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  • Outdated plug in question

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by Err404, Jan 15, 2014.

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    1. Err404

      Err404 New Member

      Dec 24, 2012
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      Ever since the 5.4.2 update HB refuses to recognize that Druid Harvest Helper is in the my plug in folder. I assume this is because it's out of data and i believe no longer supported in general by its developer. The plug in is sitting in a folder in my plug-ins folder the same as it always had when it was working. I had this problem once before back in 5.0 before i un-subbed but i believe it resolved itself back then, realistically it was probably just updated last time this came up and I just dont remember.

      So is there any way to force this plug in to run on the current build of honor buddy seeing as there's no built in support for for forcing a druid to ignore mobs entirely and stay in flight form?

      On another note, Would it be possible to disable combat through a specific combat routine or a change in the settings? It's pretty asinine that this feature isn't built in to begin with. Ignoring the obvious efficiency issue I've generally stopped botting since this addon went dead unless im here to babysit it. Any druid that bothers to pop out of flight form for any reason should pretty much immediately be labeled as a bot, never mind ones that pop out to pick herbs and then act like... well bots. It's nothing short of amazing that every druid botting hasnt been banned all ready due to the lack of this feature.

      In terms of efficiency if youre farming at 200+ nodes per hour on any class besides druid youre losing about 6 minutes per hour. That 1.5 second cast is a TEN PERCENT hit against your nodes per hour right there. This doesnt count all the time youll spend dismounting, re-positioning on a node, having to walk between close nodes rather than remounting, or fighting. If you include all the the loss would at the very least double.

      I realize remounting isnt in the equation for druids, but we're still taking in to account fighting and all the little issues that come with it. So now on top of all these massive efficiency losses we're running the risk of being banned.

      I cant imagine it would be that hard to just put in a checkbox that allows you to ignore the hell out of mobs while farming, or maybe it would be, what do I know. However this functionality has needed to be implemented for a looooooong time now so it's not like there hasn't been time >.>

      To long didn't read; Is there any way to force an outdated addon to run? Also is there any built in way to ignore all mobs entirely that I've been overlooking? Could I do it through a separate combat routine or something?

      Added random thought. Would running HB without a combat base accomplish anything along these lines if that's even possible?

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    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      not an Hb support issue

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