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  • Who wants a new bot base?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by fpsware, Feb 26, 2014.



    1. NEVER!

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    1. jengnieermo

      jengnieermo New Member

      Dec 18, 2013
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      I think another consideration should be a FULL AFK Dungeon Leveling Botbase. This levels characters MUCH faster then questing. If we could get to a 100% AFK point it would change the way we bot.
    2. Hydroxsys

      Hydroxsys Community Developer

      Feb 2, 2014
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      both the solo questing and BG's are in pretty bad shape atm
    3. Ratz241

      Ratz241 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Some really stupid posts in this thread, what we REALLY need is a better gathering botbase.

      Gatherbuddy2 has been handing out bans like it's Christmas morning since last year and is only getting worse, yet as an example someone want's a dungeon levelling botbase? wtf? Dungeonbuddy did me 15-85 just fine, far better than I expected actually and we have perfectly capable farming profiles for dungeons too, I have no clue why requests like this are made.

      I can understand the need for perhaps a battleground botbase as well, but honestly fpsware, the whole reason your farmer Joe project got so much attention and even made blizzard target you for bans is the fact that Gatherbuddy2 to put it bluntly, is a pile of shit now, that botbase has not evolved in the slightest in the last few years and how blizzard are detecting thing's. In fact I don't have the faintest idea what is going on behind the scenes that the team and staff actually think its an acceptable botbase now.

      I've been here since the old forums, nearly hitting 5 years now and I remember when it all started with the very first Gatherbuddy, thing's used to be so different, there was actual consideration on the safety of how the bot ran and how it performed, I'm not talking about detection, but I'm talking about how thing's were improved upon because the way to be detected was server side, we cannot be caught by warden yet the one thing we can be detected with doesn't have the same aggressive attitude to defeat. I see so many "Well it's upto the user to bot safely" how about giving us the correct tools to get around it? We can only do so much.

      I would have no problems paying for Farmer Joe, I know a shit load of other people wouldn't either. You know why? People are utterly and completely sick of GB2 which is why there has been such an upsurge in other ways to farm gold now, pickpocketing, instance farming.. ect No one wants to gather now, period, GB2 is done.

      You can spot someone gathering an absolute mile off, even to the easy to spot thing's like the way it moves.. How is that acceptable?? I recently had a 10 month hiatus and came back and nothing has been done about it by the staff.
    4. lampter

      lampter Member

      Aug 15, 2012
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      BG bot is so easy to spot now....
    5. Staffix

      Staffix Banned

      Dec 20, 2012
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      I voted for RAF and gathering, it's what i make most of my gold of.. so that's what i voted on.
    6. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      About the 'advertising' forum rules...

      Confusion occurs on these topics from time to time. So, its time to put some things into perspective on how Bossland GmbH manages them.

      Your statement about "cannot understand the policies" is probably due to considerations you do not see. Laws in certain countries expose Bossland GmbH to legal liabilities if they allow third-party transactions to occur on their forums. Bossland GmbH has chosen not to expose itself to such liabilities. The forum mods do due diligence by deleting 'advertising posts' and other posts that can open up legal exposure.

      There are other reasons Bossland GmbH chooses not to allow such activities, but these are not for public consumption.

      Not to be callous, but...
      ...you are not required to understand. These are policies set forth by Bossland GmbH, and these are the policies that the moderators are required to enforce. The company owners have made these determinations, and chosen to run their company this way.

      We have absolutely no problem with people donating...
      ...to encourage further development efforts of Community members. We even allowed the "FarmerJoe" thread that was testing the water to see if a reasonable number of donations would be forthcoming.

      Bossland GmbH defines "donation" in the traditional sense of the word?"an unsolicited gift, grant, or contribution". The instant a "donation" is solicited or 'required' on the Bossland GmbH forums?the offering is defined as a paid product. (Note, this is not the same thing as telling someone 'how to donate', or providing the convenience of a tasteful 'donate' button.)

      By extension, Bossland GmbH disallows the 'supporting' of paid third-party products on the forum also. This is why you frequently see posts deleted from Combat Routine (and other threads). Bossland GmbH only allows 'support' for the 'free' versions of said products that are actually hosted on the forums.

      Community developers offering such 'free' versions apparently find value in making them available here. In short, this is a very subtle form as advertising?if there is a 'free' version, there may be a 'premium' version to be had. To find it, takes a simple google. If you choose to partake of a 'premium' routine, Bossland GmbH expects you to find support for the 'premium' version on a forum hosted by the author?not on the Bossland GmbH forums. As with all things, if the value proposition is not acceptable to the professional Community developer, then there is nothing forcing the author to provide a 'free' version.

      As far as FPSware's post getting deleted...
      "If it smells like a duck, and quacks like a duck...".

      FPSware's post said in part "...anything further I develop will be closed source and a paid product. Costs between $5 - 20 USD can be expected." This is no longer a determination for the potential offering of "is it worth my time, effort, and frustration to support the Community and expect a reasonable number of donations to defray expenses". But, this was outright marketing survey?which is simply 'advertising' as far as Bossland GmbH is concerned. It is disingenuous to claim this is not a marketing survey.

