I know it sucks to wait, and it's AV weekend.. but that's just how it is, you should do something yourself while waiting... for once
Just have patience! "We expect to be offline up to 7 days" Last time I checked expect is something that is not definite! Check this out! http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/expect+ They did not say that it WILL be out. Have patience
Honorbuddy will be hopefully released some when after 10 hours. Not more Friday - which is gone now since 34 Minutes.
das w?re super ! w?rde es gut finden wenns ins zukunft nen informationsthread ?ber die aktuellen fortschritte geben w?rde. erspart 1. unn?tiges hoffen und 2. unn?tige threats und posts lg gio
Like are they even working on the bot it seems to be down more then its up and when it is up.. thers problems it wont stay open and it crashes wow. ughhh
No offense, but did u notice the patch? its big change. them only asking bout 9-10 days to fix the entire bot is a dream come true. For instance: some ui i use, is said to take 2 months. be GLAD they said about 1 week.
When it's released, we're still gonna have to wait for the CCs and profiles to be updated. Aren't we?
people wait wait wait ,.,,,,.,....That's many work to patch the Bot .......Please Don't spam here Mfg