Good afternoon community, Credit to: katzerle for rarekiller 3 I simply added the timeless isle rares to his "taggedmob" list. Which allows rarekiller, if close to a tagged rare on the list will attack it instead of walking on by. Be sure and set up a custom pull spell (damage) from the rarekiller menu. And yes for those Huolon farmers! You can set your bot in combat mode/grind mode with a blank profile "kicks tools" set your toon on top of the bridge and let rarekiller tag Huolon for you, while you eat dinner. There is a lot of people asking for rare profiles and rare addon killers for timeless isle. I don't maintain this addon, or really create anything for that matter, so if there are issues I can't help you Run this with any of your favorite timeless isle profiles! Paste in: X:\Honorbuddy\Plugins\Rarekiller\config Always save a backup of the original.
:/ maybe you could post a profile, or SOME profiles that would work well with this? :/ I can't seem to find any specifically that would roam the entire island, or one that would specifically stay near houlon.
I'd recommend running brodie plugin' timeless coin. or any profile for the timeless isle... With rarekiller enabled.
Amazing idea! Ill use it to farm huolon mount, just create a very simple profile with hotspots only for move across the bridge and that zone to evade reports, and kill huolon all time
-This is how I do it- Don't really need any hotsposts for Huolon. 1) Get your toon on the bridge area. ( Will work on the ground area near to his spawn point to, on top of bridge if your looking specifically for tag.) 2) Go to Kicks profiles, go to "useful stuff" folder, use "blank QO" for your profile. 3) Set bot to grind mode. 4) Enable rarekiller plugin. 4.5) Set your pull to a ranged attack (melee). 5) Turn on the bot, he will seat there and clear afk and will attack huolon when he spawns.
Yah i know, thanks vulcanxx, but I prefer make a little hotspots to stay moving... Stay on same site for 10h in timeless isle on my server and only attack on rare spawn is not a good idea, hundreds of reports incoming, seems really botish
is there a way to clear the mobs around the area? like at a 100 meter radius? instead of just standing there?
yes, use a plugin called "fighthere", sadly it doesn't work with the current HB release but will farm mobs in a radius for you. G
this isnt working for me? i stand up at the bridge clearking afk but my toon doesnt attack or anything? i put both tagged and kill mob files into the rarekiller plugin, i didnt mess with the plugin at all. only thing ive done is have a spell to pull then default. am i doing something wrong?
Try this, within the rarekiller menu first page (bottom right corner), check the box that says "Kill Mobs from XML" click save. Then start HB, give it a minute. Stop it. Go into your wow setting and delete your creature cache. Then re open and start HB again. That is pretty much the extent of my trouble shooting capabilities.
Thanks for the xml files. Is this still working for anyone? I tried it and HB froze when it spotted a rare. I see other people with the same issue in the rarefiller thread. I have framelock off.
I have been able to duplicate this issue. It is typically a variety of add ons and CR's that are causing this. Typically I disable mostly everything then re run it. Haven't pin pointed all of the addons or crs exactly but it does not like brodies plug in and iwantmovement and framelock. Wish I could help more, but I no habla code
Thanks. Trying it again with Singular and all addons disabled except Rare Co-ordinator. I don't understand why a plugin is needed just to camp a rare.
I tried it again with Huolon. I heard the Rarekiller sound and checked. Huolon was dead and my character had moved but had not attacked Huolon. Then I tried it with Zesqua. I heard the Rarekiller sound and when I checked the bot was running after Jakur, who was nearby. This time it did manage to tag but it only used the tagging skill and not any others. Then on Zesqua the bot was fighting the adds that Zesqua spawns and HB crashed. Zesqua was not tagged.
Is rarekiller working for anyone with the latest HB release? I get all kinds of compile errors on startup.
Well I just noticed him go and tag it, though he didn't dps too much. For some reason you get insane lag. While you run this. So much so that even when you press stop on bot, it takes a good 20 seconds to even show it's stopped. Attached is the log.
Just to add on to my last post. I logged and disabled all addons and didn't make a difference. I went out to play some PS3 while i waited and came to check on it and found it lagging like crazy up killing sprites just up from where Huolon spawns. I don't want him moving anywhere just staying there, kill Huolon, loot and wait again. The lag is insane.