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  • 30min ban

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by kallibus, Feb 28, 2014.

    1. kallibus

      kallibus New Member

      Mar 13, 2014
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      Sorry for the late report.

      Wednesday morning at 9:50 i logged in on 3 accounts 1 farming 1dungeonbuddy 1sitting in AH no bot on
      my farming and AH account got banned no mail nothing
      went to live chat at 10:30 and got unbanned instant.
      Cause i was autoscript banned by there security scripts.
      I had farmed to much in the past days or active mining alot.
      Told the GM i wanted that spectral mount of 800k gold. so i got unbanned

      He gave me an advice
      Do some dungeons after 2hour farming so the script wont get you

      So all take that for safe botting guy
      2hour farm and 1 or 2 dungeons would get you not banned
    2. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Thanks for the report, zwanenburg!

      That was known by some people here since ages but its not widely spread/used.

      Randomizing your activities reduce the flag&autoban chance alot.

      I am confident no matter if you run dungeons before or after farming, if you do different activities on your account, it will act much more like human, and will prolong the ban long enough.

      Of course you are still vulnerable to players reports, nothing could stop you off this, indeed. Even phased gathering, since some freaks hunt for botters with the /who ingame command, and it cannot miss :/

      But thanks to Honorbuddy team, you can use tons of "randomization" activities, which are usually human-like together with 100% afk (0% monitoring)
      I can mention only a few (but you can add much more than me):

      - Dungeonbuddy for farming all the LFR wings - 100% afk
      - Pack 3x bots for Scenarios/Heroic Scenarios - 80% afk for Heroic (100% afk if you have decent ilvl)
      - 5x bots for Dungeonbuddy heroic dungeon spam
      - Daily questing with the great TheBrodieman's collection
      - Even moderated bot-like activites, which you do short enough for the moderation - Archeology, Fishing, Shuffling (But NOT AH botting :D)
    3. next447

      next447 New Member

      Mar 17, 2014
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      I have to disagree. Even with those activities you can still be busted. I was doing those things and was banned. Still baffles me. But it happened and they "confirmed" it.
    4. UnicornFart

      UnicornFart New Member

      Feb 14, 2013
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      You can be banned doing anything at anytime.....

      But for a while, I've only botted 2-4 hours at a time for something, and never quest levelling or mining/herbing. Sometimes 48 hours straight, but never more than 4 hours on one profile.

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