Clean Awesome 100% Opensource LUA ui! (wich means you can modify it however you want which is so fcking great!!!) UI of Awesomeness! edit: spelling ^^
FYI - my memory usage is minimal. I dont ever drop below 60fps unless i'm running numerous things, like multiple instances of wow. The screen isnt lost, it's compressed. The black bar containing all of the add-ons and information isnt a part of the actual screen. the full screen is compressed above it so you're not missing anything.
LIES!! I think you were just trying to show off your toon. I myself am big fan of less UI's. I have no screenies to post here, but I prefer keeping it at the defaults. All I really need to raid is DBM.
And a link to the UI (I read alot on em, and immediately recognized the one you are using here) is the site It's a nice one, I like it.
The picture used in your actionbar comes out of Diablo (plenty of themes and UI's or part of them found around) imho if u like the graphics and only want to do the actionbar, you should go for the orbs one, it's really nice eyecandy. If you want to know more, have a look @ WowInterface and search on Diablo (RothUI for example) or have a look at Zork's addons (If you don't have an account there, just search on Zork). He makes some cool stuff.
ye, i'm using his graphics but i like my action bar way better, i dont need these orbs but i do use a couple of his other addons like the actionbutterstyler