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  • the the conqueror title

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Nearvincent, Jan 11, 2014.

    1. Nearvincent

      Nearvincent New Member

      Jan 12, 2012
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      how long would it take to bot the conqueror title if i bot like 8hours a days or more.
    2. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      This is taken from Wowhead, I take no responsibility for this:

      * Total reputation needed = 3000 + (Neutral->Friendly) + 6000 (Friendly->Honored) + 12000 (Honored->Revered) + 21000 (Revered->Exalted) = 42000
      * Total reputation per win = 1600/160*10 = 100
      => Number of wins needed = 420

      But a lot of games are lost. Maybe 50% assuming the opposing faction are about as good as you. So the number of games played need to be adjusted. Let's assume that your team is able to gather an average of 800 resources for each loss (to account for being totally outplayed vs. having a close game).
      * Total reputation per loss = 800/160*10 = 50
      => With this estimate you will get an average of 75 reputation per game.

      Estimated number of games needed = 42000/75 = 560

      So if it takes you 560, which is pretty conservative in the wins total while botting, and let's say you can do 4 games per hour, which once again is pretty conservative...Probably be closer to 2-3 games per hour, this will take you 140 hours.

      At 8 hours a day, that's 15 days of botting to get the AB rep required for the title. Which would officially make that one of the longest reputations in the game to farm.

      That's for one part of the title, there's 2 more to go after that.
    3. gippy

      gippy Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It took me 4 to 5 weeks solid for ab at a round 8 to 10 hours a day, somedays more so not a hope you're doing it in 15 days. Losses hurt your rep count a lot, taking into account your faction, and queue times which can be upto 10 minutes per bg, i had around 500+ games played anyway when i reached exalted.

      Wsg took me around 6 weeks but i suicided it, was doing around 18 hours a day for these weeks, thing is with wsg games you might not even get rep in some games since you need flag caps, so you could waste 20 mins just being farmed in the graveyard which looks mega suspicous when you're the guy on the board with 40 deaths and no kills ressing over and over. Some games you might get 1 cap but eitherway its a long grind.

      Av isn't even worth mentioning, you can get that in a day or two.

      Good luck
    4. Nearvincent

      Nearvincent New Member

      Jan 12, 2012
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      ok, well thanks for answers

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