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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by solo1420, Dec 31, 2013.

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    1. Xcesius

      Xcesius Community Developer

      May 1, 2011
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      New update ->

      Renamed the amount of MS (If you're using Manual Key Press, read this)

      The Amount of MS you can set is now called "Pause Value MS" in Settings. Please set this value between 100-300ms, depending how high/fast you want it to be.
      It's not longer working on your movement buttons, but it will still work if you try to minimize the game with alt+tab. It will not work when you jump with space either.

      What is Manual Key Press? When you try to press an ability on 1-9 or any key on your Actionbars, the routine will detect this and pause the routine for X amount of Milliseconds(X = The setting you put it on), so you can easily press the key again you wanted to press.

      Renamed and fixed up Settings for all classes. Should be slight less confusing now, if it's still confusing please let me know :)
    2. Rangbang

      Rangbang Member

      May 9, 2010
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      You mean that the pause was toggled with my wasd aswell before? If so, then this update will be a major dps increase to any fight with alot of movement, cheers man! :D
    3. offensive

      offensive Member

      Aug 8, 2012
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      The survival hunter routine appears to have some issues.

      I did some testing with both ToTH and Fervor, a good amount of the time there is not enough focus for the routine to keep up serpent sting or use explosive shot.

      Often Serpent sting will fall off and go a fairly long time without being reapplied, because the routine is spamming arcane shot.

      Is there a reason the routine has been prioritizing Arcane over serpent sting? I have a fair amount of logs if required.
    4. starlite68

      starlite68 Member

      Oct 30, 2013
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      EDIT: I tested this on a dummy in a group of 2, and turns out that apparently all or most of these issues aren't a problem in instances. SORRY MY BAD. nevermind. definitely the rotation with auto tricks does continue fine without focus inside a real raid or scenario. it does bug out if the focus is set to an npc, but thats more of an issue with us players not the rotation. not sure what happens if focus dies in a raid but as long as i can restart the rotation by removing focus thats good enough for me


      thanks. looks like the new version came out just as i was writing my comment, i see the setting now. it would be great to get it to function well in a raid setting, as really pressing ToT manually all night long is amazingly annoying. This is personal opinion only but for now I'll have to avoid the auto tricks to focus, I found it not practical with PureRotation as well.

      with "Enable ToT" in General Rogue Settings set to ON, If you start the fight without a focus or if the focus target is removed mid fight the rotation stops with the glowing had cursor trying to cast tricks. adding the focus back doesnt restart it, you have to manually mouseclick on an eligible target. or tab out and disable auto-tricks in settings. this is all stuff you cant afford to do on a hardmode pull. worse than that, entire rotation will similarly stop if focus gets switched to enemy npc, or if your tricks buddy dies, or is mounted, phased, etc. so when focus target stands in fire and dies midfight there is no way to restart the rotation (removing focus does not work), except to manually mouseclick some other target to remove the queued up tricks, and then add another focus target... or tab out into HB settings. I will say that apparently if focus target is temporarily out of range for tricks it does seem to recognise that and the rotation continues uninterrupted, and will cast tricks whenever he's back in range again. that's awesome.

      Point is, for me in a raid setting auto tricks is only usable if i can either quickly toggle it on and off inside the game - if there is no way to automate tricks logic at least I can disable it if i see the rotation stuck for any reason (eg, when tricks partner dead). But really - if possible with HB - it needs to stop trying to cast tricks if there is no focus target at all, if focus target not eligible (enemy), if its dead, mounted, etc. the rotation already seems to recognise "out of range for tricks" so maybe it can be expanded to the other conditions. this is how it worked in PQR: tricks cast IF and ONLY IF focus exists, is in party, is in range, not dead, etc. otherwise tricks arent cast but rotation continues uninterrupted.

      just an idea! no big deal ill be using this (seems better than purerotation) just without auto tricks for now. like i said, just not practical AT ALL to have the bot randomly get stuck mid hardmode fight and have to tab out to settings or whatever. not worth it.
    5. Xcesius

      Xcesius Community Developer

      May 1, 2011
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      Hi Offensive,

      Don't use ToTH, I would recommend Blink Strike instead.

      Added following -->

      Added Clusters for Light's Hammer usage
      Added Dynamic usage of Light's Hammer

      You can change to use it on following

      Automatic works as follow ::

      OnMe (First priority)
      When My HP % is under 85 or there is 3 units around Me
      OnRaidMembers (Second priority)
      If any raid members are under 95% HP
      OnTrash (Third priority)
      If there's any units around us with a 8 yard range and we are in Combat

      Credits :: Stormchasing
      I would like to thank Stormchasing for making this!

      Added Healthstone to ALL classes!
    6. offensive

      offensive Member

      Aug 8, 2012
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      ToTH is not the same tier as Blink Strikes. I performed testing with all 3 talents of the tier, dire beast fervor and toth. This issue did not occur on a test dummy, but I over several hours of raiding in Siege. Having serpent drop is not a huge dps loss, but going several GCDs without recasting it is. There was a point last night where it did not recast it over at least 15 seconds until I casted it manually.

