Attached to WoW ProcessId: 1704. Gatherbuddy 1.7.3 Authenticating Attempting Authorization AttemptAuth: FAILED! Gatherbuddy 1.7.3 Authenticating Attempting Authorization AttemptAuth: FAILED! Gatherbuddy 1.7.3 Authenticating Attempting Authorization AUTH OK AttemptAuth: FAILED! SESSION LIMIT AttemptAuth: FAILED! SESSION LIMIT
im having the exact same problem Gatherbuddy 1.7.3 Authenticating Attempting Authorization AttemptAuth: FAILED! Gatherbuddy 1.7.3 Authenticating Attempting Authorization AttemptAuth: FAILED! AttemptAuth: FAILED! AttemptAuth: FAILED! AttemptAuth: FAILED! Gatherbuddy 1.7.3 Authenticating Attempting Authorization AttemptAuth: FAILED!
*edit* no i cant login to the url u provided; The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.
AUTH BAD=wrong user or pass check your caps and make sure that you dont have any symbols on your pass
I try to Reset my Password on the Shop, but i became no Mail, But it says: You have already submitted the password reset request for this account within the past 120 seconds, please wait to try again.
I have only 15 Minutes right, to change my passwort? I waitin now 20 but there comes no Mail. Sorry for my bad English.