I have diabled kill between hotspots but my char kills boars at the entrace to og all the time. Im level 13 now and the bot should travel me to northern barrens but it doesnt. Please help me :X EDIT: Fixed it Just moved near northern barrens and now he moves there
nice! yeah sorry about that the bot will attack anything with the same faction ID as the mobs its set to kill.
Got the same bug in northern barrens. Disabled kill between hotspots but my orc kills still the low borks. How do i fix that? EDIT: it seems like the bot tries to move to the Hotspot but kills all mobs in his radius so the kill between hotspots doesnt work probably
This is working out great for me so far. Will update with progress... Durotar 1-10 flawless at the moment
Thought it would work correctly after seeing how everyone said it was working flawlessly but thats not my experience. It's gotten stuck twice just sitting there trying to attack something that it cannot reach and after manually getting it to that point, it just stops completely. EDIT: Seems to have ran okay since the two times it got stuck early on.
Hello! I've been trying to download the profile for two days already. Yesterday, the downloaded .xml were blank, and today they won't download any more, so would to mind to provide another link to download the last revision? Thanks!
There is a mob which is not in line of sight, because it is bugged in a ship wreck in durotar. Is there anything to blacklist it ? (It's one this scropions). My bot walk always against the ship and stand still.
Hi, all, As stated here... [Board] Board downtime info Hydroxsys will need to re-upload the attachments to recover from the forum crash. cheers, chinajade
To everyone that has been waiting I'm sorry it took so long but it is now 100% up and running I went through the total code and revamped a lot of work making it work better and optimizing grind areas, fixed avoided mobs and more check the patch notes enclosed in the CODE wraps. newest revision is loaded revision 5 as of today!
we appreciate it we all (or nearly everyone) have a life beside the buddy community ;D thx for including a fix for the bugged mob in the cursed ship wreck
Just tried running this on my 80 shammy, it says: Then just sits at loading tiles? I'll try a fresh HB install and see if the same thing happens. (And yes he's in Org!) Update: Still loading tiles on a fresh HB install, tried running Singular as well. I just realized, my toon doesn't have flying in Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms, could that be it.. ? Update 2: Bought proper flying after selling myself in Dalaran for a while, no regrets. But it was moving slightly in Org and failing. Update 3: Flew it to Uldum myself, plopped it down, took a sec but the bot is running now.
It happened the same to me. Except that after one min or so, it went and took a flight to Tanaris. Now.. I'm really undeargeared for that. Should I be doing Hyjal intro quests for items?