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  • How much money do you make?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Epictickle, Jan 22, 2014.

    1. Epictickle

      Epictickle New Member

      Dec 18, 2013
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      This thread is really mostly for gold sellers. I am wondering, how much gold do you usually make in a month of botting, and with how many bots? How much money does that actually return for you? How much time do you actually spend botting, and do you sell your gold to private gold selling websites, or to actual players?

      I have only ONE bot botting at any given time, so I'm not trying to pay my bills with it or anything, just trying to find something to help my paycheck out at the end of the month and have some money to play around with. I know that private gold selling websites buy gold at $0.0004 / 1000g, soo 100,000g = $40. But, how much farming would it take with honorbuddy to get to 100,000g? 3-4 days, 10 days, 30? I mean, I don't want to waste my time on something that will only make me $40/month lol.
    2. proscoon

      proscoon New Member

      Sep 4, 2013
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    3. GreenGiant

      GreenGiant New Member

      Sep 26, 2011
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      Go look at that site now, that is was wrong. What Epic meant to say was $0.0004 per 1 gold im assuming because that's what the math comes out to
    4. Epictickle

      Epictickle New Member

      Dec 18, 2013
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      Ahh, you're right. It is $0.0004 / 1g. My mistake. xP

      @Proscoon, when you were selling, how much would you make? How much gold did you farm in a day? All-in-all, was it worth the effort that you put into it?

      I have a buddy who swears he makes enough to pay his mortgage with botting, but I feel like that would require like 25 bots working full-time, and a gold buyer willing to buy your gold at anytime.
    5. Dockson

      Dockson Member

      Dec 21, 2013
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      Well first of all you need to be on the right servers. Without demand there is no money to be made. When it comes to the current rates you can find anywhere from $0.40 to $0.70 (on demand usually) per 1000g which is pretty decent if you have a way to make consistent gold. I would reckon that the people making large amounts of cash isn't going to disclose anything relating to their methods but there are certainly people out there paying their bills through botting, and I doubt they are doing 25 accounts at the same time.
    6. Botter4Life

      Botter4Life New Member

      Feb 16, 2013
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      I run 5 bots running for around 12-20 hours a day, and on average per bot I can make 10-100K. it really depends on that day, fridays and weekends I generally make a bit more. I have generally have two hers/ miners running at any given time, one posting auctions, and one milling/ de/ prospecting while the other one does its dailies. I have multiple 90s per account so each char is only on for maybe 4 hours max, then i log another toon on. I post auctions with multiple bots as to not flood with only one toon. Sometimes I solo farm instances for transmog gear and such too.

      Prices have dropped a bit on my server, but I make anywhere from 50-500K a day with all 5 of my toons running. It sucks that I have to babysit, and when I am at work, my girlfriend must keep an eye on them, but it can really help with the bills/ free subs if your PC can handle more than one instance of wow.

      I'm going to be buying a new gaming rig in the spring and hoping to run 10 instances of WoW total for now, but with room to expand to 20 with both PCs running if it pans out.

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