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  • Can't get it to work. Tried everything I could find.

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by meilk, Jan 19, 2014.

    1. meilk

      meilk New Member

      Jan 19, 2014
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      Hello. I purchased HB yesterday and have spent the past 10 hours trying to get it to finally work...but to no avail. I first tried to use the program on this forum that makes sure that I have the proper .net framework and the correct C++. That program threw an error that others sometimes get. I took it upon myself to spend 4 hours alone fixing that issue (the 0x0000490 issue) See here ->> View attachment 117839

      While I was doing that anyway, I manually installed .net 4 and the most recent C++. That I am sure of at this point.

      Everything is set up to run as admin (Wow.exe, WowLauncher.exe, Honorbuddy.exe, Honorbuddylauncher.exe) I have verified that the honorbuddy launcher is running as admin, as well as the WoW application that it targets. See here ---> View attachment 117840 View attachment 117841 View attachment 117842 View attachment 117843

      I have also made for absolute sure that my game is running in 32-bit mode. I use windows 7 64 bit but I know that my game option is to run in 32-bit. See here ---> View attachment 117846

      Everything involved is running as Admin. I have also right click> run as admin'ed everything possible. Every combination. This is still what happens every time I try to run via the HB Launcher ---> View attachment 117844

      Every time, that is what I get. I have also tried to run WoW.exe as admin, followed by Honorbuddy.exe as admin (not using launchers). I tried this because I read somewhere online that wow had to be fully running first before starting HB, yet trying that, I still get this.I tried both firing up HB.exe while at my login screen, and while in-game. ---> View attachment 117848 Still nothing.

      I also read online that you must be running the game in Direct X 9. I have DX11 myself, but after reading that I thought finally if i tried all of these steps again using DX9, it may finally work. But nope. Nada.

      So I'm very upset right now after paying for the program and not being able to use it. I would really appreciate some help here ASAP! Sorry if this post is cluttered with screenshots, but I wanted to give you as much information as humanly possible due to the fact that I have spent 10 hours trying to figure it out - this way we could get to the solution as fast as possible and I can finally get going on this!

      Edit: I have also included the log from my last attempt at starting HB.

      Kind Regards,


      Attached Files:

    2. Crown

      Crown New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Well m8,

      u mentioned that u run everything as admin

      maybe u already did but if not try this :

      run the honorbuddy installer as admin and make a fresh installation (fresh folder etc)

      start wow 32 bit for urself and start honorbuddy.exe.

      i had this problem not so long ago also but cant remember how i fixed it.

      edit :

      i remember how i fixed it i just deleted my setting folder from honorbuddy.
    3. meilk

      meilk New Member

      Jan 19, 2014
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      Sure, I'll try again for good measure. I have a question though. When i download HB from the website, it comes in .rar form. I unzip it (extract it) to my desired location and what i noticed was that there is no "installer". Nothing apparently that I have to click or anything in the folder to 'installl' it. All i have in the folder is the launcher, the exe, folders, .dll, etc... I'll show you what my folder looks like. I remember reading a step about running 'the installer' but I don't believe I even had/had to run one. Here check it out! ;) and thanks for your help View attachment 117855
    4. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      - microsoft .net framework 4 client profile
      - microsoft .net framework 4 extended
      - microsoft visual c++ 2010 x86 redistributable
      - microsoft visual c++ 2012 x86 redistributable

      restart your pc,
      download the installationwizard from here
      run it as administrator.
      after the wizard is done, run windows update. And install all updates for .net & c++
    5. meilk

      meilk New Member

      Jan 19, 2014
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      doing that now
    6. meilk

      meilk New Member

      Jan 19, 2014
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      I am running the wizard right now. It seems to have automatically installed. I now also have dotNetFx_40_Full_x86_x64.exe on my desktop, the same place which i unzipped the wizard to. But it seems to be installed already.

      Also Vcredist and vcredist2 are now on my desktop, but I believe that is also being automatically installed by the wizard. I will update windows after this, restart my PC and come back.

      thanks for your help, i'll reply as soon as windows updates. Further instructions?

      edit: Is this version of dotnet correct? It says x86_x64, that is somewhat confusing?
    7. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      chances are its because it includes both versions. so yes, it should be correct.

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