GetOffZ="5.343217"
      StandOnX="-8293.091" StandOnY="1421.008" StandOnZ="9.480089"
      TransportStartX="-8288.816" TransportStartY="1424.703" TransportStartZ="0.04"
      TransportEndX="2218.391" TransportEndY="5119.589" TransportEndZ="0.04" />
      <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="5000" />

      <If condition="false"><!-- If Set true will go to Outland -->
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Going to Outland." LogColor="Lime" />

      <While Condition="Me.MapId == 0" >
      <If Condition="Me.MapId == 0" >
      <If Condition="SpellManager.HasSpell(&quot;Flight Master's License&quot;)">
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-11895.44" Y="-3206.936" Z="-14.64132" />
      <RunTo X="-11895.44" Y="-3206.936" Z="-14.64132" />
      <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="1000" />
      <If Condition="Me.MapId == 0" >
      <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="-11908.09" Y="-3208.854" Z="-14.83002" />
      <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="5000" />
      <If Condition="Me.MapId == 0" >
      <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="5000" />

      <If condition="false"> <!-- If Set true will go to Kalimdor -->
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Going to Kalimdor." LogColor="Lime" />

      <If Condition="SpellManager.HasSpell(&quot;Flight Master's License&quot;)">
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-14288.29" Y="549.3284" Z="8.689642" />
      <If Condition="!SpellManager.HasSpell(&quot;Flight Master's License&quot;)">
      <Runto X="-14288.29" Y="549.3284" Z="8.689642" />
      <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
      <!-- BB dock to Ratchet -->
      <CustomBehavior File="UseTransport" TransportId="20808"
      WaitAtX="-14280.88" WaitAtY="566.6268" WaitAtZ="6.979454"
      TransportStartX="-14277.75" TransportStartY="582.8661" TransportStartZ="0.01553879"
      StandOnX="-14270.46" StandOnY="579.9881" StandOnZ="6.088587"
      TransportEndX="-1005.613" TransportEndY="-3841.648" TransportEndZ="0.03330701"
      GetOffX="-996.8669" GetOffY="-3826.07" GetOffZ="5.536246" />

      <If condition="false"><!-- If Set true will go to Pandaland -->
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Going to Pandaland." LogColor="Lime" />

      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-8200.323" Y="527.858" Z="116.7516" />
      <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="215457" ObjectType="Gameobject" Range="4" />
      <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="5000" GoalText="Waiting for zone {TimeRemaining}" />
      <!-- Going to Pandaland Stop -->

      <!-- No profiles in deepholm-->

      <!-- Horde part -->
      <If Condition="Me.IsHorde" >
      <!-- Outland move to and use portal in shat -->
      <If Condition="Me.MapId == 530" >
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Going to Kalimdor." LogColor="Lime" />
      <While Condition="Me.MapId == 530" >
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Org portal" X="-1956.413" Y="5383.551" Z="-12.42774" />
      <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />

