Wrote simple profile that blacklists nodes with mobs around for 5 minutes. Range of mob detection around node is 15. Hope this will help you.
Just to make sure - it's not my plugin you're thinking of (I don't have one). The one you're thinking about is made by No1KnowsY, and yes he has chosen to put it on my website instead of HB forums.
Where do i put this plugin? like which folder? I put it in the plugin folder but dont see it on my plugin list.
Create a folder in \Plugins\ folder, ex Plugins\GB2DynBlacklistPlugin\ and then put the plugin in there and u will see it next time you restart HB.
after a node is blacklisted where do the plugin store them? because if lets say i wanna remove some blacklisted nodes i do not know from where to get them.
Hey bud. Can only save your file now download. Tried to make a folder in my plugins and throw it in there but that was a no go. Anyone have any advice?
got this error in log... can you fix it? Code: [18:27:03.982 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\Maurice\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Plugins\DruidGatherHelper\DruidGatherHelper5_v5_0.cs(187,47) : error CS1061: 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Styx.WoWPoint,string>' enth?lt keine Definition f?r 'RemoveWhere', und es konnte keine Erweiterungsmethode 'RemoveWhere' gefunden werden, die ein erstes Argument vom Typ 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Styx.WoWPoint,string>' akzeptiert (Fehlt eine Using-Direktive oder ein Assemblyverweis?). [18:27:04.809 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\Maurice\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Plugins\GB2DynBlacklistPlugin\GB2DynBlacklistPlugin.cs(53,16) : error CS1928: 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Styx.WoWPoint,string>' enth?lt keine Definition f?r 'Contains', und die ?berladung der optimalen Erweiterungsmethode 'System.Linq.Queryable.Contains<TSource>(System.Linq.IQueryable<TSource>, TSource)' weist einige ung?ltige Argumente auf. [18:27:04.809 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\Maurice\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Plugins\GB2DynBlacklistPlugin\GB2DynBlacklistPlugin.cs(53,16) : error CS1929: Instanzenargument: Konvertierung von 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Styx.WoWPoint,string>' in 'System.Linq.IQueryable<Styx.WoWPoint>' ist nicht m?glich. [18:27:04.809 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\Maurice\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Plugins\GB2DynBlacklistPlugin\GB2DynBlacklistPlugin.cs(55,13) : error CS1501: Keine ?berladung f?r die Methode 'Add' nimmt 1-Argumente an.