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  • Protecteditems.xml, are they really worth the time ?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Bertrand, Mar 2, 2014.

    1. Bertrand

      Bertrand Active Member

      Aug 8, 2012
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      Well goes without saying that i jsut started botting wow,please dont judge i just ask for help here. There is really important issue concerning lvling, selling all those protected items on the ah that the bot wotn vendor. I mean, the way i see it, i need to use my hearthstone back to one of the cities where there is auction house npc, list all the items, and then take the time going back to the original location where he was questing, i just feel it is not worth it.
      Not to mention the time it will take me to be constantly around my bots and waiting for their stashes to get filled.

      Will i be doing such a bad mistake if i opted not to sell any of the pre-90 items i obtain, deciding they are simply not worth the time ? And if there is anyone that has a good "Protecteditems.xml" file that can share with me as i really dont know what is truly worth it and what is trash ( cloth, as someone mentioned me), i would be forever grateful dude. I'll even buy you a beer !
    2. Jericho316

      Jericho316 New Member

      Aug 29, 2011
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      If you set a mail recipient the bot will mail the cloth etc to that char, and continue your current profile. You can then use the recipient char to stan in a town and post auctions manually or with something like ahbuddy

      This depends on your server economy an how much gold you want to make. If you have 10k gold, and each stack is worth 50g on the ah you might want to keep them protected. If you have 500k gold and the ah price is 5g per stack, maybe you dont care.
    3. BubbaDad

      BubbaDad Member

      Jul 29, 2013
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      I send everything to my banker, I vendor only the grey items. Then I leisurely figure out what to do with my junk. If you have 500k gold and the ah price is 5g per stack, maybe you dont care. I'm greedy and every copper counts.

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