      <RunTo X="-1898.169" Y="5395.958" Z="-12.42774" />
      <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="183323" ObjectType="Gameobject" Range="4" />
      <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="15000" GoalText="Waiting for zone {TimeRemaining}" />
      <RunTo X="1896.122" Y="-4489.93" Z="23.84045" />
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="1882.573" Y="-4548.733" Z="110.4602" />
      <!-- Northrend, go home from borean -->
      <If Condition="Me.MapId == 571" >
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Going to Kalimdor." LogColor="Lime" />
      <If Condition="(HasSpell(54197))">
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Borean Tundra" X="2708.396" Y="6066.991" Z="109.617" />
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Warsong Hold, BT" X="2740.837" Y="6097.529" Z="76.88604" />
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Running to Borean Zepp to Org" LogColor="Cornflowerblue" />
      <RunTo X="2829.74" Y="6179.48" Z="121.9793" />
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Waiting for Borean Zepp to Org - don't interact!" LogColor="Orange" />
      <CustomBehavior File="UseTransport" TransportId="186238"
      WaitAtX="2836.831" WaitAtY="6185.15" WaitAtZ="121.9923"
      TransportStartX="2837.908" TransportStartY="6187.443" TransportStartZ="140.1648"
      StandOnX="2844.171" StandOnY="6191.577" StandOnZ="122.3017"
      TransportEndX="1775.066" TransportEndY="-4299.745" TransportEndZ="151.0326"
      GetOffX="1763.203" GetOffY="-4284.529" GetOffZ="133.1072" />
      <!-- From Eastern Kingdom going home -->
      <If Condition="Me.MapId == 0" >
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Going to Kalimdor." LogColor="Lime" />
      <If Condition="SpellManager.HasSpell(&quot;Flight Master's License&quot;)">
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="2039.925" Y="273.7229" Z="142.3792" />
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="2067.174" Y="284.9927" Z="97.03151" />
      <RunTo X="2070.155" Y="289.2588" Z="97.0315" />
      <CustomBehavior File="UseTransport"
      WaitAtX="2070.155" WaitAtY="289.2588" WaitAtZ="97.0315"
      TransportStartX="2062.376" TransportStartY="292.998" TransportStartZ="114.973"
      TransportEndX="1833.509" TransportEndY="-4391.543" TransportEndZ="152.7679"
      StandOnX="2067.979" StandOnY="295.2747" StandOnZ="97.23677"
      GetOffX="1840.225" GetOffY="-4390.912" GetOffZ="135.2337" />
      <!-- Deepholm, Taking portal. -->
      <If Condition="Me.MapId == 646" >
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Going to Kalimdor." LogColor="Lime" />
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="846.4727" Y="483.7805" Z="-19.13363" />
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="918.0795" Y="503.5825" Z="-49.25048" />
      <RunTo X="990.1199" Y="457.7099" Z="-44.2598" />
      <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="205273" ObjectType="Gameobject" Range="4" X="990.1199" Y="457.7099" Z="-44.2598" />
      <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="8000" GoalText="Waiting for port {TimeRemaining}" />
      <!-- Pandaland, Taking portal. -->
      <If Condition="Me.MapId == 870" >
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Going to Kalimdor." LogColor="Lime" />

      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="2924.921" Y="-510.5903" Z="268.8555" />
      <RunTo X="2924.921" Y="-510.5903" Z="268.8555" />
      <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="210804" ObjectType="Gameobject" Range="4" />
      <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="5000" GoalText="Waiting for zone {TimeRemaining}" />
      <!-- Homeland, Horde Kalimdor -->
      <If Condition="Me.MapId == 1" >
      "Horde Going to!!!"
      Set true will go there.
      Eastern Kingdom
      Set true only on one, the rest should be false.
      Set all false if your farming map is Kalimdor.
      *********End OBS********
      <!-- -->
      <If condition="false"><!-- If Set true will go to Northrend -->
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Going to Northrend." LogColor="Lime" />

      <If Condition="SpellManager.HasSpell(&quot;Flight Master's License&quot;)">
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="1736.402" Y="-4283.072" Z="190.7621" />
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="1754.089" Y="-4278.742" Z="133.0416" />
      <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
      <RunTo X="1763.389" Y="-4283.858" Z="133.1073" />

      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Waiting for Org Zepp to Borean - don't interact!" LogColor="Orange" />

      <CustomBehavior File="UseTransport" TransportId="186238"
      WaitAtX="1763.066" WaitAtY="-4284.396" WaitAtZ="133.1081"
      TransportStartX="1775.066" TransportStartY="-4299.745" TransportStartZ="151.0326"
      StandOnX="1770.22" StandOnY="-4292.056" StandOnZ="133.1872"
      TransportEndX="2837.908" TransportEndY="6187.443" TransportEndZ="140.1648"
      GetOffX="2836.831" GetOffY="6185.15" GetOffZ="121.9923" />
      <RunTo X="2740.837" Y="6097.529" Z="76.88604" />

      <If condition="false"><!-- If Set true will go to Outland -->
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="On out way to Outland." LogColor="Lime" />
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Going by boat in Ratchet." LogColor="Lime" />