      Is there any way to insure that Serpent sting is always on the target, no matter the talent choice?
    7. starlite68

      starlite68 Member

      Oct 30, 2013
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      ok i wrote about the tricks now i have feedback on the subtlety issue.

      here's what i'm getting on raiders training dummy:

      - with CDs on, after garrote opener it will pop shadowblades, one hemo and put up SnD - and then it sits autoattacking at full energy for about 10 sec until the garrote dot runs out. then it puts up rupture and ONLY THEN pops shadow dance. this is actually worse than with CDs off, there it's garrote, usually one subterfuge ambush, again hemo and snd and often one BS, and by this time garrote dot is almost over so it only sits at full energy for like 3 sec. then once garrote disappears rupture goes up followed by normal rotation.

      OK I'm going to *guess* that the issue is rupture has a condition not to go off if garrote is up, and shadow dance won't go off until rupture is already up (so like 7 sec after shadowblades, which pops on combat start) - so the rotation simply stops at the part where it wants to cast rupture. that would explain everything.

      simplest fix is to remove the rupture and garrote interaction - in sub there is no reason not to have both at same time. rupture is good damage, its not just for sanguinary veins. now not wanting rupture cast during shadow dance is a legit issue, but its a VERY small and iffy dps increase. if any. in current tier there is no problem casting shadowblades and dance at same moment.

      garrote is a common (maybe preferred) opener in pve and pvp, and currently not usable in this rotation. so i'd say, to make things as simple as possible, go with garrote - SB - Hemo - snd - rupture (both garrote and rupture up at same time), then SD will trigger normally and no problems, rotation never stops waiting for garrote to expire. in any case as long as rupture refuses to go off with garrote up you will always cap out and autoattack on opener, the rotation stops waiting for rupture. optionally (even in ambush openers) you can consider also have SD trigger before rupture goes up instead of waiting for it. and finally for garrote opener it's probably worth it to delay hemo, there is no reason for it until dance is over. use energy for ambush or bs only. these last two points are definitely "no big deal optional persona preference stuff". but the broken garrote has to be fixed, unless you are going with the plan we simply open with ambush in all cases.
    8. Xcesius

      Xcesius Community Developer

      May 1, 2011
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      The HC raider that uses the sub routine daily, doesn't have this issue.

      Are you 100% sure you're running latest Tyrael + soft lock or hard lock?
    9. Rangbang

      Rangbang Member

      May 9, 2010
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      The SnD change for Combat rogue was great! The burst is alot higher now!
    10. Myminime

      Myminime New Member

      Oct 8, 2012
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      Any news for Win XP support??? :eek:
      Need a Monk WW/BM CR
    11. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      Update to Win7 ;)
      Since this routine needs the .net 4.5 framework, there will be no support for win xp ...
      well ... it's the decision of alxaw, but i'm sure he is saying the same
    12. Myminime

      Myminime New Member

      Oct 8, 2012
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      hahaha thanks for advise but give me money :p :p ;)

      I have at home W7 pc but in my OS laptop is XP.
      My request is because this CR is very impressive and i want play when i go out of home!!
    13. glidarkatten

      glidarkatten Member

      Nov 5, 2010
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      alxaw, what specc in rogue do u think work best in your cr atm. Im using combat now and if i sim it it says around 190k in 534 ilvl. But i do like 130k.. I have no deep in rogues so I cant tell if thats bad or good. thx
    14. Wulpix

      Wulpix New Member

      Jan 8, 2014
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      I have an issue with the routine not fully loading, when i press start and attacking, nothing happens, i need to restart both wow and hb for it to work again, other routines works fine and i dont see anyone else mentioning it here, so i guess its a problem on my end, i tried fully reinstalling hb but the problem is still there.

      not sure if a log will help with this issue, but i post it anyway

      Attached Files:

    15. Wulpix

      Wulpix New Member

      Jan 8, 2014
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      it works until i stop HB, once i press start again it does nothing.
    16. metzi

      metzi New Member

      May 22, 2013
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      Thought id give this a try as just seen it Dk frost is great tried Blood and it just auto hit dummy nothing else. Might be my settings tried with Tyreal and lazy Raider any advice?

      View attachment 1120 2014-01-30 17.45.txt
    17. Xcesius

      Xcesius Community Developer

      May 1, 2011
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      I honestly have no idea :( Ask the rogue raiders that's using the routine!

      Sorry, there is no XP support as of now.

      Hi Metzi,

      I see there's an on going issue with Blood and Unholy. I'm looking into it

      * = Updated 19:18+GMT 2 30.01.2014

      *Fixed both Unholy and Blood.
    18. Xcesius

      Xcesius Community Developer

      May 1, 2011
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      Currently future plans for some classes -->

      Monk Windwalker ::

      Making SEF(Storm,Earth and Fire) mouseover on unit hotkey
      Auto cancel SEF when there's only 1 unit around you, so the SEF doesn't attack your target.

      Shaman Enhancement/Elemental ::

      Making Healing Rain an hotkey option, so you can easily place it where your mouse cursor is ingame.
    19. Myminime

      Myminime New Member

      Oct 8, 2012
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      Np! thanks for reply ;)
    20. Xcesius

      Xcesius Community Developer

      May 1, 2011
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      Added Storm,Earth and Fire keypush on mouseover targets

      Fixed up Brewmaster some
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