Hey guys I'm looking for a plugin which allow my bots to ONLY disenchant rare/epics, and keep the greens so I can sell it to vendor. anything have a plugin for this, or maybe now how to fix it? Regards, Homerrox
Bump - since autoequip doesnt work anymore, or since it have been implemented in hb, it is just disenchanting all greens, how to fix this?!
AutoEquip2, Talented2 and Disenchant Integrated. you can change it in Settings and Tools. You should read the releases if hb makes an update. If you want to disenchant only certain items, look for the plugin disenchantrix.
I already read about the new release, even talked to the authors "http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/152704-autoequip2-talented2-finally-integrated-3.html" - and no it doesnt work, please read the posts before commenting on things you don't know about. bump!
it works great use this one http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/plugins/uncataloged/143652-plugin-disenchantrix.html gruss
I read it wasnt useable when "on the go", so I doubt it will help me in dungeons, unless I make my enchanter need all gear I believe.
You have read? I read a lot of problems that do not always apply to everyone. try it it out. I use myself Disenchantrix in dungeons. I have no problems. nobody is perfect