      To date, we have allowed FarmerJoe-like posts, as they have a valid purpose. However, if such posts continue to cause confusion and angst, and "where the line is with respect to Bossland GmbH policies", then Bossland GmbH will have no choice but to disallow them in the future.

      People purchase Honorbuddy with the value proposition that is in place at the time. If you make the purchase, and the features work as advertised, then the transaction was equitable. For those that feel the value proposition was inequitable, Bossland GmbH offers a 7-day "no questions asked" refund policy.

      In reality, Bossland GmbH is practically giving away Honorbuddy, if you consider all the development effort that is placed into the bot core, and all the provided profiles, plugins, quest behaviors, meshing, etc. provided by Bossland GmbH. Honorbuddy was *built* to be extended by the Community. Just because such an extension is built does not alter the value proposition originally provided by Bossland GmbH when you made the decision to buy the bot.

      Additionally, when Bossland GmbH decides a Community member has made a significant contribution it would like to further bundle into the value proposition, Bossland GmbH makes that Community member a good faith offer to see if the work can be released and shipped as part of the Honorbuddy distribution. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this?it make great business sense, and is done all the time in every industry.

      In short, Bossland is a very shrewd and generous businessman.

      Additionally, your subscription is for lifetime?this makes the value proposition unbelievably skewed in the customer's favor. Realistically, if this were any other software product, Bossland GmbH would make you re-buy the bot each time a WoWclient expansion is released.

      With your very low one-time purchase price, we have updated the bot with the incredibly amount of change introduces by each Bliz expansion pack, managed to keep up with Bliz shenanigans of changing quest goals, kept Singular working through several revamps of the talent system and skills use for all the classes, changing terrain and NPC locations, changing entry criteria for achieving certain goals, provide 24/7 support for the product. We have updated the bot through all the expansions, and patches, effectively 'for free' since you purchased it. Such things cause much development effort to be expended.

      Yes, the bot has bugs. Some of the bugs are ours, and many are caused by Bliz changes, or users running HB in all kinds of non-supported configurations. Yet, we persevere in trying to make it work smoothly and reliably for as many people as we can, regardless. Very few products on the market (read 'none') have bugs introduced by a third-party (i.e., Bliz). This is a unique situation for any product to be in.

      This is both a specious statement, and a non-sequitur.

      Bossland GmbH does not prevent anyone for earning a return on their work. Bossland GmbH just says "don't use our forums to do it". This is fair, as Bossland GmbH is paying for the forum, and doesn't want the legal exposure it opens up.

      If other authors are also making money from you, it is only fair to ask them to provide their own advertising and support channels.

      We do listen. We communicate.

      Just because the answers are not what you want to hear, or the delivery date was not yesterday, doesn't mean we're not working our posteriors off. Bossland GmbH is not a mega-corporation as you seem to think it is. We are a handful of people trying to make the best bot and infrastructure possible. We do this based on priorities and timetables that are obviously not congruent with your expectations. That is understandable, as there is much of the picture most Community members cannot see.

      This post may have seemed to be a bit harsh, and for that we apologize.

      The takeaway is...
      • These are Bossland GmbH forums, and the forum rules have been established for very good reasons.
        Even though, you may not be aware of why all the rules exist.

      • You obviously thought the value proposition of Honorbuddy was sufficient when you bought it.
        For instance, Dungeonbuddy, Archeologybuddy, AutoAngler2, etc were not even available when you claimed you purchased Honorbuddy. To complain about them not working, or a 'missing feature' is a non-sequitur.

      One last thing...
      this post is waaaaay off-topic, but we felt it was necessary to address the confusion. Further off-topic posts in this thread will be deleted.

      Last edited: Jul 1, 2016
    7. Rayne01

      Rayne01 New Member

      Apr 8, 2013
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      After reading all the posts after my original post, I'm in agreement with the Farmer Joe bot-base. An incredible amount of hype has been developed yet not even a beta test for the masses has been opened, this project could potentially save a lot of people from an untimely ban and quite literally save hundreds of accounts. I would also like to emphasis a point made by a previous poster, that I too would gladly donate for Farmer Joe to see the light of day.

