Thank you for your response! Is there any other way to make gold without buying from the AH? How about farming? What are most needed right now? I am Tichondrius - Horde by the way if that helps any of you who would like to help me.. Thanks again!
By far, profession crafting and flipping on the AH. I havent run my bot at all today and ive made 40k profit already
As I said.. it depends on what is currently in demand on my server. But Bags are always in demand. So my tailor keeps busy.
I selffarm, running a Blood DK, that farms Tol;Vir for greens and Embersilk, mails the greens and cloth to my Tailor/Enchanter, use underminejournal to determine which currently gives the best profit, embersilk bag or just posting the cloth as either bolts or plain cloth stacks, and as i said, hypnotic dust is ALWAYS selling like butter.
It really depends on your server. On my server a stack of ghost iron sells for around 40g. So for making 40k I would have to get 1000 Stacks- Farming would take for weeks and I would get banned for sure if I post that many stacks in the AH. So I am also in a deadend right now. I thought about making bags.... The cata-bags are easy to make because you don`t need to use any cooldowns, but I have no idea how to get enough of that dust. Farming the clothes is kind of easy with the right profiles, but the dust is hard... If you have any ideas, pleas let me know
As I said, farm Tol'Vir, I use a level 90 Blood DK for the ultimate survivability, the DK in question has Enchanting/Tailoring, using Disenchantrix plugin and Botanists Tol'vir Questbot farming profile. Getting TONS of greens to DE to hypnotic dust, and shitloads of blues as well. Disenchanting everything...
It IS possible to make Royal Satchels faster as well though... Haven't found a really good mote of harmony farming profile as of yet though. Need to set something up for isle of thunder. Would be sweet to set up three man group, tank, dps, heal and rock'n'roll Isle of Thunder for motes, that way you can prdouce loads of imperial silk, and make satchels, they still sell for ~3k... Hmmm... that might be worth looking into.