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  • Hello! I have a few questions about the bot, the game and the overall experience.

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by leroy1978, Feb 6, 2014.

    1. leroy1978

      leroy1978 New Member

      Mar 5, 2014
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      Hello again,

      Sorry if you think I didn't do my research and just taking the easy route but I really feel like asking these questions. The last time I've used a bot like this was for Knight Online and was long years ago. And I don't do it just because it is 'fun' but I'm also looking to profit some. So here goes my questions;

      1-) First of all, if you do most things right, is it possible to gain some income using Exilebuddy? Like finding rare items and selling them for real money?
      2-) Can you run multiple clients? (Without creating virtual machines using softwares like VMware)
      3-) I've read you can't use the bot from the start, why is that? (Like you have to level upto 23 etc.)

      I've read:
      4-) Is this really what bot can do only? Does it use health potions when needed? Or any other features to help gameplay on that matter?
      5-) I've seen some 'developer' forums and some API talk. Can you elaborate on these topics please? Since I'm quite keen on developing and already know some languages.
      6-) Similarly I've seen some custom plugin talk, is it the same with above question?
      7-) How often does the bot get updated?
      :cool:I've seen some threads mentioning it can't run on its own for more than 30 minutes, I've seen some mentioning they've been botting 7/24 for days. What is the actual status and what has effects on being able to afk or not?
      9-) Since PoE being a free game, once you get banned, are you able to create a new account and continue using the same bot without making a purchase again (Exilebuddy)? And how hard it is to get over an IP ban?
      10-) It maybe naive to assume to get an unbiased answer here on this forum but what are the PROs and CONs of this bot when compared to others on the market? (I checked some other websites but none of them were this big and none of them seemed this trustworthy)

      I think this is all. Sorry if this is too much :) I'm really looking forward to get into botting again. I really love the excitement of arriving home from a long and tiresome workday to check what goodies I got.

      And if you honestly think the overall experience is somehow 'not good' right now, what other game and Buddy bot should I look into for a healthy botting experience? Any game is okay for me, but the priority is of course on free to play games.

      Thank you all in advance, I'm hoping this is a start of a long term relationship ;) :)
    2. lilsavalex

      lilsavalex Member

      Dec 14, 2012
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      1) If you farm enough yes, it's possible.
      2) You can run up to 2 clients, any further is consider hacking and we're not allowed to speak about it besides a vmware.
      3) You have to unlock the way points yourself, its much easier and faster getting to 20 manually then turning on the bot due to the fact you'll be leveling too fast and have to switch areas manually.
      4) The bot can use health potions, quicksilver, and others. Exilebuddy currently only has grind bot which does just what you quoted. We're hoping in the future a QuestBot is introduced.
      5) In the Beta folder there is a file named ExilebuddyBETA.xml which contains API documentation if you're interested in that. There's a developer section if you have questions or concerns with the API or developing.
      6) Not sure what you're asking, please elaborate.
      7) Bot gets updated quite frequently, sometimes just once a week but sometimes multiple times. The beta version is updated pretty much every other day. When there's a game patch it's updated within hours, 24 max depending on the size of the patch and what it may have changed.
      8) It very well runs very smoothly, I have not had it crash once. It all depends on the build you're using along with the bot routine.
      9) Exilebuddy is a completely different entity from Path of Exile, not sure why you would think you would have to purchase another Exilebuddy key. No you don't have to, and yes you can create another free account. Use a *** or use a method to change your IP, it's quite easy and we can't speak about it.
      10) The bot runs very well but if you can program and make you're own routine depending on your build, it'll run FLAWLESS. Cons are that it can't quest or level by itself, it can't do maps, or area transition.

      The overall botting experience is pretty well at the moment, it's quite stable. It's still in it's infancy with a long life span ahead, be patient and you'll be amazed and what it'll be able to do in a few months.
    3. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      Possible, yes, but GGG is pretty active at trying to detect and stop RMT. You'll find a lot of people who treat this stuff as a business aren't going to give away their secrets though. ;)

      PoE now has a 2 client per PC limit, which the bot does not bypass, since you'd have to use a hack to do so (not allowed here).