      <If Condition="SpellManager.HasSpell(&quot;Flight Master's License&quot;)">
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-996.8669" Y="-3826.07" Z="5.536246" />
      <If Condition="!SpellManager.HasSpell(&quot;Flight Master's License&quot;)">
      <RunTo X="-996.8669" Y="-3826.07" Z="5.536246" />
      <CustomBehavior File="UseTransport" TransportId="20808"
      WaitAtX="-996.8669" WaitAtY="-3826.07" WaitAtZ="5.536246"
      TransportStartX="-1005.613" TransportStartY="-3841.648" TransportStartZ="0.01553879"
      StandOnX="-997.3311" StandOnY="-3836.707" StandOnZ="6.030852"
      TransportEndX="-14277.75" TransportEndY="582.8661" TransportEndZ="0.03330701"
      GetOffX="-14280.88" GetOffY="566.6268" GetOffZ="6.979454" />
      <!-- Should now be in Eastern Kingdom -->
      <While Condition="Me.MapId == 0" >
      <If Condition="Me.MapId == 0" >
      <If Condition="SpellManager.HasSpell(&quot;Flight Master's License&quot;)">
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-11895.44" Y="-3206.936" Z="-14.64132" />
      <RunTo X="-11895.44" Y="-3206.936" Z="-14.64132" />
      <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="1000" />
      <If Condition="Me.MapId == 0" >
      <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="-11908.09" Y="-3208.854" Z="-14.83002" />
      <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="5000" />
      <If Condition="Me.MapId == 0" >
      <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="5000" />

      <If condition="true"><!-- If Set true will go to Eastern Kingdom -->
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Going to Eastern Kingdom." LogColor="Lime" />

      <If Condition="SpellManager.HasSpell(&quot;Flight Master's License&quot;)">
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="1836.794" Y="-4383.654" Z="206.7829" />
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="1848.44" Y="-4398.829" Z="135.1602" />
      <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
      <RunTo X="1840.468" Y="-4392.099" Z="135.2326" />
      <CustomBehavior File="UseTransport" TransportId="164871"
      WaitAtX="1838.676" WaitAtY="-4387.965" WaitAtZ="135.2332"
      TransportStartX="1833.509" TransportStartY="-4391.543" TransportStartZ="152.7679"
      TransportEndX="2062.376" TransportEndY="292.998" TransportEndZ="114.973"
      StandOnX="1834.961" StandOnY="-4385.694" StandOnZ="135.0334"
      GetOffX="2066.773" GetOffY="288.873" GetOffZ="97.03159" />

      <If condition="false"><!-- If Set true will go to Pandaland -->
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Going to Pandaland." LogColor="Lime" />

      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="2012.948" Y="-4698.641" Z="28.60529" />
      <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="215424" ObjectType="Gameobject" Range="4" />
      <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="5000" GoalText="Waiting for zone {TimeRemaining}" />


      <!-- No profiles in deepholm-->

      End transport script credit to Bengan.
      With use of Kicks go to profiles.
      Big thanks to Kick for this.
      <!-- Travel to Stockades -->

      <While Condition="true" >
      <If Condition="!(Me.MapId == 34)" >
      <While Condition="(Me.MapId == 0)" >

