My spec currently are AMD 8 Core: 3.6GHZ Shapphire 5870 2gb Vapor x - 600$ model 8gb Ram Only questions i have is, How do i make the 5 Raf'ed accounts work in pair aka And where do you guys get the keys so cheap im out money since im spending all these on wow accs :# ? And which member ship should i use i don't get 1 Sesson - Unlmited What does that mean? 1 WoW? Then how do people run 8?
The price is set by the owners of HB.. 1 session = 1 .exe of hb.. aka. if you have 5 toons = 5 sessions.. get tony or some other dude on the support email to link the 5 keys together..
just buy (2); 3 unlimted session keys. you could just do it like u said acc1 refers acc 2 acc2 refers acc3 acc3 refers acc3 acc4 refers acc5 eveyacc is getting triple xp ^
and i buy my keys off of ebay lol, people sell them for pretty cheap on there. maybe 15-20 for everything