      Exilebuddy has no limit on how many bot instances you can run on a PC, other than how many sessions you own.

      Path of Exile is not a MMO or even close to a game like Diablo 3. It has its own design that runs counter to what most people would expect in an ARPG.

      Right now, it's just not possible to automate the entire game from start. The bot is still fairly new, and is still being improved. Eventually, it'll be a lot better, but for now, what we have is what we have.

      With that said, the bot works from the first area; it's just not going to do everything for you. You'll have to do a few quests yourself along the way, but other than that, you can use the bot from level 1. As to whether it will be "good enough" is another issue. This is not an easy game, and if you don't gear, you will run into issues.

      It's a bot; it will use flasks when needed, loot items according to filters, and so on. Combat is determined by the Combat Routine you use, which users can make their own for their own builds.

      Some of the biggest issues people have is understanding the CR we provide, which is Exile, is a generic CR that cannot possibly do everything they want it to. This is where if you are familiar with the game, and know how to do some coding, you can make more out of the bot than others.

      Exilebuddy is not just a bot; it provides an API that you can use to make your own bots, plugins, and CRs. However, we don't have guides for using the API yet. That aspect of development is being reworked to make life easier, but it's something that has to be done after we get some higher priority issues worked out.

      The bot is still under daily development. Beta changes get pushed every 24 hours typically, unless something needs to be tested sooner, in which case a beta will be built earlier.

      Please see this thread if you'd like to see specifics of recent activity.

      Everyone will have a different experience with the bot. If you are new to the game and don't know much about it, you will probably have issues with the bot. Some baby sitting is required currently and a lot of issues we're working on fixing are simply because of how things work in Path of Exile.

      In short, the bot is not perfect, but it "mostly works". Once you are familiar with the game, and the bot itself, you should have no trouble running it for an extended amount of time.

      Correct, your PoE account is not affiliated or tied into your BuddyAuth account. If you get banned, you make a new PoE account, get a new ip if necessary, and bot on. We can't talk about IP changing here, it's not allowed for legal reasons.

      You pretty much have it there in your observation. We don't censor forum posts (as long as they don't break the rules) so feel free to look through the support forum to see issues people have had, and responses to their issues.

      The main take way is that Path of Exile is a high maintenance game. Right now, compared to other Buddy products, EB is probably a high maintenance bot. As the project evolves, it'll be a lot more automated and user and developer friendly, but there's always going to be things that exist in the game that prevent it from being "perfect" or similar to a lot of the other bots.
    4. brainAbuddy

      brainAbuddy Active Member

      Aug 12, 2010
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      hey buddy
      i'm also like you trying to get some income.

      it will not be as easy as wow for the easy fact that there is no AH or so to sell things automaticly and I'm 100% it never will be.
      atm there is no question option in the bot so you need to it yourself, but I really recomend to do that because it's a hard game to learn.

      but it's free to play and there is a big currency sink.
      rhe only thing that I'm afraid of is that good items will stay in the market, but it will not be just as fast like diablo3.

      hope you have something about this information
    5. leroy1978

      leroy1978 New Member

      Mar 5, 2014
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      Thank you for your answers. After I've read this post I got the bot and have been using it for ~2days. My opinion is that it is quite nice, really better than I expected. I'll write an extended review in few days. Thanks again!
    6. AllanonHIK

      AllanonHIK New Member

      Mar 7, 2014
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      This Bot is way better than exiled Bot, and the developers are realllllyyy active. If you're botting hardcore I suggest getting the multiscript from exiled Bot forums to handle chicken for you. It's by far the best for chicken and after several weeks if continuous use I've never seen it crash. Do not use the exile buddy chicken if you like your character.
    7. brainAbuddy

      brainAbuddy Active Member

      Aug 12, 2010
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      .... umm... no clue what to tell you.

      maybe try to look into the URL exilebuddy-forum
    8. AllanonHIK

      AllanonHIK New Member

      Mar 7, 2014
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      Doesn't make any sense, I posted in the exiled buddy forum, about exiled buddy being better than exiled bot, another popular POE bot. So I got no clue what to tell you either.

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