      <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" FindVendorsAutomatically="False" LootMobs="True" PullDistance="50" KillBetweenHotspots="True" LogoutForInactivity="False" />
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Moving to Stockades Location." LogColor="Lime" />
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Stockades" X="-8809.942" Y="872.7402" Z="99.06523" />
      <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
      <RunTo X="-8767.298" Y="844.3109" Z="88.62131" />
      <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="-8761.478" Y="846.2836" Z="86.3347" /> <!-- Enters instance if not already inside -->
      <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="15000" />
      <!-- Begin Instance Grind -->
      <While Condition="(Me.MapId == 34)" >
      <CustomBehavior File="Misc\InstanceTimer" Timer="Start" />
      <RunTo X="48.9849" Y="0.483882" Z="-16.40323" />
      <RunTo X="84.35617" Y="0.6135466" Z="-25.60623" />
      <RunTo X="100.6767" Y="0.671719" Z="-25.60623" />
      <RunTo X="110.5305" Y="20.78487" Z="-26.52288" />
      <RunTo X="110.5156" Y="-15.1152" Z="-26.52289" />
      <RunTo X="105.2427" Y="-28.63591" Z="-26.52289" />
      <RunTo X="131.5101" Y="1.172995" Z="-25.60623" />
      <RunTo X="153.8422" Y="-0.8611071" Z="-25.60623" />
      <RunTo X="160.5941" Y="4.626989" Z="-25.60623" />
      <RunTo X="171.2095" Y="-1.420264" Z="-25.60623" /> <!-- Pull Randolph Moloch -->
      <RunTo X="130.3829" Y="39.86386" Z="-33.93955" />
      <RunTo X="148.5485" Y="42.81375" Z="-34.85614" />
      <RunTo X="113.1309" Y="46.73219" Z="-34.85615" />
      <RunTo X="131.292" Y="57.52659" Z="-33.93956" />
      <RunTo X="136.3227" Y="65.65733" Z="-33.93956" />
      <RunTo X="150.7717" Y="63.25991" Z="-34.85623" />
      <RunTo X="116.1732" Y="73.51202" Z="-34.85613" />
      <RunTo X="144.2662" Y="110.8728" Z="-35.18956" />
      <RunTo X="160.3335" Y="99.36755" Z="-35.18956" />
      <RunTo X="157.6383" Y="115.5484" Z="-35.18956" /> <!-- Pull Hogger -->
      <RunTo X="166.7614" Y="133.9344" Z="-33.93953" />
      <RunTo X="127.2649" Y="-49.39463" Z="-33.93956" />
      <RunTo X="145.5665" Y="-44.51688" Z="-34.8562" />
      <RunTo X="111.5938" Y="-42.01105" Z="-34.85612" />
      <RunTo X="101.1127" Y="-39.9325" Z="-34.85612" />
      <RunTo X="107.1647" Y="-60.74767" Z="-34.8562" />
      <RunTo X="145.1166" Y="-71.92934" Z="-34.8562" />
      <RunTo X="119.1516" Y="-78.44725" Z="-33.93956" />
      <RunTo X="107.9998" Y="-99.97417" Z="-35.18956" />
      <RunTo X="100.2501" Y="-115.703" Z="-35.18956" /> <!-- Pull Lord Overheat -->
      <RunTo X="48.9849" Y="0.483882" Z="-16.40323" />
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Moving to Reset Instance" LogColor="Lime" />
      <CustomBehavior File="Misc\InstanceTimer" Timer="Start" />
      <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="45.06303" Y="0.5672811" Z="-15.08994" /> />
      <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="15000" />
      <CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/script ResetInstances()" />
      <!-- End Instance Grind -->
      <!-- Checks if bags are full -->
      <If Condition="(HasSpell(61447)) || (HasSpell(61425))" >
      <CustomBehavior File="ForceSetVendor" DoMail="False" DoRepair="True" DoSell="True" DoTrain="False" />

      <If Condition="(Me.FreeBagSlots &lt;= 15) || (Me.LowestDurabilityPercent &gt; 20.0 &amp;&amp; Me.IsAlliance)" >
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Moving to Stormwind Mailbox" LogColor="Lime" />
      <RunTo X="2820.969" Y="-699.184" Z="137.4398" />
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Stormwind" X="-8811.284" Y="838.1646" Z="92.02881" />
      <CustomBehavior File="ForceSetVendor" DoMail="True" DoRepair="True" DoSell="True" DoTrain="False" />

      <If Condition="(Me.FreeBagSlots &lt;= 15) || (Me.LowestDurabilityPercent &gt; 20.0 &amp;&amp; Me.IsHorde)" >
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Moving to Deathknell Mailbox" LogColor="Lime" />
      <RunTo X="2912.714" Y="-802.7842" Z="160.333" />
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Deathknell" X="1843.379" Y="1584.786" Z="93.73871" />
      <CustomBehavior File="ForceSetVendor" DoMail="True" DoRepair="True" DoSell="True" DoTrain="False" />

      <!-- End bag check -->



    3. Botanist

      Botanist Banned

      Oct 20, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      I like little boxes
    4. Botanist

      Botanist Banned

      Oct 20, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Yes you can continuously farm an instance for cloth etc. There are existing profiles for many instances. Not sure if it's the particular ones you need. Stockades would be a bad choice on a high level toon unless you like standing around for 7 minutes at a time to avoid getting an instance lock.

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