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  • Mailing plugin request

    Discussion in 'Requests' started by Mad.Lobster, Mar 14, 2014.

    1. Mad.Lobster

      Mad.Lobster New Member

      Mar 18, 2013
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      Good day ladies and gentlemen, I have a question. Is it possible to make a plugin that will mail items by rarity or by name to different toons? For example, when my toon bags are full and he goes to mailbox to clear them, he mail all items by rarity (rarity of the items that he should mail is written in the profile ofc) to the character from the HB settings. But if i want to mail, for example, all greens to one toon, and all blues to other, or i want to mail all Windwool Cloth to one char, and all other items to another. Is it possible to make some mailing filter plugin?
      Maby that kind of plugin already exists, but I had searched the forum and doesn't find it.
    2. Arturusdent

      Arturusdent New Member

      Apr 8, 2013
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      I've been trying to find the same thing. MailMan Free is the closest I've found, but because it's a plugin that only works when you're standing around with Combat Bot open, you would need to mail everything to one toon with a ton of bag space, run MailMan to distribute it all, then go back to what you were doing.

      Ideally, I'd like to find something like what you're describing so I can have the same toon farm herbs and ore, and send each to a different toon when HB empties bags.

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