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  • Self-targeting issue

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by wabooz, Jan 31, 2014.

    1. wabooz

      wabooz New Member

      Oct 19, 2013
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      Hi there,

      Long-time (albeit not that frequent) botter here - I was witnessing an odd problem last night whilst levelling a priest (questing - kicks profiles.)

      So the games in windowed as usual, and then I was playing another game (civ 5) in a window in front of it - often I have 2 screens but I don't right now, not sure if it's an issue putting 2 windows in front of each other.

      After a little while my priest wasn't self-targeting, as in he would go to cast shield / heal and it would just wait for me to click on someone or target something. I checked my settings and auto self-target was still on, bot reports no errors. It only happens when I'm playing another game even though it never has before, granted this is my first time trying Civ 5 at the same time.

      Am I missing something? I can't post logs etc right now as I'm at work so apologies for that, just wondering if there is something about sticking another game on that screws self-targeting?

    2. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      it shouldnt, etherway we would need a log.

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