      Don't get me wrong, DB works, albeit a little frustrating at times, but, it still works, again, as a previous poster has said, the current state of GB2 has caused a significant amount of account-deaths and your product/bot-base could indeed resolve this issue.
    8. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      You are mistaken, Farmer Joe closed beta testing has been in progress for months.
    9. Rayne01

      Rayne01 New Member

      Apr 8, 2013
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      Closed beta testing is the opposite of what my post states, hence, beta test for the masses... Not mistaken, you simply took my statement out of context and placed it within another context to contest, my point still stands, no offense of course.
    10. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Sorry, reading and reply from my iPhone, I didn't give it the full attention I should have.
    11. Rayne01

      Rayne01 New Member

      Apr 8, 2013
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      It's quite alright, I wasn't going for the offensive approach, I'm simply emphasizing a lust for a bot-base that hasn't seen its full potential or fruition on an open scale, in which, surely, even on your end of the water, you can see the land is pretty dry for the rest of us that didn't get the opportunity to take part in the beta.
    12. naut

      naut Community Developer

      Feb 9, 2012
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      Entirely Understandable

      Ddos attacks against websites and servers
      Snow on a winters day effecting shipment deliveries
      Power failure on massive grid due to a car smashing into a power line

      These are all examples of bugs introduced by a third party, all of these companies are responsible for keeping the show on the road regardless of their issues. Bossland knew blizzard would be up his ass when he made HB, to use it as any kind of defense is just laughable.

      If something is advertised as water-proof, they arent later given credit for it remaining to be waterproof after 2,5,10 years. Infact if it does not remain waterproof they are given incredibly bad reviews on that product.

      The features of honorbuddy are not listed on Honorbuddy.com, it is only upon reading through the forums you can get a good idea of what is available. But majority of things on the forums are made by community developers that chances are will not keep up development forever with no incentive.
    13. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Please sir, if you would be so kind as to quote my ENTIRE post and not the excerpts that are suitable for the purposes of your argument. The key part of the sentence you are missing is as follows "In all likelihood...", thereby changing the meaning of my sentence from an outright statement to a likely outcome.

      Also, can you please be so kind as to provide a link to the terms and conditions, rules and regulations you, and your fellow moderator have stated above. While ignorance of the rules is no exception from the rules, you need to make every effort to avail us of said rules and regulations in an easily accessible and understandable manner. I will admit that at times I have felt moderation has been dealt with arbitrarily rather then adhereing to specific moderation guidelines.

      Upon further consideration I feel this thread has diverged considerably from my original intention, as such I withdraw my offer and wish this thread to be closed immediately.

      In closing, for those who are interested in any future works I choose to release please feel free to personal message me and I will provide the relevant information.
    14. Mirabis

      Mirabis Community Developer

      Jun 14, 2010
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      I do not read all ur posts, nor am I up-to-date with what u released...

      But didn't u just got banned, made a *beg/request* thread for wow bundles and still have to release ur other botbases?

      Why would U start on a new one so soon...?
    15. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      1. I suggest you read all posts then.
      2. Your interpretation of the thread in question is inaccurate to say the very least. It was not a "beg/request" thread, it was notice to the community I was done with HB. As discussions continued I put forward a proposal that was accepted by a number of community members.
      3. I offered no time frame in this thread. The sole purpose of was to gauge community interest, it was not a my intention to immediately commence work on it.

      Why do people continually presume that because I requested community feedback that I will immediately commence work on it.

      EDIT: Its called planning ahead and forethought.

      EDIT 2: I just re-read my reply and I apologize if this came off sounding agressive or rude, that was not my intention.
    16. Lemmi

      Lemmi New Member

      Aug 2, 2013
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      lol, as much as you have done for the community.. your posts were you try to sound honest and naive, while clearly breaking the rules with the real meaning, fooling most of the users who are grateful to you, really shows who you are.. Its the third time you blalantly lie to the community and fight whoever claims otherwise to earn money. I don't mean that you do not deserve to get paid for all your development and stuff, but your lack of honesty and phoney attitude to look like the hero who is not asking for anything in return is disgusting. To much batman for my taste.
      No offense, of course, like your comments were you deny asking for money because you are not directly doing it, i'm adding that phrase so that you shouldnt get angry because "clearly i didn't meant it that way", just some pointing at what has been you behaviour lately and many i've talked to think.
    17. Xarian

      Xarian Member

      Aug 31, 2013
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      Hi China,

      I appreciate your response, i realise FPSware has asked for the thread to be closed, but on an ending note i would like to say that while i agree with all your logic, well most of it anyway, you contradict your point by stating feature lists and product value upon purchase from Bosslandgmbh.

      Honorbuddy.com does not contain a feature list of the bot. Only on the checkout page does it name the "botbases" it contains, one would think that atleast it can DO these things when you purchase it, when in fact it cannot. A person that bought this bot 6 months ago would today find a drop in value of the product he purchased with a feature list that is at this moment in time broken in comparison.

      I have had aquintences come here and place donation links in their threads for it to only be removed, and warned, even when the content was free. Yet special people are allowed, you argue that law is the cause for the denial of such links, are you saying some people here are above said law? Or are you just willing to take the chances with people you find more valuable to the community?

      I have been here for a very long time, i have seen first hand the depreciation of content from bosslandgmbh, it is saddening and i think any one person that has been here for as long, would show the same worry that i do at this point in time.

    18. mindtrapper

      mindtrapper Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Too much negative activity lately. Seems like this community will be its own undoing, Blizzard won't have to do a thing... Sad.
    19. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Thread closed, per FPSware's request.

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