Hey buddys the thread title says it all. I RAF'ed myself and I would like to know how close Blizz is watching RAF'ed accounts. In other words how safe is it to bot on the new account? Thanks in advance HanD P.S.: Hope thats the right Forum for this question :-D EDITFor closed explaniton) I would like to play 1 char by hand and run the RAF acc with Fpswares LazyBoxer.
I suggest using a 5 man group and run dungeonbuddy.. (with or without raf.. but!) Imo. i'd rather have my group take another 2 days to get to 85 than do it in 15-18 hours It might be because of my semi-tinfoil hat.. but in general i like to keep my accounts as seperated as possible.. nobody can actually say how safe it is, it comes down to personal preferences.. Some say go for it, go go go fast speed 300% exp and train through dungeons getting 5 lvls pr. dungeon.. Others like the perspective of them not being linked in any way, even tho it takes 2 days more. Hope it helps you abit I'll ofcourse advice you to NOT raf them, because i think it's safer..